/Scream/ general

Kieran is 100% the killer edition

so can we all agree that "Emma is really the killer" theory is kaput?

my money was on Eli until last episode. but I feel like thats wrong too now given that the killer killed the mayor instead of blackmailing him

Its got to be Kieran


Scream threads are so comfy, reminds me of this one show that sometimes has threads

whats the story behind this scene?

Wait wtf happend here I that she was with kiernan?

That's just a scene from the Alpha House familias, she was in it

I meant from the movie Alpha House

Oh, well boy do I look foolish. Btw scream is a garbage show. But Im a sucker for whodunnits

she wasnt in a alpha house movie though? just a show

Ok, enough shitposting, let's get this thread going, who is the killer and why?

i hope to god it isnt stavo. i know it isnt audrey or noah. i hope brooke doesnt die but it isnt her. id be fine with it being anyone else

updated (current) character ranks 8/11/16
1. Audrey
2. Brooke
3. Stavo
4. Noah
5. Acosta
6. Elis mom
7. Kieran
8. Emmas mom
9. black cop that was Acosta's right hand man
10. White cop that took over after black cop got stabbed (and killed? is he dead?)
10098. Emmas dad
10099. The cadaver of Piper Shaw
10100. Emma

why was she fucking him tho


Wrong show with the word Screams in the title, user

Kieran. He:
- is angry that Emma caused the death of his father
- had access to Emma's computer to send the emails to Emma's dad
- has been in Lakewood long enough to be an accomplice of Piper Shaw
- was unaccounted for in ALL the murders this season, while being closely related to a few:
--- He was at the dance that Haley got gutted at
--- He knew Audrey and Emma were going to the pig farm in the last episode, AND he knew Eli had documents damning Brooke's dad
--- Was at the party in the first episode, able to hear Jake's "Girl Interrupted" comment that would later be used on Jake "Boy Interrupted"
--- Retired early after allegedly consuming ayahuasca, and then doubted Emma's sanity after she was attacked
--- Was not harmed when "the killer" tied him up at the carnival

- We know he probably acted differently before he came to Lakewood
- He "found" those letters and pictures in Eli's room
- He's obsessed with Emma

He might be working with Stavo (explaining the Branson murder), but I'm not sure.

So what about Brandon James?

Is there a chance it's not Kieran?

Why live?

>*killer pops out
Jesus Craven

The killers are going to be all the adults, Hot Fuzz style

bumps 4 bex

its a show

Literally the worst thing I've seen in my life. Emma is pure!

Emma's plot in the first season is about losing her virginity to a dirt bag who films it and then watching him die and moving on to another muscleman. She is no pure.

Only 1 girl is truely pure.

Do the Halloween specials everyone keeps talking about have anything to do with the plot?

Like are they going to not reveal the killer next episode and wait until the specials to close it out?

>and when the killer attacked it made me Scream: the Tv show, officer, and that's when keiran ran in and saved me.
Jesus emma, really?

Death thread
Dead show

Where my /bexbros/ at?

>tfw the show very well may be dead after the specials
pls pick it up netflix


Blonde or Brunette Bex?

>not "so, we truly have become scream: the tv series"
You had one job.

Jet black bex desu famli

wrong famiglia

I love all bex's in the possible spectrum

I'm not 100% sure, but I'm 1000% positive that Emma, Brooke, Acosta, Maggie, Noah and Audrey are the not the killer(s)

I do know that the killer who got Branson had some prominent boobs and was tall, so one of the killers could be Lang or Tina. I have more money on Tina just because she's out of focus, but I feel that'd be too familiar since they've done the same with Piper. I also felt suspicious about Lang since day 1 (bringing up dreams when Emma's having nightmares), and I think she's in on it, but not one of the killers behind the mask

If Kieran is the killer, I feel it would be too weird since he has no link to James family, unless he's actually Troy James with a name change and he's older than he looks or Troy James was a kid brother to Brandon

I have a theory that Tina was not only hired to finish the insurance scam house fire project Jake started, but she offed Branson as well on the Mayor's say-so since he was unhappy with Branson and Brooke's relationship. I think she also wore a costume so that any blame for Branson's death would link back to the Ghostface killer and keep Maddox out of the spotlight.


J.J Abrams, you've changed man.


the killer had prominent boobs?

the killer had prominent boobs?


I have a feeling that despite Keiran feeling responsible for his mom and stepdad's death, Tina was the one responsible for the car accident by maybe fucking with the brakes. All to get that sweet cash for taking him in except she didn't realize that she wouldn't be next of kin. Maybe she was another accomplice and got his real dad killed in order to finish the job. I feel like that's why Eli was in town during Will's funeral. Maybe to tell Keiran but he pussed out.

I hope it's not. Not that I like the character, but it's a direct fucking ripoff of the first movie, and it seems entirely too obvious.

It's like they're pushing 4 other people to "obviously" be the killer/killers (Gustavo, Eli, Lang, Zoe before she "died"), and Kieran is just coincidentally there after or before the killer strikes. They're making the other suspects red herrings to make Kieran a red herring since it seems that everyone is just hung up on him being the killer.

I hope they go a different route and Kieran is the one that gets blamed for it all, but is totally innocent.

im kind of disappointed they devoted ALL the screen time to noah/audrey/emma
I like their characters and all but if kerian is the killer or really anybody else I wont feel anything. he's only gotten like 20 minutes of screen time and his character feels under developed compared to everyone else

wtf kind of name is bex anyway ?
and im assuming shes German for the taylor klaus last name

I think we got more from Eli this season than Kerian so it would be weird if they randomly make him the killer and piper's accomplice from last season. They'd have to do some amazing motive/background on that reveal for it to work.

>dat mustache residue

didn't know she'd done nudes

Fuck, Marry, Kill.

should try red

those were the stuntman's pecs

yup from an Amazon series

what a fuckin QT

Short for Rebecca. Family is apparently from all over Europe.

>you'll never be in your early 20s getting work as an actor, hanging with your buds and getting paid for it

got that right

Both make a strong argument.

It's Emma's mom

Its ur mom

I want to sex her up

fuck Brooke, marry Audrey, kill Emma

Marry Noah, Kill Emma, Watch Audrey and Brooke fuck


>ywn be noah startled that brooke is taking a picture with the real killer

I wanna make love to Brooke

Fuck Brooke, Marry Emma, Kill Audrey

This person is a moron.


what a fag

This here is what we call a waste of life.

So salty. Sorry but I don't find your waifu attractive.

Out you go, you're unwelcome


Stavo is the new killer desu.

Stavo hacked Noah's laptop when he emailed him that picture he drew

Keiran and Stavo were both being counselled by Lang, all three of them are in on it.

Is the reason people like a show like this is because it's very open ended on who the killer could be despite the fact that it's gonna be some lame reveal like it always is?

Or does it make you feel smart if you think you pieced it together?

And you are willing to overlook the flaws in the show, and pretty much over look the fact that the show itself is of low caliber, because ther mystery is too good for you.

Also the killer is a girl cause muh edge.

fuck emma, marry brooke, kill audrey

We just like Audrey as a character and the actress alotta time. And there are enough redeemable parts, and this second season is better than most everthing.

show died with last episode

How is having a female killer edgy? Its not like women have been the murderer in a billion murder mysteries since the dawn of time or anything

>We just like Audrey as a character and the actress
That's just the vocal few. The rest of us would really rather you left.


one of these for sure ^^

Yasssd brooke is a bad betch yaassss

i'm with you
Brooke > power gap > Noah > Aubrey >Emma's Mom

Stavo is an infinitely better character than Noah

Noah? Whats so good about Noah? I think Noah is okay, but so far he has seemed like such a gutless push over with little hope of redeption.

Whats so good about stavo? He wont even be attending the final according to the trailers. Unless he is in the mask, but then that would circumvent the few things i like about him.

If Kieran is GF, was he Piper's accomplice in S1?


You've officially put more thought into this season than the writers did.

Of course not you moron. But they gave the best "can't be this character" traits to the girls
>main character
>boyfriend murdered and she has a breakdown
>the killer tricked me I was already a suspect

Damn, Kieran was so much higher this time last season. Not much character to begin with, but goddamn did they fuck him up

Coma teacher> Emma's mom

[/spoiler]Everyone but Emma> Emma's mom[/spoiler]

It's Eli's Mother with help or the Cop with help.

No way is it Kieran, too obvious.

I'd second that for the Branson murder.
It was so blatantly a woman, I thought at first it was a misdirect and would be Brooke/ Bex fucking with him.

I wish. Why'd Lang lose her shit at the hospital then (and, you know, end up there in the first place)?
Stavo/ Kieran's possible, though. Been a lotta "Wow Stavo's such a great guy" misdirection in the last two episodes

"> Aubrey"

Damn, he really is on his worst behaviour

Killers are Kieran and his Aunt. Aunt foster cared for Piper at some point in her life and wants revenge. Scream 1 AND 2 call backs.

uh, no