I am a little weird, I won't go into detail but I have superhuman abilities that developed a few months ago

I am a little weird, I won't go into detail but I have superhuman abilities that developed a few months ago.
So I decided as anyone who spends most of their time fantasizing about this shit to go to work fighting crime.
Been in a struggle with some gangs around in a few cities I won't mention here.
I had a close call with the CIA recently and that prompted them to find me and come to an agreement.
They're now spinning the media and giving my credit to other people/law enforcement/random happenstance.

In truth it's me. I don't really know what I am, but know that I am out there. If you pay close enough attention you might be able to see my handy work.

I'll stick around for a little while and answer some non-identifiable questions if you'd like.

Self bump so you know I'm still here.


How do you get rid of ringworm

Try peeing on it in the shower m8.
Elsewise maybe some witch hazel or ask your pharmacist

Ill bite, what kinda powers (wont ruin ya secret identity) and what geographic areas do you work?

What super powers do you have

Not op but I can get singles any time I want watch me

When you say superhuman abilities, what do you mean?
I know a guy that got struck by lightning and it turned him into a genius, and a girl who has prophetic dreams

How do you get rid of ringworm


All I can say, is my mode of transportation is fast af and getting shot isn't a problem unless I get distracted. Which doesn't happen as much as it used to. I frequently visit NY philly and Boston.
Sometimes as far west as St. Louis.

So, mind or body?
I've always had innate psyonics. Mild empathy, telekinesis... Standard shit. Have a knack for 'hearing' echoes of dead people, if that makes sense. Got scouted by a group a while back and i've been making mad bank ever since helping them solve cold cases and investigate paranormal threats.

>gets doubles


> Also gets dubs.
Kek mitt uns.

Nah it's physical.
I reall can't say much. The CIA is usually always watching me.
I thinking I'm starting to make friends with one of them too.

The downside is I sleep in till 2ish every day now, but a true least I get money to live on by not being noisy.

Im in st louis, we should hang sometime. Always wanted to witness something supernatural

Faggot doesnt fight crime in Chiraq...

>boipussy confirmed

It's not as dramatic as you might think tbh. Imagine a normal man, but heighten his abilities x10 with a little extra outside of that. Except intelligence lmao

I actually have been to Iraq while I was in the military. I got out and a year later I can catch a bullet.
Woulda been useful back then.

CHIRAQ, motherfucker.

Literally catch a bullet between your eyes. Christ almighty. Repping "intelligence". Kys

Check myself before i cuck myself.

Oh. Fuck Chicago, learn to make a god damned pizza right and I'll consider it.
I'm not a saint.

Nooooo I'm no smarter than I ever was. It's the one place I needed it most man.

So some form of superspeed ? I've always wanted that power. Do good things, and when the time comes you might be able to come out to the public and inspire others with abilities to come out. Do you know others ?

I know of one in NY. Although I think he's just a guy in a suit. And no, I don't quite have super speed. Maybe not in the way you're thinking.
I'm not a small guy either. 6'1 225lbs. Around 18%bf
I'd been lifting weights for year, but now I just don't see the point.

Prove it to me, im in one of those laces you mentioned. For each day that op doesn't deliver, innocent lives will be ended. Your choice op

You savage motherfucker!!! I just ate deep dish, because im a morbidly obese piece of shit like all the other Harolds chicken industrial eating diddin du nuffin porch monkeys in this 1st world shithole

Go beyond, Plus ultra.

For years*

Putting that out there.

Pay attention to small time news in Boston. Headed there tomorrow. In leaving Cincinnati currently.

That's why no one will remember your name.

Cant wait, hope you can sleep well tonight

Gonna have to give me more to go on m8.
I'm not batman lol

Im not the riddler either, its fairly easy. You mentioned a few places, and you implied you are fast enough to hit each of those cities so you have enough time right?

Sarcasm, faggot.

I'm a bodybuilder, white, and my name is plastered all around this state.

My question to you OP would be why are you such a massive cucksucking analraped cumdumpster faggot?

Okay, well I'll be around Boston until 4ish depending on something. I'll head to philly then back to NY later on tonight. Gotta do what I gotta do.

Do something that'll get my attention, perhaps without killing anything lol.

I've been messing around with something. If I pull it off you'll know it, can only say it'll be loud and no one should get hurt probably lol

I could believe you op also I have telepathy but I stopped using it because reasons