I need to lose some weight, fast. I am going to the Bahamas soon and need to look my best in order to get some pussy...

I need to lose some weight, fast. I am going to the Bahamas soon and need to look my best in order to get some pussy. Currently 212 lbs, and have been eating better (no carbs, sugars etc). Have been green juicing and lost 10 lbs.

How to improve this?

It's not so much what you eat, it's how much you eat.
Stop eating like a fat person and exercise. Even just walking around the neighborhood is better then sitting on your fat ass dining nothing.

Stay fat and find someone who loves it.

One way to lose a lot of weight would be to simply not eat for 3-5 days, but this method is very unhealthy. The first couple days your body takes fat from organs such as the liver. After that your body starts taking stored fats. Overall you'd lose around 2-3 pounds per day. Again, its not healthy to do this.

Dining? What the fuck does that mean? Did you mean to say doing? You're fucking stupid.

Thats not true. Joe Rogan podcast had a Dr on their explaining some fat ass actially just stopped eating and lost a shit ton of weight, but what was fascinatiing was his skin shrunk with his body not leaving any excess flab after he was skinny.

I wasn't talking about skin flab, I was just saying it is unhealthy to fast for this long as it can cause some organ problems. It can also be dangerous if you do not take vitamins and drink lots of water. I didn't know that about skin excess though. I will have to watch that.

You look less fat when your frontal torso muscles keep your belly from hanging down. Do appropriate exercises!

Shut the fuck up you fat peice of shit. I meant doing and you know damn well that's what I was saying.

Then why didn't you say that? You stupid nigger. by the by, i'm not the OP. I just think your a faggot.

You must exercise.. losing weight from dieting alone takes much longer.

Refer to

I don't know whats happening to me, I don't feel hungry anymore, I don't eat much during the day and when I try and force myself to eat I just feel sick, I'm not doing it on purpose it just happens, anyone know why this is?

Start going to the gym like a regular fucking person? Hit gym 5-6 days a week, do 3-4 days cardio and 1-2 days of weights (1 day chest/shoulders and 1 day back and biceps)

Calories in. Calories Out.

Eat less move more.

Run 1000 calorie deficit every day and you should lose around 2lbs a week. It doesn't matter how you do this. You could do it by eating less or do it by moving more. All that matters are far as burning fat is concerned is that you're running a calorie deficit.

Macros (watching carbs, sugar, fat, protein) won't matter unless you are already at an ideal BMI or you are trying to bulk. If you are just trying to lose fat you can largely ignore this.

You can run heavier deficits but it starts to become unhealthy losing weight faster than this. If it is short term then go for it but you wouldn't want to build a lifestyle around majorly under-eating.

>by the by
What the fuck does that mean you dumb mother fucker. No wonder you can't lose weight, you're too dumb to comprehend weight loss.

Also to add on to this, track your calories. You don't have to be hyper accurate with it but having some idea of how much you are actually eating and moving logged somewhere will help you keep to a goal.

Hey if you're gonna try to correct other people's spelling, try spelling you're correctly you fucking nigger


Bunch of faggy ass niggers up in here today.

At least I'm not a fat disgusting peice of shit.

Maybe actually try exercising rather than just not eating, fatty.

Not OP, but I've recently started a pretty heavy calorie cut to go back down to 150. Because I work a third shift job, I don't usually eat three full meals a day, it's usually a light snack when I wake up, maybe another small snack around 4, then I cook dinner for my family around 7. I don't eat again until almost 3 AM, and lately it's been a meal replacement drink.

My question is, assuming I don't use tablespoons of butter at a time and fry everything, what's a good estimate to how many calories a typical dinner portion has? I don't cook outrageously healthy but I make sure it's well rounded and not junky, I feed two small children.

I also eat a "home cooked meal" around once a day and counting calories there seems like a pain in the ass at first but once you get into a groove it becomes pretty easy.

A lot of calorie tracking apps give you pretty accurate calculations of ingredients. If I know how many calories are in 10oz of chicken breast, 2tbs of butter, 3 cups of broccoli, and however much salt and seasonings and whatever I am putting on it I can just add it all together and divide by how many portions I am serving.

Again it is a pain in the ass at first, but once you start to remember your family's "main-stays" it only takes a few minutes to round everything up. As far as how I watch my calories I am not super accurate about it. I am not a body builder so I can afford to be off by a decent amount every day and still end up at my goals. As long as I am keeping a general running tally it really helps in those decisions of "Shit I am already at about 2200 calories for the day, I probably shouldn't eat this brownie..." or "Hey I have the budget to treat myself" or "I need to run a little bit longer tomorrow because I went over today"

Cam you recommend a good calorie tracking app? I've heard good things about MyFitnessPal but I'm always up for more recommendations

Diet and cardio. You will be ready to go to the bahamas in about 2 years.

I use Lose It! because my workflow is faster than MyFitnessPal but whatever works I guess

Pick up smoking.
Also see if you can find a speed hookup, if not just excessive amounts of coffee.

>watching carbs
>watching sugar

It's like you want to only lose water weight.

Fuck all the gizmo's and calorie trackers and stupid shit.
Wanna lose weight? Eat only meat chicken or fish, nothing breaded.
Drop ALL sugar, now!
No more fast foods, crap foods or junk foods. If it has more than 1 ingredient, don't eat it.
Eat all the veggies you want, as many raw as you can. Cut out the dips and salad dressings over time.
You will learn there are some you can make that will be okay.
Don't eat any fruit for the first couple weeks.
No rice, pasta beans or potatoes.
Drink NOTHING but water, home brewed tea or Kombucha. A diet pop or two a week won't stop your weight loss, but control it or forget it!
Fucking exercise! (BTW, fucking is good exercise)
Walk around the neighborhood, ride a bike, park at the far end of the parking lot at work or shopping. And then if you want, and you should want, get to a gym!
but remember, you cannot out exercise a shit tier American diet!
Cook with coconut oil or real butter!
Meat, fish, a little cheese, eggs, veggies, water!

How much time do you have?