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Anybody would change their opinion for a big pay day. Not uncommon. Can't fault the guy.

the photo sums it up

>Can't tell if there is legitimate scientific evidence that has come out or if Bill Nye was forced to do this.

The guy handing him the cash is a jew

I'll tell you what's on a spectrum, autism.

Photo is as fake and gay as those Wincest threads.


Are we discussing how it's not real?

You know he never said that, right?

huh, neat.

>I did not realize that this was a response to transgender things, I was thinking more along the lines of 42 genders but is cool i guess.

He never said that.
Has always been a liberal cuck and always will be though.

>citing snopes
Should I post a link to infowars to rebut?

Snopes is not /nearly/ as far left as info wars is right. They are slightly left of center, if at all.

Besides, they are right, this is fake as fuck. Confirmed.

If the link has information that is backed up by genuine credible sources such as the primary source of Bill Nye's Show, then sure.

There was a comic posted by PHD Comics related to this. Talked about how a professor over time will start trying to explain things completely out of their field as they get older. That's basically Bill Nye.

He's gone from science educator for kids and teens to pretending he knows everything about anything. His crusade to prove all climate deniers wrong was pretty stupid but at least he was quoting facts and being scientific. Now he's just spouting bullshit.

Actually if you listen to the context the quote was in, it makes a lot more sense.

>MFW I remember context doesn't matter on Sup Forums

Proving climate change deniers wrong is important though. He's just using his platform to make those fucks look as stupid as they are. They are basically flat earthers.

He never said that you beta cucks


>Proving climate change deniers wrong is important
It makes no damn difference. The world is transitioning from fossil fuels to renewables anyway.

The first example is from a science show for children from the 90s.


Jeff Sessions wasn't fit to be a federal judge because he was to racist in the 80s but now he's attorney general.

>Anybody would change their opinion for a big pay day.

>inb4: money can't change biology or chromosomes

Thank you again, George Soros!


is2.Sup Forums.org/ hasn't been loading images for a week. Anyone else notice this?


there is a difference between sex and gender, you know that right?

Even still my friend he never said the exact quote on the image, which is what is being debated.

>Although lets disregard that science is an ever evolving subject and that apparently, yes even sex is actually a deeper subject than what we were taught in school and is actually alot more complex according to modern studies.