I was at school with my friends during a health class, fucking around on Sup Forums and shit. At the time...

I was at school with my friends during a health class, fucking around on Sup Forums and shit. At the time, we were talking about drugs and how they were bad for your health. But then we got onto the subject of marijuana. The facs teacher went on to say that people who support the legalization of marijuana are idiots. That's when we turned our heads, because we were huge supporters of recreational marijuana. She went on to tell this story about how her sister was "addicted" to weed (studies show that alcohol is 100 time more addictive than weed). She went on to say that she "built up a tolerance" (studies show you can't do that with weed), and that she got some heroin and overdosed. She also said that it is harmful because it's a gateway drug and gives you cancer, and that marijuana hasn't helped anyone at all. (bitch, aren't you a teacher?) at the end of the period, most of the pot smokers (which was, like, 70% of the students, including me and my friends) were giving her the dumbest looks ever. Have you ever had a teacher who would spew random bullshit just to fill a bullshit agenda? What are your thoughts on the weed, and should it be legal? I totally think it should, but that's just my opinion.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stoners are boring, insufferable cunts, so I'm hoping Monsanto will genetically engineer something to either wipe it out completely or cause anyone attempting to smoke it to have a massive stroke.

>Fuck yeah Science

well, that's not a very factual thing to say, but I guess everyone has an opinion.

marajuana...think again

Avid smoker here.
1. You do get addicted to the high, it's not a physical addiction like cigarettes, it's a psychological addiction.
2. You do build up tolerance, I used to smoke around 0.07 Grams and I'd get fucked up, now I smoke around 0.1 Gram and I get high af (I mix it with tabacco since I'm a EU fag).
If I smoked the same as someone who buys it legally, then I'd just green out because of my low tolerance. In the end it is a first drug to many drug addicts, so I would call it a gateway drug, but that doesn't mean I'm against it. I'm for legalization, but I know the negatives and pozitives. I think it's a fantastic experiance.

While 90% of the shit your teacher said is crap marijuana is very much addictive. Just because you dont have severe withdrawl symptoms doesnt make it harmless. I have watched people just waste away because they are complete dope fiends, only concerned with getting baked all day everyday

I've been doing it for years for ptsd, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia I was heavily abused as an infant and it has changed my life and I've taken long tolerance breaks when I should be more addicted than anyone else.
Your friends lack will power it's their fault not the plant.

omg that looks juicy as fuck

Its totally addictive.
You can build up a tolerance.
Its definitely a gateway drug.

>She went on to say that she "built up a tolerance" (studies show you can't do that with weed)
I agree with pretty much everything you said except that. I've been smoking pretty much everyday for a bit over 2 years and I need a fuck-load of weed to get me baked. Tolerance is real and it's a bitch. I do also believe that weed is slightly psychologically addictive in the same way that people can get addicted to the internet, video games, fast food, etc. It happens if you make smoking weed a habitual thing, just like anything else. It's not physically addictive like opiates and benzos though.

Also about the gateway drug theory. Weed is generally the first drug everyone tries due to its accessibility and prevalence in society worldwide. So yes, 99% of heroin addicts started with weed but that doesn't mean that smoking weed made them want to start doing heroin. There's millions of people who have only ever smoked weed and never done any other drugs. That's why the gateway drug theory is bullshit.

i never got why so many smoke it with tobacco. if you're gonna smoke weed, smoke weed

You could easily say the same thing for somebody who does any other drug.

>cannabis and alcohol got me like

Its most def more addictive and a gate but if you are a loser on weed you were probably a loser before weed. Get over yourself.

it really depends on the person and why they're doing drugs and why they look for highs of any kind, whether it be from a drug or just doing an action such as playing videogames, which gives you a dopamine "high" if you will. I knew i only wanted to do psychedelics and maybe try stuff like crack. Did shrooms, and LSD and after both of those, while looking for a personal, ethical, and moral, experience, i found i didn't want drugs nearly as much as i did cause i found that i was largely wasting my time and money on them. That said, i was addicted(psychologically) and couldn't even admit it to myself. After stopping, I often experienced withdrawal symptoms like heightened anxiety, depressive thoughts, sweating while sleeping, and generic diarrhea. IT'S JUST A DRUG. Now, anyone that pretends it's some wonder drug or whatever IS a moron. Find something meaningful and fulfilling to do in life, such as having an ambition, or maybe just see a fucking therapist, and you'll find yourself not caring nearly as much for drugs, trust me.


Was a heavy weedsmoker for 3 years, stopped 2 years ago
>her sister was "addicted" to weed
You can get addicted to weed. I was. I even had very minor physical withdrawal symptoms (sweaty hands 24/7, starting to sweat from everything, weating so hard at night that my bed was literally wet)
>"built up a tolerance"
You do definitely build a tolerance. Go ahead and smoke daily for 1-2 weeks and you will already notice
I do however think that it should be legal, it's not more dangerous than other legal drugs
In my opinion the mainproblem in this discussion is that both sides don't stick to facts. Fucking "stonerculture" or whatever you want to call it stand more in the way of legilization by picturing dumb fucks that live for weed.

>I knew i only wanted to do psychedelics and maybe try stuff like crack

>Live in northern canada
>everyone here gets high
>its literally the only way to escape the mundanity
>Started smoking weed every day at 12
>every day from 12-15
>go to a doctor for an annual checkup
>ask for ct scan because abnormal growth
>He tells me the growth is benign and then proceeds to tell me i have a highly underdeveloped brain in certain lobe
I essentially gave myself fucking autism

well pretty much every form of drug fucks way harder if your brain is still developing

I knew i only wanted to try certain things, i.e. i knew i didn't want to do heroin or other shit like that and never looked for it. I was offered a line of crack, did a small line. It was ok, you're not missing out on anything.

Was her sister named Becky?

Poor Becky.

kek, crack is probably more addictive than heroin

I did yearly I.Q tests and my average was 150
My average is now 140

lmao i know, but it makes a big difference when you just don't care about it. I've smoked cigarettes plenty of times but i never made it a thing, y'know?

>at school
>fucking around on Sup Forums

this site is not for children

when i was in health class, we had a drug specialist come in and tell us about how weed was the most dangerous drug. literally everyone in the class could prove her wrong and we provided sources. The teacher was so mad, yet couldnt do anything because we had facts and science on our side.

Have you ever tried weed ?

>you build a tolerance
>you get addicted
>you can get psychosis
>it generally fucks with your brain chemistry
>its expensive
>it lures you into a state of mind where you distance yourself from society as a whole

i think that was the major stuff that i can just brainstorm in 2 secs.

yeah but then thats the same with every drug right? (I know I couldn't do that so I just keep hands off stuff thats known to be addictive as fuck)

its because your mixing tobacco with your weed, it affects the high. Also, maybe your weed isnt always "top shelf" if your going black market, you cant guarantee quality/genetics

Weed supporters belong in my discord. Just made it so I'm trying to get it rolling. Come help out. We have porn and memes. Code is AtaBD

more or less

some tolerance build up is due to smoking the same strain all the time, or quality changing from batch to batch if you go black market. Theres also the fact that you get more used to the high the more you do it, so its not technically a "tolerance", its just acclimation.

keep telling yourself that

First of all, it is addicting. I'm high all the time and it's hard to live with out it. It's just not physically addicting. I won't scold you because at least you are asking more people instead of just disregarding what she says completely. Most teachers are pretty fucking stupid in their own way though...

This nigga has been down the path I went down with weed, much better without it now, but you can only realize this yourself as at this point you'll probably think "he just cant handle it like i can"

Use of every drug should be legalized but illegal distribution should be penalized 10 times harder. It would solve all our problems with drugs.

could be genetic.. cant blame the weed without pure evidence that it cause your autismo-condition.


you dont think some of the "tolerance" effect is due to the fact that your just getting more used to "getting high" like maybe some of the taboo is wearing off?

It's addictive but it doesn't have a negative impact on anything unless you're alone a lot of the time

do you mean powdered cocaine? because...crack in the US is freebase cocaine m8... the spear-chuckers smoke that shit. Its a hard little rock and is usually difficult to chop into a line.
Maybe you're in Europe?

Every doper i know started with booze. And when they cant get that smack they just drink heavily.

Im a trippy hippy. shrooms, acid, and mescaline is my Thing. Good luck finding those in a dopers paradise like fagmuricastan though

> 3 explanations that all think theire right, while being highly unlikely subjective thoughts but ignore the obvious explanation

>youre finding excuses

maybe for you, but you should realize that everyone experiences it differently. We're not all the same, dont be solipsistic.

me and my best friend became stoners when we moved out of state so he could go to uni and so i could get the fuck out of dodge.

we invited a friend from our hometown out, because he was in the region. he came into our apartment and we were like "bro dude smoke some weed with us" and he got weirded the fuck out and booked it.

it was strange

let me explain it to you
>be me
>smoking occasionally for some months
>meet new people start smoking every day
>notice that high is different after two weeks or so
>can function pretty normally just slowed down and shit
>take a break for a month
>get a proper high again
how is that not tolerance

this is a psychological thing, all evidence from studies is anecdotal, theres no way to put this shit into numbers, theres no real way to truly measure this shit, its all in the mind.

The problem with your position in the argument is that you are using "scientific studies" to provide the evidence needed to support your position. This would be great if these studies were not pseudoscience. Have you actually read all 500 pages of each of these studies, tabulated the data, and seen how accurate they are? Many people have, and continue to do so.

Of course you have not done this, it would take you three weeks for each study. The studies fit your agenda, they make you FEEL better, so you accept them without scrutiny. If you bothered to actually digest the material you would see your claims have no weight to it. A research University in Lunde Sweden identified three canabinoids that are NEUROTOXIC and cause PHYSICAL ADDICTION. The chemical mechanism for this phenomena was proven a decade ago. It is not up for debate, and it never has been.

So sure, talk shit about your teacher even though shit talking is not an argument. Quote "studies" that are pseudoscientific nonsense designed to make you feel better. You are the problem here.

because you're just permastoned and can't tell you're getting more high. i mean eventually you reach a saturation point where you can't really get more stoned

if you take a break for two weeks all your receptors get switched off, so when you smoke again after a break you REALLY notice it.

i took a break for 2 months, then smoked, then immediately jacked off and it was as good as sex.

fuck that guy, he might be cool in a couple years, but chances are; hes gonna become an alcoholic and get a fat girl preggers in a couple years. good job getting outa' dodge, you did the right thing.

link to your study or it didn't happen fag

weed is remarkably nontoxic as a compound. source: no one fucking dies from weed overdose.

No it's not a gateway drug you unvelievable retard.
The only way it has become a gateway is because idiots make it illegal. Now you get dealers selling crack to someone who wanted weed.

that doesn't make sense at all
the way you are saying it implies that I was as high as I can get but if you take a break you get higher?
But yeah, your receptors get saturated, which leads to having a tolerance

its acclimation, if you smoke every day, you get more used to it. Tolerance is a physical effect where the chemicals become less effective over time. No research has proven that humans can build a physical tolerance to THC, it never stops being effective. The "Tolerance" youre experiencing is purely mental and wouldt stand up in scientific setting.

true, some of the things listed dont happen to everybody

statistically they still happen so you are at risk to experience it yourself.

i wont go in detail over what is enhancing the risk of psychosis now.

but it is certain that it fucks your brain chemistry if you use it regularly. Not a single case, its scientifical fact.

Not going into the psychological details here but you can develop some kind of anti social behavior.

see how this guy foreshadowed you being sceptic?

again, youre probably only searching excuses for yourself

oh, yeah cocaine. Also when you smoke weed for awhile it feels like your brain is in jail, or you're tugging around a ball and chain

also you should have elaborated which point exactly is "soliplistic"

you don't get higher you just notice the high more because your receptors are switched off

i smoke every day, so i notice the difference between smoking all the time and taking a break for a while then smoking.

then you should smoke less weed, or find a better strain. just because you dont like it doesnt mean its bad for everybody...

medium com / @joedolce/the-why-of-the-high-tolerance-explained-cd39539a6cde

Been to Councillors i have personality conditions but not autism

ITT: addicts justifying addiction

>Have you actually read all 500 pages of each of these studies, tabulated the data, and seen how accurate they are?

Nobody does that and the only people that say they have are lying and using top tier mental gymnastics to make themselves think they know whats true.

But in reality you are probably a drunk , dope dealing ultra republican rape fiend that oppresses the freedoms of good, honest, kind hearted american citizens.

Im a fat, hairy, small dicked, cigarette addict that cant stop hating on life because my expectations are too high.

I can be honest with myself. How about you?

the idea that everybody experiences weed the same way as user. if he thinks we all experience it the exact same, then he's being "solipsistic"

fucking acclimations hahahahaha, shut the fuck up, that's a fucking synonym for tolerance, you're either trolling or retarded

he just doesn't want to hear it
I was the same, then I experienced a lot of the shit sides weed has to offer
I still like smoking from time to time but I accept that it's not as harmless as those 420blazeit fags make it out to be

I never said i didn't like it, but a lot of people do it for the wrong reasons or in the wrong ways. I'm not smoking anymore but i'll come back to it, just not in the way i used to, life is balance. Smoke if you like, but don't let it get in the way of your life.

its not a physiological tolerance, its your brain getting more used to (acclimated) to being high all the time, if it was a real tolerance you wouldnt be able to get high ever again after building it up.

Statistically a few people who get cataract surgey end up seeing in UV light. But that doesnt mean cataract surgery gives you superpowered eyesight.

Statiatically an extremely small percentage of people get a bottle smashed on their head and wake up as a math genius. But go ahead and try that to see how it works out.

Please link to the study that says you can't build up a tolerance to weed.

the study probably says you get acclimated to it

>i wont go in detail over what is enhancing the risk of psychosis now.
>but it is certain that it fucks your brain chemistry if you use it regularly. Not a single case, its scientifical fact.
>Not going into the psychological details here but you can develop some kind of anti social behavior.
listen to this dumbass

fact: weed might be linked to an increase in the prevalence of scizophrena
fact: this is not proven, only indicated by the data
fact: no one has fucking died from smoking weed

here's an actual link to an actual fucking study, something this thread is lacking


when I was younger I despised doing cocaine. then when I turned about 20, I did it a few times in large amounts and realized that the more I did it, the better it got...and I couldn't understand why, because I had always preferred depressants much moreso over stimulants (opiates and benzodiazepines specifically). I guess it all boils down to dopamine.
weed has just become completely lassiez-faire. I'm indifferent to it.

i didnt mean that everybody experienced it in the same way.

are we in kindergarden that i have to write this down every time?

most people should be able to distinguish between statistically evidenced points and very rare cases.

And consider this:
the fact that many people in this thread have the same experience shows that its not a rare case.

Yes, anybody who doesn't think this is in denial and probably addicted to it.
Yep, but nothing like coke, meph etc...
I would have probably never tried harder drugs if i didn't smoke weed through my youth so.. I guess it is.

Your teacher is right desu

Im not talking about scizophrenia.
If you have a weed psychosis its not necessarily shizophrenia.

nice try thought.

also by "fucks your brain chemistry" i dont mean you get chizophrenic right away.
It acts on receptors on the brain and your brain reacts on this change in a certain way which then alters its structure to compensate for the change.
Fuck dude why do i have to explain myself....

i like how you call me dumbass,
but dont even understand my post.

You can get a tolerance to weed? Thats why people go on tolerance breaks

Weed is a one way ticket to realising 10 years down the line you've never amounted to anything.

If you want a good night, do cocaine or something.

This tbh

1. Alcohol is chemically addictive, marijuana is psychologically addictive

2. You do build up a tolerance, which is why if you smoked at all you would know that regulsr smokers take "t breaks" (tolerance breaks) so they don't have to spend lots to get high.

You're still doing pe so you're obviously still young, not that that means you're necessarily wrong or dumb, but its important to get your facts straight and not regurgitate information.

hahahahaha, you're still trying, i don't know what's funnier, how hard you're trying to ironically be retarded or if you're actually retarded. Either way you're a waste of time hahaha

Just think of everytime you do anything wasteful or unproductive and where you could be if not for that, then adjust for bad luck, life, and generic human apathy. Think of how you could refine and perfect your life, your emotions, and your intelligence. You'll be surprised how much you get in your own way, on top of everything else. Society has programmed you to be a drone that is constantly dependent on outside things, such as drugs, weird how that works....it's almost like they'd prefer people to misuse and abuse drugs so they can keep saying how bad they are and keep "their" drugs legal and making money.....

fuck all of this incessant bickering. Do some real dope, you nogs. (yes, its backwards)

you're wrong and laughing for damage control like someone who just told the jew pizza oven joke at a barmitzvah

holy shit you're trying very hard. Pls stop, i acknowledge your power levels.

goin old school hell yeah dude

im a different guy just pointing it out autismo

flushes out of your system in 3 days average, 5 max. I'm also not bashing weed, I'm just indifferent to it and don't give a fuck if people wanna use it or not...but I do believe people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, seizure disorders, palsy, distrophy, and other potentially terminal illnesses should have first right to all of the weed (and painkillers for that matter).


And yet here you are on Sup Forums, nice try

I'm not doing much ATM btw but this picture always haunts me everytime I come onto Sup Forums and you reminded me of it

i live near holland and we smoke it with tobacco because pure weed wil be devastating for your brain and wallet thats why

is this pasta from reddit?
it sounds reddit af

your teacher already lost, everyone knows pot is great and those who dont will be dead in 30 years or too senile for their opinions to matter

>typical dumb stoner
pot is great, you are dumb and you were dumb before you smoked your first joint

>Have you ever had a teacher who would spew random bullshit just to fill a bullshit agenda?

Most of my teachers in public school did just that.

I'm not usually one for "wake & bake" but I'm going to smoke to this thread.


Weed is bad for you. It's addictive and it can fuck you up. All this shit about it not doing those things is an improper response to it being illegal and the desire of people for it to be legal.

Weed should be legal - that's not the point of what I'm saying. Just stop being a retard and trying to say it's good for you. PROTIP: It's not.

weed takes nutrients your brain needs while developing
user you fucked up

you shouldve smoked less often and waited till you were older
smoking after you are 21 is literally harmless

>this is what republicans want you to believe

first, no one does iq tests yearly
second, pot cant possibly make you lose IQ points
it can prevent you from getting those points because its staggers the developement of your brain by absorbing nutrients it needs, but the IQ points youd lose are measured by a projection of what your IQ is and what it should be when your brain is fully developed

this user is full of shit