Is ''Man-Made Global warming'' the biggest Liberal bullshit?

Is ''Man-Made Global warming'' the biggest Liberal bullshit?

Sun that is over 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and MORE times bigger then ''Human'' is not reason for climate of Earth it's actually the human...erm...what?

What about Ice Age and similar events in history before Industrial revolution? Also are you really telling me Manhattan will sink in 40 or 50 years? LOL

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methane from cattle farms and slaughterhouses cause much more of a greenhouse effect than our CO2 emissions.

So yeah, it's a problem we created.

Liberals created problem called ''fake pseudoscience'' and Bill is face of it

The Sun does warm the earth.
The earth is an open system. It gets heated by the sun and also radiates away heat.
Rising Carbondioxide Levels contribute to a shift in this balance.
The earth now "traps" more heat. Less is radiated away, more is absorbed.

So yes, the sun provides the energy. But we influence how much of it our earth absorbs.

Fiji's going to be in less than fifty years. Go tell them your cuckservative views.

You're stupid

> But we influence how much of it our earth absorbs.

Yea like 0,00000001% compared to Sun's influence

No, it's not bullshit.

The Sahara Desert used to be covered in trees and greenery. The reason why it is not that way now is because of human activity - they warped the landscape to accommodate crops and livestock. They exposed the soil through farming. The sunlight reflecting off the exposed soil warmed the Saharan air. As more people farmers in, more and more soil was exposed, warming the air even further.

Eventually rainfall vanished killing off plantlife.

So if you want to see what a beautiful green region can look like when colonized by humans ignorant of their influence on the environment, look at the Sahara Desert.


Just fucking kill yourself if you don't want to take science seriously. Cucknye the faggot guy isn't the authority on global warming but literally 97% of scientists who actually have degrees relevant to the field agree that we're affecting the climate.

It's not compared to the influence of the sun. It changes the influence of the sun.

No, what liberals created was a method to tax rich energy companies based on twisted truths.

Yes, we have released a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere but all in all, it's not the biggest reason for global warming. The biggest reason as I stated is the release of methane into the atmosphere. It creates way more of a greenhouse effect than the CO2 we release.

And yes, that methane induced greenhouse effect is creating a warming effect to some degree.

They can tax the fuck out of the energy sector and those companies will still make money hand over fist. If they did the same thing to the beef industry, the price of your steak and hamburger would go through the roof.

Cutting back on your meat consumption actually makes a bigger impact on the environment than your weekly recycling or low emission vehicle.

>And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

>And then, two millenia and one century after His son gave His life to forgive them of their sins; they were done in by liquified dinosaurs and cow farts

Way to go, mankind! Truly, a fitting end for our magnificent species.

Okay Alex Jones, you keep spouting your shit off. Us grown ups will handle how to keep shit going in spite of your idiocy.

Again Liberals are you really saying our islands are going to sink? Is entire Greenland going to melt?

Stop for a second and think how stupid that sounds

Read a book.

Google "Greenland ice melt". But you won't, since it requires you to read more than 140 characters at a time.

Nice Liberal conspiracy theory. Greenland exist since ever but it will sink soon HAHAHAH

Oh wow, that is certainly your genuine position and you're not just a troll. Very convincing.

Cuckservatives actually believe it's all a big scam to trick people into not polluting and shitting up the planet

>not knowing what a greenhouse is
Ok flyover stater
Just get back to popping pills and complaining about people trying to fix problems you're too stupid to see

If anyone here is interested, I suggest, you checkout potholer54.
He's doing quite some stuff on climate change, busting some common myths and absolutely destroying steven Crowder.

Greenland will actually rise as the ice on it melts. Less weight pushing it down.

But the main issue here is the ice melting.

>Greenland that has more land then entire India will sink soon
>There are 48 different genders
>Race is social construct but White race is the most evil one
>Communism works it was just never fully reached
>Islam is religion of peace

Bill ''the cuck'' Nye