You're on the beach with your best girlfriend and this guy slaps her ass. What do you do?

You're on the beach with your best girlfriend and this guy slaps her ass. What do you do?

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Smoke beer with his mom

Whack the cunt, that shit in his arms is some kind of injected oil.

like look at his fucking shoulders? little bitch could lift less than my grandmother whos dead

He can have her, I'll go home and spend time with my 2nd best girlfriend

That guy looks slow as fuck and a little retarded. I would whip out the picture of Andy Sixx I have in my wallet and enlighten him of the steamy creamy logs that will come his way.

Tell him I hope they find a cure to his cancer and OP's also.

Fuck him up because there is no way that dude is functional or athletic. Seriously doubt he's even strong because that shits not even real muscle.
10/10 could easily kick his ass

Choose a better picture. He isnt strong at all. He injects certain muscles with an acid to swell them up. Its only for show. Has zero function or actual strength.

throat punch

Beat the living shit out of that deformed sack of oil

Kick him in his clit.

Pop his balloon arms

Why he have 2 dicks in his arms?

run around him as he attempts to look at me eventually his neck will snap

Kill him.

Stick out my bum and say "me next me next"

How does he wipe his ass?

Commend him for being able to move his arms enough to smack her. Then sweep his legs and laugh as he flails like a turtle trying to get up.


pop his biceps with my ice pick and watch the mineral oil create a nice oil pest.
>> yes he injected mineral oil