Do you agree Hillary Clinton would be worst then Obama is she actually won?

Do you agree Hillary Clinton would be worst then Obama is she actually won?

You are literally retarded.


1.) she's a lying shitty scumbag
2.) she's a woman
3.) the first female president should be something to fap to not that old hag

Exactly. She wouldn't have been as good as Obama was.

Would have done a shit job, ruining any chance for any woman to become president in the future.

This is the only argument that Trump supporters have to justify Trumps bullshit.

worse than obama better than trump

She would be worst since Woodrow Wilson

Everything Hillary touched turned to shit. 2008 election, reset Russia, Libya, etc Oh and don't forget all the lies.

Thank God she lost

>worst then Obama is she actually won

2/10 made me reply.


3 errors in 4 words, impressive.

Well I am from UK, American is not my native language

Can we please stop talking about politics in this thread?

Pretty much no one could have been better than Obama. That's why the white man had to lower the bar.

ok, what do you want to talk about?

Our lord and savior Jesus Christ.


yes. she would have actually been worse than the cowardly half nigger. trump sucks and is better than hil, obum and the old jewish fuck combined. hes an asshole and thats what we needed. i literally would have voted for anyone not dem tho just on the off chance i could experience this much liberal crybaby hurtfeels. its glorious.

Oh it's you again! Yes I'm back home never been away from home.


Yet you can't even speak proper English.

Pretty sad when an American has to teach a Brit how to speak English.

Because my school is full of foreigners and teachers are helping them more then they do to us.


This is now a Rolling Stones thread.







She would be just as bad when it comes to the big issues, like international relations. Add to that a whole lot of extreme left bullshit, and you'd have a president slightly worse than Trump.



We already defeated the wicked witch of the west.

Listen...idk why yall ignore this but clinton has been cheated on..and a woman that has been cheated on will forever scorn men and have an agenda against them.

Instead of shillerians crying for 100 days. It would be the trumptardians.

Nothing would be diff except for what gender is pres.

There is no longer a lesser of two evils option. And if there seems to be? Its too good to be true.

Wake up sheeple. And im not just talking about being "woke" like white people.

Im sayin take a big BIG step back and look at the mountain of bs you claim to defend.


Lol, she got cheated on because she's a bitch.

She didn't become a bitch because she got cheated on.

Wat?????? Are you having a stroke user??

What are you trying to say

Did you get dropped on your head?

as fucked up as it is, it is still a solid argument. how messed up is that?

wrong. worse than both by leagues.

american schools are full of foreigners too. you are not a unique snowflake.

don't say 'woke' dumbass. trumptards wouldn't be rioting, burning people's businesses, and violating others right to free speech, either...
and this

yas shes is wall be veree worser

Boy you must have, i asked you what youre trying to say. How bout you explainyour poorly worded post instead of trying to insult me? Retard.

You notice how i wrote that sentence? I wasnt using it unironically

>poorly worded
There are literally two ways you could have interpreted that sentence, one of which doesn't even make sense.

Does this faggot not realize that he himself is a millennial, just one of the uneducated ones?

Not an excuse. You brits invented english. Oh yeah you must be one of the many shit skins that invaded that country which is another reason why Billary was not elected.

REAL LIFE gives you more education then 3 or 4 years of Libtard ''arts'' can ever do

I'm simply taking about high school education

Hillary actually wanted large scale war in Syria that would push the whole region in to disaster

That watermark u faggot

Yeah, Trump might be doing what he can while keeping his superiors/allies/whatever happy.

we president now.

Amen, brother.

everytime The US elects a republican they lose standing with the entire world, the only people who don't seem to get that are the republicans, which is fitting I suppose

So, English is NOT your first language?
Pre tell, what is your first language?

She has been a staunch ally of Ukraine, who made the myopic decision to not join NATO. This is why all the Russians here, such as OP, hate her.

bullshit. obama was the biggest pussy since carter. if he had some balls the situation in syria never would have gotten to this point. also, since when do we need the approval of the rest of the world, there isn't really any standing to lose, they fuckin hate us. you're one of those validation seeking pussy manginas aren't you.

I don't think anybody who is honest with themselves would actually believe that Hillary Clinton would be better than Obama.
I'll bet if you surveyed everyone, you'd get 95% agreement with that, and the 5% would be Hillary's paid-shills.