Like Trump? Kiss your friends who don't goodbye

Trump supporters BTFO. Your friends who don't like him don't wanna hang out with you

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>Mfw have center-lefty friends and family that despite our differences, both laugh about the conservative and labour party

Sounds like anti white racism.

All my lefty friends already know I'm a huge racist and a donald trump supporter

>muh hateful sexist xenophobic islamophobic tirade

can't these people come up with anything new? they have desensitized everyone to their buzzwords and have nothing else to say

anyway. I'm not losing any friends over trump. if it even comes up then I'll defend my views rationally and coherently, only leftist drones wouldn't be able to find some common ground and I don't keep friends like that anyhow

What kind of person is so shallow that they only talk to people who agree with them on everything?

>I can understand people having different opinions, but I can't understand having ones I don't like.
Thanks for the lesson in empathy we all know Republicans badly need.

If your "friends" leave you forever over a single matter, they were never your friends to begin with.

ITS ALL OVER BOYS. TRUMP IS THE NOMINEE! Time to "Start me up" for the General Election against war criminal Hillary Rodham Clinton. Watch : Only one minute long!

>le ebin "I'll remove you on Facebook if you support X" post

The last guns in a liberal's arsenal are their precious fucking social media accounts & the virtue signaling online persona they've strived to create. This sort of thing is really, really common, too. Pathetic.

Gtfo shill

It's not about winning for Trump, it's about planting seeds. It's about showing the world the gross underbelly of the republican party. He will eventually announce he was a joke candidate on the side of HRC and will shame the millions of racist, white Americans duped into voting for him.

He's a disgusting racist and it's horrifying how many white losers fell for his schtick. He did well to completely destroy the party in a way that could only have been orchestrated by a mastermind like Hillary Clinton. She's laughing her ass off right now, at you, OP. At everyone on this shitty site. How could you possibly win the election with only white men voting for you? You're a shrinking minority in the US.

Women hate Trump
PoC hate Trump
The young hates Trump
The media hates Trump
Hollywood hates Trump

The very vocal minority of old white men is dying, and you're all pushing them off the cliff even faster. The republican party will dissolve after this election, and we'll be ruled by democrats for the next 500 years. Hopefully you enjoy the social justice, freedom, safety, and prosperity that democrats will bring you. Try not to throw any more hissyfits, we're tired of having to change your poopy diapers.


So disliking socialism is merely a difference of opinions, even though it's an economic system that has lead to untold millions dead from the countries that have adopted it. But being a "racist misogynist" [citation needed] is the absolute worst thing in the world.


I can't believe guys like this.
I'm a vegan, but I don't understand this constant hate for any conservative candidate.

Well those people are weak minded degenerates that enjoy getting cucked and I really don't want to be friends with those shit bags.

Sounds like it would make things a lot easier.

> I'm not friends with people who aren't like me and don't like people that aren't like them

Cool bruh, tell me more about your mental disorders.

I actually attend a public college in California, in the Bay Area, and I openly support Trump.

Honestly, no one treats me any different at all after they learn I support Trump. It's more of a "Yeah, whatever" kind of thing.

Only normies have friends

>can understand a difference in politcs
>but wahhhh trump

doers he mean to suggest that donald trump is 'outside' of politics?

I already kicked most away anyhow, if they want to destroy this country how can they be my friend? Acquaintances, the lot of them.

leftists are insane, and they are enemies, of freedom, security, prosperity, the family, tradition etc

why would anyone want friends like that?

any friend that leaves me over a political difference wasn't my friend to begin with.

>republicans dont care about anyone else

Wew lad these hillary shills are stupid

The world hates Germanstan too.
Shut the fuck up.

>tolerant leftists

I can't wait for you to become a caliphate

I love that this rift is getting so wide. God, I hope we get civil wars soon.


Shit I lost all those back in August. We full MAGA.

No, it means you're allowed to have your opinion as long as your opinion aligns with my own.

When leftists say they are open and tolerant to other opinions, they just mean they want a spectrum of various leftist ideologies.

My friends don't vote, but they thought it was pretty cool that I was supporting Trump because they see the asshurt he causes on facebook.

Does that first reply in pic related look familiar?

Sorry to say this guys.

But as you all insist on Trump, I am now disallowing the board to give me (yous)

Don't even try it """"""tough (((guys)))"""""

Fuck off, you've been shilling your fucking video for days you goddamn leaf.

>Women hate Trump
>PoC hate Trump
speak for yourself faggot

Was about to post this, it's like they're not even trying.


How are we btfo if people are stupid and immature enough to give up friendships over differences in political views?

That's just retarded. That's the kind of ignorance on the left that Trump is exposing.

Can't Stump The Trump

I knew you would all listen to my tuff guy warning.

it's already a war, except it isn't civil, there morans have been indoctrinated and brainwashed on purpose by an outside force

He's a kike, right? Typical Jewish tolerance.

>an open letter to my friends
>written as a public article for this online magazine

is this what passes for work? Do these people get paid?


Gtfo shorty Shapiro. Nice proxy fagget.

he's been shilling his videos for months

I'm you're friend buddy

>I can't stand your candidate
>I know you're going to hide/delete my post
>proceeds to shit on my own friends for their political choice
Lol you must be a shitty friend, OP. I've yet to remove anyone for their support for a different candidate and distaste over Trump. In fact, I've been unfriended by lots of Bernie bots because I show my support for him.

I just don't care anymore.
Told my liberal gf that I don't want Hillary and I'd probably vote Trump if I was a republican and that I'm not against the wall idea. I speak often enough about how awesome guns are too.
Life is too short to pretend you give a shit, or to go along to get along.

post brown tits

Gen Z'ers



You can believe what you like. But don't spam. That's just incinsiderate

>I've yet to remove anyone for their support for a different candidate and distaste over Trump
talk about cucked. I am openly violent to anyone in my life who doesn't support trump.

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt at smearing her campaign.

>taking seriously the opinions of a man who looks like this

I'm a liberal and even I hate liberals these days

>le scary hitler man
I would never vote for trump but I will defend him when people make baseless claims about him.

No one is being paid to shill for Trump. It's a Democrat-funded lie and a pathetic attempt at smearing her campaign.

>kiss them
I'd rather shoot them


>I would never vote for trump but I will defend him when people make baseless claims about him.
you prefer crooked shillary then?

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt at smearing her campaign.

dew it

I'm sure by now since it's in every thread, it's just retards reposting it trying to be funny

>have liberal friends
>we disagree politically
>still have fun together desu

Women vote for whatever they feel more. And the Bernie women won't be going out en masse to support Hillary, that much should be obvious.
PoC is a broad term and includes a lot of races and nationalities. Cubans are more likely to vote for a Republican (which could decide Florida's election) and Black workers might be in favour of Trump's anti-NAFTA plans (which can help in states like PA, Ohio and Michigan). Also, most Hispanics are concentrated in non-battleground states like Texas, California and Arizona.
Next, young people do not vote. Like ever. Only the Trump supporters do. Have you ever been to a voting booth? I have several times and not once I have seen a young person there.
The media likes Trump because he gives them shekels. As long as he keeps being interesting, they will show his face and debate everything he says on live tv. This could help to bring forth people who usually do not care about politics.
Lastly, Hollywood is full of jews and they are being accused of being racist every year. And Trump's supporters aren't just old white men and even if they were, they could decide the election in PA, MI, WI and IO, all white states that Trump is aiming for you unpaid shill.

They weren't really your friends if they ditch you over something like politics.

So they don't go hunting with you and you don't go doctor shopping for abortions with them?

if you have liberal friends you are just as bad as them and will get no mercy when trump puts your ilk against the wall.


Nigger I've been supporting trump for months I can have any friends I want

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt at smearing her campaign

doesn't matter. Trump will have you put in the same camps as those libtards you call friends, you traitorous piece of shit.

Destroying their Minecraft settlement doesn't make you openly violent.

I had my first real interaction with someone like this. She was an assistant professor and drew furry porn on the side. W/e, furrows pay mad cash for artists to draw their sick shit and she makes it under the table. Still claimed to be on benefits though.

Anyway she posts this petition for Google to not sponsor "trumps" rnc because Michelle fields and 15 yo groped and pepper sprayed.

I literally just said, I don't support the petition because both those examples were false, video proved both cases (which I provided) and that the end was not trumps but the republican parties.

She said, even if that's so he's racist, sexist and disgusting. I asked for examples that were actually credible and she sends me click air from huffpost, gawker and Marie Claire uk. Literally quoted taken out of context, clipped to sound the most damaging.

I was like, woah that's a lit of click bait. Got anything that doesn't use tumblr as a source? Bam! Blocked. I was honestly surprised.

And then I wasnt.
And then I was sad.

People who dump their friends over political beliefs aren't good people, either. Rofl. Fuck these fucking people.

Dear Bernouts,

I can understand you being Commies, wanting free stuff, or wanting weed legal. Fine.

But how can you support the woman who LITERALLY paid 500 supervoters to cuck your guy out of the election? How can you support a woman currently under federal investigation for DESTROYING EVIDENCE RELATED TO THE MURDER OF A US DIPLOMAT. How can you support a women whose only running platform is "isn't it time we had a vagoo running this country? It's 2016!"

>implying I have friends to begin with.

take your nerd speak back to tumblr where beta leftist socialist male cucks like you are tolerated faggot.

Leftists confirmed for being the actual bigots.

That really depends. I have two roommates who are both liberals. But one I can joke around with and have friendly banter/debate and call each other nigger/faggot/etc. The other is your stereotypical intolerant leftist. You know the type. Well educated, comes from a yuppie family from an exclusively white town somewhere in upstate NY. The sort of person who unironically says "African Americans" as his preferred terminology and gets visibly/vocally butthurt when I use crude slurs and uses anecdotes like "well I know a smart african american guy" when discussing differences/disparities in race.

They're both bernouts and don't like Trump, but one is a good guy while the other is an insufferable cunt.

I'm an actual bigot and I'm sure as hell not leftist you fucking white guilt beta cucktard.

Like how they say not to show the face of the mass murderer because it only inspires.
They are doing this with trump, those who hate and despise liberals will look to those they hate and flock to that. It's their own fault if
trump wins. The best way is to ignore everything he says to ignore that he even exists to minimize exposure, but it's a bit late now.

>I´m cool with you removing me from your friends list if you don´t like this post

Except its only lefties who do that.

I have real friends who don't put conditions like political preference above friendship.

I've lost about 8 or 9 friends on jewbook, including some who I've known since high school

Trump is unfit for public office.

Child: i do not understand you, ergo you are stupid
Adult: i do not understand you, this means you should know/perceive some things that i dont.

Cool,less worthless degenerate fucks shitting up my life. Means more time for my family and hobbies. MAGA

I used to have a liberal friend. She asked me for money to get an abortion (she had an affair with an army man) and to take her there and pick her up afterwards. I said no as a matter of principle. She sent me a 1000 word text that I never replied to, haven't seen her since.

...>B-but you guys are my only friends....

I agree that after this election the Republican party will be probably be done for. However, the pressure will go hard on the Democrats if Shillary wins. They'll crack and split soon after.

The left's definition of tolerance is broadening each day

My friend had two illegal parents and he's cool with me liking trump and wearing the MAGA hat out with him in public.

You fuckers need to get better friends.

>She asked me for money to get an abortion (she had an affair with an army man) and to take her there and pick her up afterwards.
What the fuck? How shameless can you be?

Perhaps that was Trump's Plan, to cause the entirety of both parties to undergo Fragmentation.

>people removing you from their """friends""" list on facebook, for supporting Trump
what a tragedy.

All my friends know I love Trump. I'm an out and out racist homophobe though, so if that wasn't enough to push them away, I doubt my love of Trump would.

My friend was a die hard Cruz supporter. I made fun of him all election. He called me a gullible dumbass and I called him a typical one issue Christian. I gave him no quarter when Cruz dropped out.

We're going camping together with my dad and his dad in 2 weeks.

If Trump wins, there will be a realignment and the republicans will be nationalists while the democrats will be globalist jews.

If Trump loses, the conservatives will never win again and the GOP will die out. We'll go through a period of mass immigration and one party rule under the democrats, who will then fracture into two parties: the super-pozzed progressive SJW party (think Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders) and the globalist kikes like Hillary and Wasserman

Jokes on them I'm a single white male who masturbates to anime and I have no friends other than Sup Forums