Every psychologist i've seen over the past 3 years tells me the same bullshit

Every psychologist i've seen over the past 3 years tells me the same bullshit.
>just do cognitive behavioral therapy
>you'll feel good
but i don't have the self control to do any of that shit. if i did I WOULDN'T BE FUCKING DEPRESSED, NOW WOULD I??!?!?!?

Other urls found in this thread:


Psycholo what?

Bunch of fagots

it's like they say
>".....oh you're depressed because your a loser?"
>"Well, just stop being a loser. Ya big fat loser you!"
>"g tanks"

Psychology studentfag here.
You're right, some of the therapist are like
>Why do you feel depressed?
Because I haven't accomplished this, that and because I feel like I'm not worth anything
>Well, stop being this way.

That's why therapy works for some, and for some not. Same with medication.
I hate all that bullshit therapy talking and I'm enrolled in psychiatry classed because meds work better. Or not


see a psychiatrist you ass

>I don't have the self control to be happy


I'm currently taking CBT and I'm 2 sessions in. I'm not sure if it's started. I don't even know if my therapist understands my problems. I waited 7 months for this thank to my country's health system. This is shit

Then stop browsing Sup Forums you depressed fuck!
That will only make it worse!

That doesn't work for anyone who is actually depressed

Find a cash doctor or fix it yourself. Psychiatrists are literally in the business of keeping you depressed. They also sold their empathy back in their teen years.



The hope is that you'll kill yourself first. Waited five years for disability and couldn't see a psychiatrist for half a year after my wife left

My dad always preached the medical system was only financially motivated and would do whatever it needed to lowly patients for money. I thought th is only applied to dentists and pharmacists. Not mental professionals who are supposed to fix the most vulnerable people in society.

Don't do it, OP. Not suicide, but going to CBT. It cost me thousands and months of my time and at the end all it did was make things twice as bad.

I dropped out for a whole year and I have never been happier in my life. I'd rather go to uni a few years late than kill myself.

Burn all of your bridges and start out as a new person.

>get put on a med that won't work for two months
>be made to properly explain two months of your life and the 20 million things you're adjusting to in the next hour session two months out.

I smoke a lot and meditate. It helps keep calm and work through things and feeling better, but I still get the waves of extreme depression that I can't shake.

Things won't get easier, you need to learn to handle it. Good luck.


We still lack the ability to determine the exact chemical reactions taking place inside the synapse and all the dynamics created thereby. It's trial and error, except the error can play out over such a long period of time and be so insidious that no one can diagnose it. A majority of the chemicals that psychiatrists have been chucking into peoples' brains are probably going to be revealed as subtly damaging once we gain that capability. We have no idea what the actual fuck we're doing with these drugs. Why are you becoming a psychiatrist?

It didn't always. Your dad was warning you. Im telling you. False hope will kill you. You are 100% better off not putting your hope in people who are going to call you a whiner and criminalize you.

The only people who know how to get drugs from doctors are drug seekers who feel like dedicating their non handicapped lives to it.

Yes they are all that way. you know your body better than the indoctrinated shit stains flooding the hospitals. The alternative is suicide so you really have noyhing to lose.

Research your body and buy what you need before the feds go full autism.

Therapy works for some, just don't take depression medication, that makes everything worse. Pharmaceutical companies want customers, not healthy people so they make pills that "work" but not really. Smoke weed, meditate, get more conscious. Work through your problems internally. Don't kill yourself, things can be worked through, you just have to be willing to change and accept some things about yourself you might not want to.

Mental health grad student here.
Self control and depression are not the same thing, so it is not self evident that they are connected.
If you came in with the complaint that you are depressed, and the potential treatment for that is given to you and yet you choose not to take it, I have to wonder about your depression.
Are you constantly depressed or does something trigger your depression?

so he has access to drugs and money

anyone who actually wants to help becomes a social worker

On another note, psychiatry helps. It takes at least a couple of months, but it works better than any sort of psychology or therapy could ever dream of.


>if you say two words I will analyze the ever living fuck out of you like you aren't human
>don't be paranoid

85% of psychiatrists

Mental health guy again. Don't listen to this retard. He is right to say that pharmaceutical companies are motivated by money, but it is a non sequitur to say that therefore the pills don't work. There are different versions, however, and it is possible that you might get some pills that do not work for you. For example, if you are bipolar then depression pills will not work for you when you are in your depressive state; you need different meds.

Thanks for the broad useless generalization bobbert

They don't work. You've gone from pills that help allieviate symptoms (the proper course of action in mental malady) so that people can develop proper skills themselves, unto pills that "make" people happy or better...guaranteeing that they learn nothing.

You have a million ways to hide this simple truth and its mainly by using your psychology to convince everyone else they're wrong so you can feel like you didn't waste your life.

go huff paint.

I have had friends take depression medication and it only made things worse. The pills might appear to work but its a short term thing, your brain is fucked from them. It messes up all the natural chemicals in your brain and uses mercury to pass the blood brain barrier, fucking it up further. Look into essential oils and meditate if you actually want to get better

I'm speaking on account of myself and everybody I know. They all agree with me. CBT is overpriced as fuck (especially in 3rd world countries. 3 sessions costs enough to feed a high-class family for a month) and psychiatry has helped me a fuckton. The only people I know who are still depressed are in that state because they haven't been taking their meds.

And yes, dropping out helps if you also deal with anxiety. It loosens the burden tenfold and gives you a chance to focus on changing your life. I used to be on the extremely high end of depression and anxiety (constant 17-19/20 for depression, constant 18-20 for anxiety) but things have improved.

Psychologists talk you through your problems to help you realize the stem cause and to eventually help overcome the problem emotionally.

They don't solve your problems for you, or give you drugs. It sounds like the psychs ate doing what they're supposed to based on people's experiences in this thread, albeit its not always the most effective method, but it is the least dangerous for those without serious issues. Not every problem can be fixed with drugs and a pat on the back.

>doctors allowed me to label everything I have and I feel much more secure in my victim complex instead of guilty and wanting to change myself


I already made it clear that certain pills will not work, so it is imperative that you find the correct kind. In addition, I am not saying that pills are the light and the way, I am saying that they can be a means to an end. If you have someone that is depressed to the point of suicide, and they cannot be motivated to work on any form of therapy, then pills are probably the best route to go, but that is only to start. The pills can get someone quickly onto a regular path, which opens additional therapeutic avenues to work on. After this takes place, it is possible to no longer need the pills. I also recommend meditation, as well, so we are not as far apart as you seem to think we are.

Did you read that in a book?

i constantly want to kill myself, and everything takes huge effort.
some days i just sleep all day cause life is so shit. dreams are easier.
i've lost interest in my hobbies. takes effort to stay focused on anything.
i've come very close to suicide 3 times
once with a knife
>came home drunk after getting rejected by the fattest ugliest women i could find.
>go to servo and buy chocolate with leftover change
>go home and call helpline cause really getting close
>chicken the fuck out cause fear of afterlife

other time was after getting knocked back from the first job interview in 2 years
was gonna jump off a parking garage

most recent was
>pizza hut buffet cause poor and can't order enough to feel good
>pizza hut on other side of city
>bus it out cause loser
>finish and feel even more like a sack of shit
>remember trainline close
>catch train south to cliffs
>try to go to cliffs among industrial park
>fucks put a fence up. links made for childrens' feet
>take shoe off in attempt to climb it
>can't fucking do it cause no upper body strength
>fucking pussy out
what's the fucking point?


I gotcha now. I'm glad you don't see them as a permanent solution! It can be a good way for someone to snap back and see things a little clearer. As long as they know when to quit using them.

>saying "the pills" instead of acknowledging the difference I pointed out because everyone who says "medication" is a grubbing criminal

This is psychology, for anyone that didn't know. You're going to a thinking specialist while being unable to think. You really think they won't press their own ideas and bias onto your fragile mind?

Fuck you bud.

if they treated symptoms and didn't permanently alter unknown chemicals. here we go shill thread!

>nearly all relieving medications are contrained by suicide ideation

So you can post your degree whenever, fakeass

counsellor here

very rarely use CBT myself, because its pretty shallow on dealing with underlying core beliefs and history/experiences which are contributing to... whatever isnt working for you.

CBT is helpful in my opinion because; as with many other arguably better approaches, it can give you a way to take come control over understanding and exerting influences over your feelings, mood and life...

CBT is king shit because empirical data exists much more for it, and as such people think its scientific. its not. no psych is.

its not the only option. 70% of successful therapy is in the relationship with the therapist and the intervention working for you. shop around. theres good ones out there.

This, unbelievers, is a case where I would probably recommend medication. In a true case of depression, which it appears our subject suffers from, one cannot even be motivated into doing pleasurable activities.

How are you feeling today? What have you been thinking about?

Just like said
not a permanent solution. If someone is going to kill themselves and nothing is working, take a pill and then start the real treatment after you get off of them.

I stated that I was a grad student, so no masters degree yet, sir.

Holy shit. I knew Sup Forums was retarded but this is some next-level stuff.

Pretty much everything you've said was based off of assumptions or are baseless claims.

Mind giving me some actual evidence for what you've said?


CBT in my opinion, having tried it myself and working in mental health, only works for those with mild depression. Unfortunately they will insist you try CBT before they offer other alternatives such as Cognative Analytical Therapy (which is far more effective and unearthing what the actual issue is and challenge the very thought process).

At the moment I am waiting for my EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy to start, They have determined that the physical chest pains and heart palpatations I am getting seem to have been caused by PTSD which is what EMDR is aimed at.

At the end of the day OP, Only you can change shit in your own mind. Medications only work for chemical imbalance obviously, but for actual psychological issues surrounding events and thought processes medication is purely to prevent things worsening.

I have been asking for an anti anxiolytic for 8 months. My entire life fell apart waiting to where now they have me agreeing to a live in psych facility just so I can have meds. Its a plinko scam just to filter out all the people we have to worry about and stick them in controlled environments with no thought for humanity.

I think about nothing. I don't want suicide but I keep a syringe in my cabinet full of snazzy stuff for when they come and say a judge, doctor, and police man all signed a piece of paper that says I need to be in a cage.

Fuck all of you :)

you not being too biased to accept criticism, kid

The thing about my depression is that every time I "beat" it, something totally messed up happens in my life.

I've stopped counting how often I've lost months to years over someone close to me ripping me off or scamming me or something with my health or the health and eventual loss of my father, and people in general giving up on me and becoming bitter.

Over-all I've achieved more in life than anyone I know but I regret daily not killing myself the few times I've had the chance.

>we have no idea how they work
>going to talk about them like they are exactly the same as older classes of medications and treatments
>i am not crook

There's a difference between criticism and insults.One that you aren't very familiar with.

Come at me with some elaboration and actual critique instead of baseless insults.

yea, my current psychologist is a chinese bitch that mumbles all the time.
my GP recommended a new one, a dude this time. Maybe we'll click?

>anxiety is these five other acronyms that you have to sacrifice half of your life to attend

That sounds healthy if you actually have very few problems and don't mind waiting two years

Yes, I agree with that, which is what I said in a later post. Take them for a little while - a month like this guy said - and see if it works.

yea. that must be weird.
i've never been successful, so i don't know how stressful or pointless it might be. good luck not killing urself user.

This may or may not be depression. Reactions to loss of loved ones or genuinely horrible events taking place is natural and often temporary, though it can spiral into real depression.

>come at me with some information that isn't personally offensive and Ill discuss it

I aint jacking your dick bro. do that at home. Its the weakass who only wants people to agree with them. Don't act like you're gonna call someone next level autistic and suddenly compose yourself for a pinky out discussion because I stomped on your noodle.

i hope so!

depending on the person; a lot of therapy can be the relationship with the therapist. its supposed to be a safe and reassuring space from which to reexamine and explore your life... what works, what doesnt and why it does or doesnt.

also agree that meds can make a signifficant initial repreive for sever depression, but they can also take a bit of trial and error, and normally make things worse for the first 1-2 weeks... so be careful!

Why anxiety meds when you state you are depressed? You should not be required to be in a facility just to get medication, so something strange is going on there.

What do you mean by "nothing"? Your head cannot be literally empty of thought, so what are you thinking about? It may not be important, or at least not appear to be so, but surely you are thinking of something.

>Half your life
I don't know what third world country you are in but it was less than a 6 month wait for me.

If you don't want to wait for other people to help you then by all means help yourself. I have no sympathy for people with this victim complex. I have had terriblle depression in the past, and as i stated I have PTSD (thanks to work seeing many suicides and people trying to chop off their own limbs and in some cases other peoples limbs) The people I work with I have sympathy for, not the countless attention whores on here.

tl;dr your argument is invalid

Yet again, you're beating around the bush, mate. Stop doing that and get straight to it.

>What'd I do wrong?

Answer me this. I'm open for criticism, not meaningless flamewars. I'm going to assume you're just baiting if you, once again, go

>Hurr durr, you're a fake emo kid hurr durr i'm right because i insulted you hurr durr.

never stated depression. Well I am. I have tried everything and its brother for eight months and this is the last option being afforded to me. I know it is strange, and that is likely why I am so pissed off.

Nothing. Honest. Everything I think about makes me upset. all you ding dongs saying meditation have no idea. I can usually keep my mind blank long enough to get dressed and do one chore a day.

This conversation makes me upset. No one wants to help. They just want you to repeat your problems enough times that you yourself begin to minimize and ignore them. People will get a lot more use out of trying to fix themselves and not being guilty over it.

Well fuck me in the ass. That is some of the most retarded shit i've seen on this shithole.

>Muh weed
>Muh meditation

Don't listen to new age fags, I agree that by meditating you can alleviate symptoms, but depression is a desease, and you wouldn't treat bacteria with Gatorade, do ya?

Everyone watch this, its like 3 mins long and explains everything.

>only the very worst people I see are allowed to complain because it is absolutely impossible that mental illness is progressive and we can only treat it after you are almost dead

85% of psychiatrists

nothing wrong. You're human. Everyone wants to be accepted and guiltless and you are no different. I just can't point it out in any less asshole terms. Hope this verifies non troll

Ah, are you not OP? He said depression.

You say "everything I think about makes me upset". What is it that you are thinking about then, that makes you upset?

I understand being skeptical about meditation. I was in the same position, as I have anxiety and racing thoughts. The thing to understand about meditation is not that you can keep your mind free of thought. You are attempting to do this, but you are not failing when thoughts enter your head; it is going to happen.

Take 3 deep breaths. Then breathe slowly, and focus your attention on your breathing in and breathing out. Start by saying , in your head, "breathe in" when you breath in and "breathe out" when you breathe out. Random thoughts WILL enter your mind and distract you; this is okay. Simply refocus your attention on your breathing. Try and do this for 5-10 minutes.

Repeating of problems appears to be useless, but it serves a purpose. One, it allows you to really think about what you just said, as often people simply spew it out without really thinking it over. Second, it clarifies to problem, for you and for me. Third, the therapeutic process is not all about the counselor fixing your problems, but helping the client become able to fix their own problems.

Sure it is progressive but you are severely underestimating the issue of supply and demand of the time of psychiatrists. In my country you can wait and have this done for free OR spend a fortune and have it done privately.

You are completely disregarding the mitigating circumstances surrounding this issue.

And the reason I say about the people who suffer the worst is because of just that, they suffer the worst. You look at statistics and you will see that not every person with depression wants to literally chop off a limb, swallow razorblades and batterys, those are extreme reactions from people who have something more than just depression wrong with them.

>85% of psychiatrists
Because they would even work in that profession if they thought that.

Sometimes when I call a shill thread I think I'm giving you guys too much credit. Then I eventually realize its true and get super depressed because people actually think this way.

The real truth is if you are not that smart you SHOULD go see a psychiatrist. Everyone else will just get a dick waggling session.

Of course, it would never happen that you had people who would admit that they're slow enough for help. and others whose heads wouldnt blow up after being told they are self sufficient enough to go without

because everyone is OFFENDED

>Im gonna take your small, easily understandable and definable statement and extrapolate it into this big discussion about why I'm not an asshole for thinking the way I do

99% psychiatrists

The thing is, applied properly, it works well for a very large number of people.

Yeah, there's a lot of new-age bullshit out there. but there's also a lot that's not bullshit. Take the secularized forms of buddhism - its three-thousand years of technique for the average person to not feel like shit.

youre weak. you wont kill yourself. Stop thinking you have to be important just go be a fucking tree or whatever

Want to talk about your depression, user? Ho ho ho....

>Pharmaceutical companies want customers, not healthy people so they make pills that "work" but not really

this doesn't follow logically. creating a pill that's effective would keep people on it forever. They are incentivized to create a working product, as it would stop people from quitting the medication. They do want healthy people, as healthy people means life long customers, which equals profit. this is the same sort of fallacy you encounter when people claim pharma doesn't want a cancer cure.

90% of psychology is bullshit. read a Bible and stop being a godless faggot and you'll start feeling better.

what he (most likely) means is that the drugs don't really fix whatever's broken (and make you healthy), but simply hide the symptoms for a limited period. if they just fixed whatever's wrong with you, you'd take one and voila, that's it.
no, you need to re-buy that shit all the time.

think about blood pressure regulating shit for example.

>cannot hold a discussion

I actually do not care if my opinions make me an asshole in your opinion. All you are doing is commentating my thoughts and offering nothing but statements backed up by nothing but you own opinion.

I don't know if you are OP or not, If you are OP then there is no hope for you if you think like this but won't help yourself.

If you are not OP then all you offer is simple conjecture.

SSRI w/o therapy= increased seratonin availability without changing the conditioning (cognitive or otherwise) that led to depression. Your body is going to keep telling you something is wrong in your environment, and you're just going to numb it to everything including your feel good/learning chemicals. Medication is useful, but is not usually used well.

"not healthy people" seems to imply that they're settling for a passable product and have no reason to invest in r&d as they only want customers. My argument is that healthier people = more customers. Even if you have to take it for life, it is fixing the issue nonetheless.

This is what I was saying. They just take care of symptoms so you have to keep taking them

>I don't care

No fucking shit sherlock. My point is made.

kek. sure, but its depressing

You're lying. If a therapist actually told you to seek cognitive behavioral therapy they would have referred ylou. They would'nt have told you you'll feel good. They would have said "increasing awareness and discipline in your daily routine will help you feel more in control of your daily life." Kys you lying faggot

>new crutch = fixed

say hello to modern medicine. I remember when I was young and my digestive tract would stop working. The doc would put me on fluids, give me something to sleep, and come back in two hours saying, "ready to dance again buddy?"

Would end up in the hospital every two months.

Now they throw pills at me and kick me back out. Was in the hospital 8 times last month.

They don't care

They just want to make money off of you. If your digestive tract is fucked up, try changing your diet. This is something a doctor would never tell you because it doesn't involve a pill or medicine, just a lifestyle change.

>implying you care about my opinions on your opinions.

Your point is not made as you have not challenged anything I have said, you cherrypick certain parts of what I say without giving any context. Your argument is null and void till you can refute with fact what I have said.

hiding the symptoms can be a great thing and a long term solution if the symptoms are the thing that prevents you from fixing the cause of them. that's what depression meds are for. they make you happy for a while and during that time you are supposed to use that extra energy and motivation to fix whatever makes you unhappy. then you don't need the meds anymore. meds are not a solution on their own but they can support finding a solution.

yall niggas dumb
medication for pussies
if ur therapist isnt shit tier he'll make u understand there are different ways of thinking and why u are thinking this way
good luck

a side effect to depression medication is suicide
btw its all about making money they're prescribing pills to 2 yr olds for "tantrums" now
the pharma companies are paying colleges to do "research" proving the drugs work

Just fucking shut up. How have
you not killed yourself yet

decent points
because my therapist isnt shit tier and im content with life

Modern pharmaceuticals are the best we have to offer. You should be grateful you have access to modern medicine at all. There's limits to the speed at which medicine progresses. Pharmaceuticals save millions of lives and our economy as well by putting people back on their feet. Don't conflate your personal experience with general efficacy.

>i want to prove to you how mature I am by continuing to respond after I said I didn't care

Hoping to god you aren't part of the medical community

Oh wow I never thought of that. please kill yourself.

sorry this was for

>meds aren't the solution but when you use them as the solution it will magically teach you a non medicated solution.

you're being stupid on purpose. please

Whenever I feel sad, I start screaming insults at inanimate objects until I either laugh at how autistic I am or I'm actually autistic.

me too o.o

>>you're being stupid on purpose. please
funny, i could say the same about you...