Alright Sup Forums, I've seen three of these fuckers in my house just from today

Alright Sup Forums, I've seen three of these fuckers in my house just from today.

Should I be concerned? What is it?

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its a lobster, you dumbass

House centipede

Some sort of land shrimp.

Boil, peel, eat and enjoy!

i cant remember what they are called, they are some sort of cricket. do you live up north by chance my grandpa gets them sometimes in his basement

give it to a girl, they use them for their vagina

it's fishbug or something. hol up lemme look it up


it's a silver fish dumbass

it's called a silverfish, they live in your sinks and bathtubs

they have no interest in human food, dont carry disease, and hunt cockroaches like fucking Predator. theyre the good guys.

It's a house centipede. Look it up. Generally pretty harmless but god damn are they ugly. Fast little fuckers too.

Used to find them in my basement in NY all the time

looks like a silverfish

Wrong, it's a centipede.

This is a silverfish

kill each one and try to eat them. use a lot of oil if you have to, if they are burnt crisp, it doesn't matter. otherwise you'll have bad luck forever.

eventually you won't have to kill them; they'll treat your body with respect

Silverfish. They don't do anything but they look nasty and breed like motherfuckers. Typically live in drainpipes and other damp places. Terminate with extreme prejudice and keep your house dry.

It's a house centipede Sup Forumsro.

I used to get them in my apt in northern ohio every once in a while till i bug bombed the place cause I got a kitten who had flees. Aint seen em since.

It's what's left of a house centipede. Good to have in your house, they eat spiders, ants, bedbugs, silverfish... good to have. Leave 'em alone.

Are they fast as fuck?

its no different from a human nigger.
simple, microwave it alive, cut off its antenna, and use it to poke other nigger bugs to give off the affect that it thinks its seeing its mate but you're just actually doing a reverse necrophilia rape.

they don't hunt cockroaches, wut

google says its a house centipede.

yes, they do. dumbass.

my bad, youre right. looks more like a house centipede


yes they do.

>good to have

If you have the other nasties, such if you've got these them you obviously have the others too.

So, no, they're not really that good to have. Congratulations for being a dirty fuck. Clean up your filthy mess.

why do all you retards think this is a silverfish? it isnt even silver for fucks sake.

I hate these fuckers. House centipedes are super gross, fast, and love hiding in damp areas like towels. They can also bite and it hurts.

when you grow up and own a house youll understand.

Killing one house centipede makes room in your home's ecosystem for like 5 more spiders. The former don't crawl on your food and face as you sleep. They are preferable.

That's an Ear Wigger

>some kind of cricket

jesus fucking christ

House centipede. They're not dangerous at all, and they eat other bugs, and everyone's house will have some every now and then, but god damn are they creepy and I hate them so much

They're incredibly fast

They would much rather run away. Stop cornering them with your bare hands, and hang up your damn towels or you'll get black mold.

that's a crawfish faggot


Live in an apartment? Then you'll get the other pests through no fault of your own, and then you'll be happy you have these.

I own a house. I also clean it, you filthy mong.

>What is it?

It's cute

sure you do.


I'm not a peasant.

They crawl up the wall into hanging towels. I've been spraying pesticides near entry points and haven't seen one for over a year.

House centipede. They are beneficial. They will eat spiders (including brown recluse) and roaches and larvae and basically any bugs they can get their teeth into. They are insectivores like a preying mantis.

Technically they have poison about on par with a bee but they don't have the teeth to get through human skin. They are also skittish and usually avoid people anyway.

I always leave them alone. Hope they go eat some spiders and ants. Only thing I've seen kill them are spiders that make webs. They get stuck in the webs.

Are you fucking kidding me? I poured cereal and went into another room and when I came back to pour milk there was one scampering in my cereal. I was so angry


try cum on it, maybe they like it

You should have ate it with your cereal and grown stronger.

Good as shit organic protein
Eat it

It is a scaralus fartusalas. They are meek but dangerous when cornered or stepped on

yeah they're genuinely much worse than they look. Creepy yes, but beneficial....also yes.

>do what you will

Ignore the silverfish retards, they're house centipedes. They came from Europe sometime after settlers moved in. They're not a problem, but they're a sign of a bigger problem, like ants, roaches, silverfish, a small spider population, and other critters. These centipedes tend to eat those critters. If you don't mind a creature that's lightening-fast and can be found in damp areas or bedrooms or closets then they're beneficial. Personally I prefer spiders, centipedes are the closest thing to convincing Hell exists and I'm otherwise unswayed.

On what planet does that resemble a silverfish?

It looks like some kind of earwig. But it obviously isn't one.

What centipede has so few legs, though? Centipedes' legs can number anywhere from 30 to 354.

When I killed it about 5-6 legs fell off

>being this retarded
OP's action here actually is a demonstration of the centipedes evasive mechanism, where it can detatch leg segments when being pursued to distract predators.

the legs always fall off or splat and stick to walls. very fragile, but yeah house centipedes are harmless

My bad,

They aren't bad in themselves. Usually they are found in houses and eat pests like spiders. If you have allot of these in your house you probably have allot of spiders or other prey which might be a problem but the centipedes will help with that.

House centipedes eat things that are gross and might actually be harmful. They are scary looking, but great to have in/under your house because they will keep the bad bugs away. They're the scarier equivalent of spider-bro.

They are predatory insects so it means you have a problem with another kind of bug.
Either spray or call someone to spray.
>rock fact
Their bites feel like bee stings and they live for up to 7 years.

>implying spiders are a pest unless brown recluse, black widows, or other highly venomous spiders are infesting a home

Retard, they're myriapods.

For those of you who don't understand what a silverfish looks like.

This. They're unsettling to look at, but they're overall good to have in your house

i am a exterminator

no you should not be concerned. buy some boric acid, sticky pads, or some home defense spray and you should be goochie goo

>Retard, they're myriapods.
You trollin me right?

No you gets-wasting idiot, I'm not. Insects are hexapods with chitin shells, centipedes have varying leg number with one set per elongated body segment. Learn your fucking Biology before you speak.


And you are wrong they are Chilopoda, Myriapoda is a subphylum (which the house centipede or Scutigera coleoptrata does not belong) while Insecta is a class. Do you even know where you are right now?
What a retard...

that isnt a silverfish. silverfish are something to worry about because it indicates leakage.

dasa house centipede. cool dudes. kill other bugs. cant bite you because human skin is too tough.

leave em be, again, chill dudes.


Hey retard.

I just let one outside a few weeks ago.
They're friendly, and only eat house pests.
(including silverfish)
Let it out, or leave it.

Who the fuck cares you fucking autistic nerd
They're small as fuck so they are automatically insects

>calls retard, is wrong, says "who cares"
Want more proof retard?

What a retard.

Another retard, chilopod is a class of myriapod, the house centipede is a chilopod, therefore a myriapod. They're both correct, genius.

More proof that you're autistic? Thanks, but it wasn't necessary.

No you uneducated oaf, by that logic spiders are insects and those are considered arachnids by the science community. Centipedes lack the polymer chitin in their make up and therefore need humidity or risk drying out unlike insects.

>education is autism
The delusion, do you even know what autism is?

I get these in my unfinished basement. Had a nasty encounter once...

>be me
>drinking with my buddys
>Pour tequila into my shotglasses kept in the basement bar
>take shot....
>feel something hit my mouth
>one of these fuckers was dead in the glass
>died of a heart attack shortly thereafter

At least you didn't feel it move, they feel like a bunch of pubic hairs moving in a coordinated sequence.

Sorry op you have cancer

Basements (at least in the northeastern United States) tend to be half finished places meant only for storing canned goods and for hiding from tornados. Apartments are easily infested with pests from neighboring apartments regardless of your own hygiene. When you grow up and move out of your parents house you'll understand, little man.

That's a termite drone worker, better call a professional before youur house gets eaten up

My mistake, they are made of chitin but the their cuticles have no waxy polymer outer coating for water retention.
