This will be on page 10 because shes unattractive in less than 2 minutes so it doesnt matter if i post her name and...

this will be on page 10 because shes unattractive in less than 2 minutes so it doesnt matter if i post her name and nudes

from Westchester, NY

try me OP

Dharma Wild

also goes by Dharma Wolf Wild

Keep goin bud

she IS attractive

fuck the 1st pic but post more of the other ones

It takes longer than 2 minutes to get to page 10.

On an average day during peak hours, it takes about 10 minutes for a thread to make it to the last page to be pruned.

she would be attractive with one of these


the nsfw pics are old shes since taken out the piercings




Found her

That hip slap, someone can't aim for shit.

pls post a pick where you fuck her

is she a meth head?

ow the answer is here


You're a total noon. She's smoking weed you dumbass


OP tell us the story behind the pics, r u taking the pics, how do you get a girl to be okay with pics n vids of her..... ?

Is this real?

Just check it yourself, its her. One picture of OP has her wearing a necklace and other stuff that is similar to an uploaded pic.

If you're an ex-boyfriend - fuck you, user.
If it's you - you're quite hot. Just watch those piercings. You're at maximal lip piercing capacity.

She's gotten a bit fat.

>is she a meth head?
Way to prove you don't no jack and shit about drugs kek