This week Trump had declared a trade war with Canada...

This week Trump had declared a trade war with Canada. He's wanting to restrict important of aluminum on national security grounds and put tarrifs on soft wood. This shits going to wreck the economy.

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Why do I give a shit? If things gets too rough I can just kill myself and let you faggots deal with it.


Why do you hate Jill Stein?

Worth It

LOL... K...

Have you even read NAFTA? Do you even realize how many canadians come over here for work with little to no issue and yet the harsh restrictions canada imposes on American workers going over there...

Bout time we started hitting back in some way.

Don't care still better then Hillary

that's the spirit

Not really seeing a problem here.

I do blame the DNC for blocking the Jewish socialist.

The day of the rake has come.

You do realize this is exactly what we wanted right? Sure some idiots were out their saying "hur trump maga" but for me this is just hilarious. Maybe he ends the world, maybe he just puts on a comedy show. Either way watching someone completely incompetent try to do something they can not is funny. We basically fed his ego until he thought he could do it and then left him on his own. Grow a sense of humor and enjoy these next few years.

No chance.

Quit being fags and worry about your own foreign policy you fucking snowbacks

You're obviously a LARPing Bernie voter or an ex-Hillshill. Either way, I hope you realize no one but your own idiot brethren are falling for this.

To put it bluntly pal, I don't give a good god damn.

Best president in 100 years

How many of them do you figure have changed their minds? This may seem like he's burning the world to you but for his supporters he's doing a good job. You can't just shitpost and hope they realized the era of their ways, truth is no matter how much you want to believe in "trumpgret" people still support him. If you truly care about this go do something.

Okay share blue, thanks or whatever.
Don't you have some cuck porn to look at or something?

The price of American made vehicles and everything else containing aluminum will go up. So the price of our exports will go up. This means that we will sell less stuff in other countries. The GDP will go down. Unemployment will go up. I'm not as worried about the soft wood issue, because we have other options but what exactly are we going to replace aluminum with? Even if we find a solution it won't be immediate.
Full disclosure, I made my fortune off scrap metal recycling.

Can you even determine memeing from reality anymore?


You're still here?

That's not even the issue. Its basically cutting off our nose to spite our face. The aluminium thing is retarded. Look around your house for a minute. See how much aluminium you have.

No, really? Why would anyone do that?


Oh, wait, that is Canada doing the tariff shit. Maybe Trump was reacting to Anti-Comp Canadian trade policies then? But that is crazy talk.

Maybe aluminum for trade exists in other places besides canada. Stay salty snowbacks.

Yeah, this will sure show them... By fucking up our ability to compete in manufacturing by limiting our access to soft metals at prices found in other parts of the world. That's just brilliant. Like I said the soft lumber and milk I get, but aluminium? That's just stupid.

Yeah... God knows that aluminum can ONLY be found in canadiakastan...

News flash. It hurts them WAY more then it hurts us..

And if I pay a few cents more per lbs of metal I'll happily deal with it.

Ikr, maybe some of those large multinational companies that buy large sums of industrial aluminum might buy them somewhere else.


Or maybe keep those aluminum jobs in America and reap the profits? But hey, its not like there are paid shills on Sup Forums or anything.

Actually it's to restrict it from all sources on national security grounds. The basis for this is to boost production in order to ensure quality for metal used for military applications. So not just Canada. All sources.

Actually it's not explicitly on Canada. It's actually on ALL imports. Or could be, it's up for review.

And, yes, this is classically how you show other nations that have anti-comp trade regulations. You fuck their shit up more than you fuck up our shit. We are the biggest dick on the block, so we fuck moar. I am shocked that your liberal arts college does not have any international trade courses.

Still fine with that.

Time to heat up our one forges and start smelting again and employ some Americans.

I care why? My lifes already fucked, do you really think I care what happens to this country?

The complaint is about how cheaper aluminum than we can produce... You're a fucking moron. Try and keep up. We can't produce it cheap enough. If we could then we wouldn't import. So we couldn't compete given material costs. It's just bad policy. That's why we haven't done it before.


Yeah but we are an agricultural country do you realize how much of the worlds foods come from the US,Plus canadas oil exporting buisness relies on the US if those markets fail canda is basically fucked


*own forges


Perhaps we will strike some deals with China so we are on good terms when the Koreas get forcefully reunified.

why are liberals so anti american? what exactly happened to them to make them so warped in the head to think like this?

60's hippies that hated America taking over the teaching institutions.


So you're saying that we fuck our shit up in order to prove some sort of point? Reaganomics?

You think we are bigger than China? That we can out produce countries with no regulations and living conditions so far below our own that we refer to them as third world? We can't treat our employees that bad. We can't compete in that pissing contest. Also for the record number 2 when it comes to importing aluminum is Russia. Pissing contest with Russia...

And how much farming equipment has aluminum as an essential material in it's makeup? Almost all of it. So... Yeah. Everyone including our farmers take a hit. All because of a pissing contest with Canada.

>ITT everyone is a literal pussy.

Also, Trumps a serious fucking faggot unless he starts WW3. He can't fulfill any promises unless he does so.

If countries don't compete they become third worlds. Foad pinko scum

Yeah, yeah, yeah, shill salt. I know, I know, no need for logic on Sup Forums. Meme time

Anyways, back to Sup Forums

kill yourself.

This isn't how you compete. We take cheap imports such as aluminum and turn them into stuff or use them to produce things that we use to make stuff. That's how you win. You don't win by starting trade wars you can't win over petty grievances or to boost a small percentage of the market in token gestures to appease your base.

>united states is the size of Europe
>thinking the united states doesn't have enough resources



fuck that shit. if I have to pay what an iPhone is really worth I'm going to be pissed.

That's not how it works. We could produce the aluminum, but can we produce it cheap enough? If so why don't we? The government doesn't need to step in if it's as simple as us needing to produce more from our given resources. We could even subsidize it like we do corn instead of starting a trade war. That's what China has been doing...well that and slave labor. Instead he'd directly stirring the shit and we take a hit in addition to possible tariffs or limits on American imports by the other countries in question. Canada, Russia, united Arab Emirates, China. Because those relations were stressed enough at this moment.

*sigh* ok. How it works is that there are winners and losers on every side of the equation. They place tariffs on perishable goods like milk, their farmers win, our farmers lose. So, in order to stop said tariff, we place a tariff on imports of something that makes up a larger portion of their trade, like aluminum. Therefore they take a larger hit from the aluminum trade than they make on the milk. Then, you negotiate to remove the milk tariff for removal of the aluminum tariff. That is how it works. Also, in regards to the increase in aluminum price impacting Americans, we dont really produce shit in 'murica any more, so what the fuck will it hurt? It doesn't add that tariff to your iphone, that is a finished good. But hey, those multinational aluminum shills sure are salty aint they?



Even the washington compost thinks he sucked.

this is why we can't have good presidents.

More importantly if other countries do they're not going to buy them. Not iPhones necessarily, because apple could just leave and move to China all together. I'm more worried about companies that actually produce shit in the states. If you have to pay for a car what it's really worth...

Harley Davidson, GM, Ford, Chrysler. Basically the rust belt.

Don't forget airplane manufacturing, beverages, and sex toys. All made in America and all contain aluminum.

This is who wrote that article. Do you really believe him? His article has the analytical depth of something on

AH... the good old ad-homonym attack...

Well i can't dispute what he's saying so i'll just attack his looks and charter.

Nothing says American like Pepsi and high end vibrators.

>His article has the analytical depth of something on

Ah the old 'I'm just going to ignore what you said' attack. You might as well hang yourself.

I suppose you have similar attacks for the writer of the story?

Oh my you ARE good.

So then show where is analysis is wrong rather then making attacks.

Good thing we get that shit from China then, so there will be no actual downside for America, just a downside for Canada. So that means that this tariff is actually... super smart?

Whoops forgot my proof aluminum shills


Eh. He's got 4 years to wreck the place up and continue to piss the vast overwhelming majority of the country off.

The worse he makes it, the more impossible a republitard win in 2020 will be.

The instant he's gone they're just going to shed everything he did anyway, as is normal now. His only lasting effect will be moving the US, and certainly the presidency, from an unfunny joke, to the punchline of that joke, to the butt of it.

Or Jews will kill him.

There could be 1,000,000 counties with one person in each and then 1 county with 10,000,000 people living in it. It's should be focused on population. But really it should be representational. The one county gets 10/11th say and the other counties each get 1/11,000,000th of a say each.

I'm not against Trump per se but like why do people act like this? Fucking inbred morons. He could be a good president but keeps fucking up hardcore.

How will we ever be able to find aluminum now that Canada isn't providing it?

All my shit is composite now.

1900s: Steels, Titanium Alloys, Alluminum Alloys
2000s: Carbon/Epoxy, Kevlar, Thermoplastics, PEEK, All FRP's.

Get with the times Canada.

I didn't like Trump during the campaign (Hillary and Trump disgusted me).

But he's done well. He's not perfect. But I'd vote for him in 2020, and I'm a pretty moderate voter.

Stop whining please. Elections have consequences. The Democratic party is done for years, maybe forever.


Actually it's on china as well. The aluminum thing includes Chinese imports. Or could. It's the primary example ncitrd as justification, even though our number one supplier is by far Canada. So... No. Also he's been threatening other tariffs on China since before the election. Fucktard

Not just Canada. Pay attention. He wants to limit imports from ALL countries.

Canada besides Russia, has one of the worlds largest tungsten reserves..

if trump wants to start producing more shit in the USA, that requires machining, and what do we use in machining. oh yeah tungsten carbide!


You think softwood is the worst thing we could do?

We could sell CANDU nuclear reactors to North Korea and the US could really see what having an unfriendly neighbor is really like

Remember the saying "With a Greek as a friend, you don't need any enemies"

People should think that about to US.

Done well at what?

I voted for him and so far it's been a lot of vacationing and getting fucknothing accomplished but the negative shit that ruins Americans lives. Still waiting for him to do any of the shit he campaigned on to improve our lives, and getting the very real impression it's never coming.

Your beer cans and the engine in your car are made of none metallic composite materials? You got me, spaceman. What do you use for speakers? Don't Tell me, graphene. Because you live in the year 2030...

another proud, cuck virgin

k keep sucking the zionist's dick ig

>be me, wood worker.
>most my cedar comes from canada cause super duper cheap
>stupid bill hurts me not the construction industry that will just pass the cost on the already inflated home builders final house cost.

Trump's just going after business grudges.

America will rule the world by 2100 if repeating digits

And he's also specifically targeting them with the aluminum thing. It's ok all aluminum and they're the number two supplier. Between that and Syria...

North Korea had to be dealt with at some point.

Gave us a great, moderate Supreme Court Justice


Tax Reform (coming soon)

Healthcare (coming soon)

Stop whining you guys. Elections have consequences. He's only 100 days in.

... Ok? Then American Producers of aluminum will make a windfall off of the increased viability of American Aluminum. You motherfuckers think that foreign aluminum producers sell aluminum the cheapest they can? No, they sell it for pennies less than american aluminum after all taxes, tariffs, and shipping. Because maximization of profits is the core tenant of most businesses. So the sky isn't gonna fall, cars won't become $100k each (mostly because we buy foreign cars now) and nothing is gonna change on the ground level. Oh, and hey, good thing on including China's aluminum imports too. That will help with the overproduction problem from my last piece of proof.

Wait, I thought Australia was like number 3 in the world in aluminum mining and refining?..

And already he's getting us into a potential nuclear war, and a potential recession. The consequence of which will likely be an end to the Republican party. Cool.


He either MAGA, or destroys the world. Win/win for me, no matter what.

Seriously. Metals ARE last century. Heavy, weak, energy-intensive, and expensive to work with. Tech school dropouts that become machinists think its great, but that's due to having shit for brains and being als out of date in every aspect of their lives.

>potential nuclear war

with who?.. china wont let NK launch a warhead. It doesn't benefit them in anyway. NK has nothing to lose yes, but NK does anything to fuck with anyone, including the US. it will be a good time and many KEKs when the USA, China and USSR-Russia go in there and turn their landmass into the fucking moon.

say it with me,
B 5 2

>beer cans
>car engine


I wanna see you build a reactor cord shielding with plastic.. go ahead, ill wait.

Actually the real problem comes with starting the mining and refining processes. We can't just expand that for free. The initial increase will cost us a lot. Then there is the fact that a few pennies here and there add up to billions of dollars. Remember when Papa John's was arguing against minimum wage? When did we go from that guy being a potential pick for the administration to this fiscal irresponsible bullshit in the name of 'Merica?

Federal Protectionism bad! Free trade good! Except when it's not.