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Iam Bronze IV soooooo.... no

Gayest post of 2017

I don't play unrelevant garbage.

Fuck you and fuck your main

Gold 5 yas mains

Don't play anymore.

r8 m8

Back to silver soon?


are you 13 and flame to fuck like the rest of the yasuo mains?

Who plays league in 2017

>Maining Yasuo
>Annie as well

Fucking off yourself my man. I ban Yasuo in all ranked games no exceptions.

i mained yas from silver 5 to plat 5 and had an about 80% winrate on him. tbh if someone can smash kids on yas it doesnt matter what rank he is.

people still play this fucking game?

>Maining Shaco and Lee Sin

I love fishy boy, but jesus I hate you, Shaco is up there with Lee, Yasuo, Riven, and Vayne for super cancer.

Why can't anyone have a nice mastery 7 with Garen or something?


Been maining Shaco since Season 3.
Play him every game I get in jungle that isnt banned. Only ever play lee when shaco is banned.

Got something like a 60% win rate with sheko.

U mad wite boi?

didnt play much this season, so unranked
was gold 3 last season
got the ez skin for free the last time riot gave out skins to "nice" people, already had riot kyle

shaco main here

I mean, in Ranked, my insta bans if I'm premade are Lee, Shaco, and Yasuo.

I'm mad such rampant cancer isn't nerfed yet.

Shaco's boxes need scaling back, his Hallucinate needs to deal less damage, especially when it explodes. Lee Sin is still cancerous even after his Ult nerfs, and Yasuo hasn't been nerfed since release, and his 'scaling nerf' was a buff in disguise.

Fuck Tencent and their shitty 'Big LCS plays' windy chinese poster boy.

lol fucking dumb

Fight me, cunt.

I'm this guy

Welcome to EUW

Anyone on OCE like me? Most toxic server I reckon

I'm on OCE. In loading for a game atm, wanna play later?

Yea sure, I'm bad tho so don't flame plz

Yep. Same here.

>Most played video game

>play again after almost a half year break
>buy Camille, Rakan and Xayah
>have barely 10k IP left
Feels poor man.

I don't think I've ever had more than 7K ip at once :c

my bronze smurf account. been playing for 2 weeks and i havent been flagged for a name change yet

Try to get 0 RP and 0 IP

>"maining" a character in a moba


>not being amazing at one character compared to the relative skill level of your elo so you boost yourself to a higher ranking that you deserve by being a one trick pony.

Never gonna make it, breh

that's definitely not how it works, but okay champ

>OCE most toxic
You obviously never had the pleasure to play with frenchs before.

It is tho. I'm this guy and I hover around G4 - G2 as long as I play shaco in every game.
The moment I try to play anyone else, I drop and hover around S2 - G5.

You know what that means, bud?
It means that I'm able to compete with players that are of a higher skill level than me, because my own skill with one specific champ is equal to their general skill with all their champs.

Cuz I'm a one trick.

unranked during almost 10 months cause my toaster (gpu intel 945) can't reach even 10fps during TF.

Just started ranked in this season, going up to gold / plat

Also, Rammus stronk

Everyone here is a shitty rank including me, Im trying to get high plat or dia this season i already got plat 4 mmr so thats good atleast

Eune checking in, support main! Plat 5 last season and looking to get atleast plat 1 this season.. dont have to much time to play tho