Royal Trux

I just listened to this album and I have no idea how anyone could possibly enjoy it. Has anyone else listened to this album and liked it? If so, what about it do you like? I'm genuinely curious

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This has been on my to listen list for a while just because the descriptions make it sound interesting if nothing else. What did you dislike ?

better than most. of what is posted on mu

It was just a woman and a man half talking/half mumbling over occasional electronic sounds and walls of noise, being accompanied by droning guitar loops that sounds like an autistic gorilla smacking his hands on a guitar

Sometimes I think albums like these are created as a joke of some sort.
Good detector though. If you think this sounds acceptable in any way you probably need to have your brain checked, there might be a tumor in a size of a grapeftuit.

i like the noise

I would prefer just general noise music, but this just doesn't really seem to have any merit to it, you know?

Gonna listen right now, will post results


This is pretty cool, its like a noisy indie Beefheart

Holy shit this

Thats exactly what it is

You have to be strung out on heroin to get it.

There's quite a few people who revere this album as fantastic, which is why I was confused. What about it do you like?

I'm sold

be careful!

I guess I like the individual noises, they're bluesy and noisy and the vocals are pretty good too. It feels like some sort of hellish wasteland party.

well i mean as long as you actually like it, then cool. i guess its just not for me

I think it's extremely good.

I love the atmospheres, can't really get them any other way. I love the crazy sounds and the crazy sound contrasts. I think it's a really interesting album on a technical/compositional level too.

I have not been able to buy this album yet to complete their opening trilogy. I'm also interested in the three releases after they were signed

great textures. also just a really fun album in how it teases the listener with traditional elements mixed in with the chaos

'dinosaur-shaped car nelson mandella burning in hell'? i know that's you dawg come out of your hole and face me

don't forget to check out dan'l boone too

Yo OP, let's see if i can help you out. Royal Trux is my favorite band and i also found twin infinitives to be really harsh and inaccessible when i first heard it. RTX have much more pleasant and smooth experimental music that could possibly help you work your way into TI which is their best album. i also know that a lot of people just prefer their more accessible music and don't really listen to TI. so here's a small list of such RTX songs. and scaruffi goes balls to the wall describing TI if you want to check his page on them

weed helps unironically dude weed

pretty sure that's a stupid theory

i rec cats and dogs that's one of their best albums

They do noise well but it's not all noise music if you go through their albums.

Turn of the Century is amazing

Cats and Dogs is great, probably the only album of theirs I clicked with completely on first listen. Best lo-if album of its era imo

you go any further since?

Their latter albums sound like glam Beastie Boys