I'm contemplating attempting to overdose on my anti-anxiety medication but I don't know if it will do it I have 28 10mg...

I'm contemplating attempting to overdose on my anti-anxiety medication but I don't know if it will do it I have 28 10mg buspirone and 6 100mg bupropion pills also more than enough sleeping pills to add if needed does anybody know if this will do the trick or get me sent away pic related

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You'll most likely just be in extreme pain then suffer from liver and kidney failure. Just try to find some help. People do care about you

overdose is a shitty way to go by every standard.
why not just do some fucked up shit you always wanted to try? you got nothing to lose at this point

I would rather just die alone like a dog than make more problems before I go I've done enough already

>does anybody know if this will do the trick or get me sent away
Depends on how long you'll be on the floor, gasping and dry heaving, before someone (if anyone) hears you.

I can be alone for hours if I need to be

I do have a therapist and several community resources but the only people who care about me only do so for family sake and it would be easier with me gone (since that Is a natural thought of depression I have calculated that at the moment everyone would benefit financially and personally from my death) the only people who would miss me are my dogs

Why not just use shoe strings to bound your hands, in front of you? Then, put a large zip-lock bag on your head. After that, try to put your feet, one at a time, through your arms, and still bound hands. So that you can move your hands towards under your shoulder blades.
>sit on floor
>contemplate last couple of minutes
>lose consciousness
>if left alone long enough, suffocate.

Then don't do it for them

what are your sleeping pills? if barbiturates then you have high chances of killing yourself via overdose of these pills

Suffocation doesn't seem like something I could do

They are just over the counter but I'm sure I could get prescription sleeping pills if I ask for them

I've tried or I would have done it long ago I'm just at my limit and I hope they can forgive me for that

then search which barbiturates are used in assisted suicide for example in switzerland and how the procedure goes and emitate it

OP you are actually cursed to live forever, sorry. You will not die.

Could always just slit my throat I would feel bad leaving a mess though

Well fuck thanks a lot asshole

it will be painful, shoothun to head is better

I could do that too I've almost done it a couple of times but someone has to clean that

Life is well worth living, times may seem bad, but with time it'll get better you always have options. The world is your ouster, you just have to go get it

I know I could be anything if I apply myself but anyone who takes my place deserves it much more than I do

u depressed?

Nah m8 what would make you think that?

low self esteem

Yes I am depressed please excuse my sarcasm(mainly the reason people hate me)

It's ok.

Don't. You'll have seizures and die painfully.

That's okay

Don't do it buddy. It will honestly get better. Get some help.

Overdosing is more likely to just fuck your liver up and make your life worse. Plus suicide will just fuck up the lives of the people that care about you.

I make their lives hard enough as it is and I'm just wasting my life anyways but after a couple of years (probably months they'll stop caring after a bit) they won't feel hurt

>18 years later
>still tear up about dog that died
>mfw my dad does the same thing about 45 years later of his
>extrapolate about how people feel about humans that they loved
>yes I do have those too

Carbon monoxide is the way to go, fella

Well if I just disappeared with a shotgun in the middle of the night I could leave my car somewhere far out walk a couple more miles then do it so I'll be classified as missing its not much better but its something

Trust me. They will feel hurt and it will never quite be the same.

But that's not really the main point. This shit you're feeling. It's hard as fuck right? It will get better though. Maybe the meds you are on need changing. Not all meds work well for everyone. Go back to the docs and talk about it. I've been through some shit man, and it might not seem like it now but you'll get through this and you'll be ok. And when you're there, you will want a fully functioning liver.

Don't be a faggot, OP. Be an hero like this guy.


I guess running a tube into a car would be effective but it would be hard to hide long enough

go hug someone

My liver is already fucked from pills I had to take during childhood

Dubs prove it

alcohol is much worse than pills (according do my psychiatrist)
btw im taking psycho pills till 11yo

I don't want others to have to deal with my issues with me its not fair to them

I have honestly considered a live streamed death but it feels like grabbing for last bits of attention to me

Better link


I would use it in conjunction with pills to increase the chance of fatality

Why do you feel you're too worthless that people wouldn't want, by themselves because they like you, to help you with whatever is going on with you?

>it would be easier with me gone
except no, because odds are you'll scare them for life and they'll blame themselves.

Honestly, the you-wanting-suicide is the depression talking. Killing yourself is pointless because it just makes those who do care about you (e.g. your family) worse off.

Do something different with your life. Backpack across the country/across Europe. Do something extremely oddball.

Also pills are a shit way to go, you can't hang yourself properly on your own and it will result with you suffocating for a while before dying, etc etc. If you absolutely need to kill youself, get better options

I know they do if I could make everyone stop caring I wouldn't be here but its not that I'm worthless its that if I ask someone for help and end up doing it anyways they will feel worse than if I just did it

except that's not how it works at all
Disappearing and never showing up again is pretty much the same deal.

My mother died 15 years ago and I still feel sad and lonely whenever I think about it.

Honestly, it sounds like you're willing to ignore facts and truth in favor of suicide, which is selfish as fuck

I have plenty of options but life in general is pointless self satisfaction and there's so much of it that its not changing much and everyone who I affected will end up the same it won't hurt them forever

OP, it sounds like ur letting the depression do the talking,

ur making excuses out of ur ass to kill urself despite being proven wrong multiple times

there is no peaceful way to kill urself, killing urself will not make things better, it will make those that care about u's life harder, I could go on.

Do something with ur life instead of sitting alone and moping. In fact, its probably BECAUSE ur doing nothing with ur life that ur suicidal

I'm aware of the gravity of the situation and I can't argue it isn't a but selfish but knowing the facts just makes me feel worse about wanting to

Ever heard that song.

About walking.

It was some distance, like 500 miles.

Or 500 more than that idk.

But basically some people would go to hell and back for their friends and family. We struggle together and maybe one day I lift someone up and the next day they lift me up. That's basically life and you shouldn't feel selfish for wanting help sometimes. Keep working at being a good person and try your best. That's what I do, that's what a lot of people I know who face depression and suicidal thoughts do.

Put a charcoal grill in an empty bathtub, light it, towels under the door, close the vents, put on some music and go to sleep to never wake up again.

I know there's no argument towards condoning suicide so I understand the points you're making

thats the most bullshit thing I've heard in a while

>Life is ponitless self satisfaction
except its not. Others go out of their way to talk to you and make your life better too. Youve probably been nice to another human being in your life, right? Sure, there's some sense of self gratification, but there's nothing wrong with that.

>everyone who I affected will end up the same it wont hurt them forever
except thats not true, and you know it. Theyll blame themselves for it forever and live with the guilt. Shit stays with you forever,

then stop talking about killing yourself and change things. Sitting around will only make you want to kill yourself more. Take a damn risk and go change your life

Can't argue with that

I try to that's why I have therapists and community help

its totally selfish. Not all selfishness is bad, but suicide? Wanting to end your sadness bc you sit around and a constant circle around depression, moping, and sadness as opposed to fixing it for those ho care about you and who will ultimately be emotionally danged for the rest of thier lives? Thats stupid, you know its stupid, but youre too busy sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself to care.

So get up and find a way to make yourself happy, then make those you care about happy

I feel you, bro

well they're clearly not helping, so break off from them, find a new method to break out of depression like, again, backpacking somewhere, getting a degree, taking a damn risk to see if it will make you happy


pills and shit dont always help, and therapists dont care as long as they get paid.

go live your life the way you want, if you look around, there are shittons of options you've never considered out there

Try ayahuasca, faggot.

i ment regular doses of pills, not overdose

Been there great trip

I have been working towards my diploma (drop out) and I don't quite have the money for a trip such as that at the moment

then get a job.
a job with tedious hours and that could lead into something bigger.

it's not that hard, you just refuse to do anything to make your situation better.

I gtg but cmon man, throwing away your life bc your sad is stupid, take hold of your life and try something different than moping around

and if it helps, I dont know you, but I'm expecting you to at least try, meaning I give some sort of shit about you

Anything they prescribe is really fucking difficult to OD on, usually.
Been there, done that. Only ended up in the hospital once, and it wasn't really that severe.

You're a true hero user