What can you tell about me based on this picture of my room?

what can you tell about me based on this picture of my room?

You're fat.

not so. i'm one of those skinny white kids who eats around the clock and somehow shits it all out

You need to get a gf

You live with your parents, or at least with someone else who owns the place you're living in. You have your own room but thats all the space you have thats yours. So it gets cluttered quickly.

Your masterbate 8 times a day

Room like that? definitely still a virgin.

You eat oreo

you don't go out much

1 can of coke will keep you up all night. No need for energy drinks.

sorry. Make that 1 bottle of diet coke.

didn't chris farley die in that room?

Cool mint Oreos? Fucking degenerate.

How do you not have cockroaches and ants and shit?

in spite of the electronics strewn about the room, you dont actually have a lot of money. That xbox 360 is probably one of the most expensive things you own, is probably second hand, and was most likely a gift for a special occasion such as christmas or your birthday. Not just a purchase on a whim.

Your parents likely tolerate your excessive online gaming because at least you're talking to people...

your name and address

Ok, OP, those guesses are all mine. What's my score?

Fancy basement. Your mom cool with that big box of Goldfish you put into your body?

Why do you choose to live in that mess?

Your life is miserable.

You enjoy some denim.

You've got a humidifier/dehumidifier because you think your general ailments are a result of excess/lack of humidity. They're not. Your lifestyle is what makes you sick. If you cleaned up you probably wouldn't have half the minor symptoms you have. If you kept your room clean you'd probably feel much better over time.

You are left-wing. Every horder/ disgutiing faggot I've ever met was a liberal and wanted society to pay for the betterment of the poor. But what they really meant was they wanted other people to pay for it.

I went through a phase like that. Can confirm thats a real thing that can happen OP.

>soda water
you're a fucking slob

You are mentally ill and will never make a meaningful contribution to society.

You are a massive faggot. What do I win?

that food processor wtf

Sherlock fucking Holmes right here. OP if you don't pay any attention to anyone else in this thread just listen to this guy right here. If you have persistent phlegm/cough/allergy symptoms, this guy deduced your health problems just by looking at a picture of your room.

Even a doctor couldn't figure that shit out with a list of symptoms. all he'd do is tell you "allergies" "dry sinus" "cold".

>That's some laser insight.

You were touched as a kid. Nobody believed you, and you take it out by living a a reckless lifestyle that your family pays for. Nobody bothers you or makes you clean up because they know what happened and think you may snap at any moment, so they avoid confronting you at all costs. You're a product of a bad family and enabling parents that truly don't care about you as an individual.

Humidifier/dehumidifier your fucking 13-year-old/retard.


>1st boast (fuck leddit)
You don't have enough clothes on the floor to be comfy on, and maybe, just maybe, what 'store' all that shit goes to on the way to wash prior to muh combo....

Too tired for chess right now, and I just might catch DID from reading all these imposters and/or samefags. Run the numbers ~103

you're a slob.


its funny cause chris farley wrecked the room and vomited when he ODed and he left less of a mess.

1 - correct
2 - wrong
3 - that's not a guess
4 - that's not a guess either what the fuck is wrong with you
5 - wrong, i'm actually pretty loaded from phishing and rwt'ing. there is no xbox 360, that controller goes to my computer for gta.

if that's actually your room stop everything you are doing and literally throw everything that is not the walls/ceiling/desk in the trash. after that hose everything down with warm bleach and be sure it dries. then start watching Forged in Fire.

if you are still around, a few questions:
>why do you have 2 keyboards and no computer
>if you drink that much water why do you buy such small bottles
>what do people say when they come into your dumpster
>what is it like to use a mouse on a soft-backed mousepad on a bed


>the computer is out of frame, it's a desktop tower with a 48" hdtv as a monitor
>because they're easy to hold
>lol, people? that's a joke, right?
>it's actually a gel case for an aspire one netbook, and fantastic really.

You hate yourself an was molested as a child


and I'm out. Check ur txts. Shits gettin wayy too complicated for this time of night.

You don't know how trash bins work

Well, you're a virgin, you have no motivation, probably a basement dweller, and you probably browse Sup Forums all day; just imo



You are under legal drinking age or a fedora master

>reverse image search
0 results
Holy shit

i think you could haul all that trash out of there in 2 trips if you're not stuck on the bed. the irony of the pic is that it's a nice room with nice walls and decent looking carpet but with trash everywhere.

>nailed it


>Talking shit about Schweppes
Get ready to fight fuckboi

So many empty water bottles, no piss jug.
Op drinks his own piss

nope there's a shelf out of frame with 16 empty gallon jugs and a funnel, a fill em all up and dump them out the window


It use to be WoW but now you either spend all day playing LoL or Dota, you don't own the place your living i'm guessing mom and dad or close family. You have long and incredibly greasy hair and think some obscure sub-genre is the pinnacle of music. You have "friends" that are probably hold over acquaintances from school or an obligated event like a youth church group; none from anything that would be considered social for the sake of being social eg. a party, festivals, clubs, etc. You think you're not at the bottom tier of society because of a few superficial things that you have convinced yourself means you are something of worth. Overall opinion is you probably think of yourself as an "OK guy" probably having 1 or 2 relationships and have lost your virginity and are "regular" but you still post on Sup Forums, live in perpetual garbage, and are one day going to have to square with the fact that you have done nothing, are nothing, and always will be nothing without a serious change in your personality.

>out the window
>can't be bothered to piss IN THE TOILET

where the hell do you live? if not in usa or bollywood I understand.

To clean his room

>that image

>OP needs a leafblower and some shovels

no reasonable gf would be in that shit pit for 10 seconds.

typical lazy ass piece of shit millennial. Your generation will never be able to properly handle the stresses of this world. It will more than likely end under the reign of your shit generation.

You prolly play much in computer and/or xbox
Have plenty or no free time to clean your room and/or low motivated.
I could post my own room but after that i would kill myself cuz it looks waaay more "clean" xd

t. 30 year old who thinks he's better than everyone

Your failures are your own, old man. Don't take it out on the kids.

You're a raging Leftist

You need new speakers.

You're a bit overweight.

You tend to sleep late in the night.

You do nothing but are very busy.

I'd probably hangout with you.

I dunno, but you have excellent taste in snacks, young man.