So I have a few questions I've been wanting to ask for awhile now...

So I have a few questions I've been wanting to ask for awhile now, since all this shenanigans started on campuses and at protests and stuff.

What exactly is wrong with being anti-fascist?
How can someone stand up and say "Oh I really hate those anti-fascists" and declare themselves to NOT be a fascist?

1. "But ANTIFA is violent" yeah, so? the US fought fascists on two fronts in WW2 resulting in hundreds of thousands in casualties, so what has changed since then? why is it not tolerated now?
2. ANTIFA accepts ALL, and is made up of people from all backgrounds so what stops you from supporting them?
3. ANTIFA has been defending marginalized groups so how would you feel if you were a PoC, immigrant, or otherwise a minority in a majority-dense society?

For the record i'm not part of antifa but I do sympathize with them and like-minded groups. and yes i posted on Sup Forums but it got removed. figures.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm against Antifa because they shut down free speech.

They also simplify everything down to the most moronic level to the point it doesn't even make sense. Being slightly conservative does not make you a "NAZI". They completely distort and make light of what Hitler did by comparing people who don't share their political views with people who carried out the Holocaust.

They are a bunch of uninformed LARPing failures who got bullshit degrees in college and can't get a job with their gender studies degree.

If you can't defend your political views in a polite discussion then your views are irrelevant and worthless. "shutting down" and "no platform" tactics are the methods antifa uses because they cannot participate in civil discussion of ideas.

stop discriminating racists!

you vegan faggot hypocrites...

>LARPing failures who got bullshit degrees in college and can't get a job with their gender studies degree.
100% original reply
believe it or not, many people out there got the degrees that were necessary for their chosen career, even in STEM, and can't get a job or are underemployed. yes, so people are pissed off about it. obviously you are privileged so you wouldn't know

>they cannot participate in civil discussion of ideas.
we have been until you decided to hijack the election by force through questionable acts (Russia, etc)

> Being slightly conservative does not make you a "NAZI"
thats not what im saying
im syaing if you're against anti-fascism, how does that not make you a fascist?


Look out, the lefties have sticks. I'm scared.

choice of weapon for school shooters.


>obviously you are privileged so you wouldn't know

Typical antifa faggot projecting whatever you want onto your opponent to paint them into the oppressive white make patriarchy sterotype you require to justify your actions.

No, I grew up in a working class family. My father was a roofer, my mother was a secretary. I had to pay for my own college and worked 30 hours a week all through college and took out student loans. I got a STEM degree (biochemistry) and also have a master's degree in biochemistry.

It was somewhat difficult to find a job, but I worked a retail job until I got a job using my degree, which was about 7 months after graduation with my Master's.

>hijack the election
Yeah, Hillary didn't openly steal the democrat primaries now did she... And lets just ignore the millions of illegal alien voters.

Still waiting on the smoking gun for Russia. The worst thing you have is a Turmp aide not disclosing his full communications with Russia. Even though nothing illegal happened, he just failed to disclose it.

>anti-fascism, how does that not make you a fascist

Because the anti-fascists are acting like fascists. They are using violence and intimidation to shut down opponents. That is a fascist tactic. Actions speak louder than words. It doesn't matter what the fuck they call themselves, it matters how they act. And they act like fascists.

Fun fact, less peple die in school shootings than die from bee stings
More people are killed by punching and kicking, knives, blunt objects, than by all rifles combined, not just "assault rifles".

that's such a non-argument.
bee stings are not always preventable
but we can prevent school shootings by banning the weapon of choice. why is it almost always the ar15 or at least an assault rifle

if we have the power to protect people, we should. i dont see why this is so hard to understand

i'm an anarchist and dont subscribe to antifa because of the heaping amounts of groupthink


>but we can prevent school shootings by banning the weapon of choice. why is it almost always the ar15 or at least an assault rifle

Just a friendly reminder that Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people plus hundreds more wounded using nothing more than two components commonly available to farmers and some information commonly available on the internet.

but you're white, right? No one's ever called you a nigger that it mattered to you, right? You don't see representations of your kind overwhelmingly invisible or negative?

>"Hurr durr am americunt commie so fresh and original"
There is no need for antifa in the USA imo
since there is no fascism.
Go do your shitty Soros/Rotschild propaganda someplace with actual fascists like Ukraine.

Obama conducted the largest ever gun study. It concluded:

Mass shootings are rare:
>The number of public mass shootings of the type that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School accounted for a very small fraction of all firearm-related deaths. Since 1983 there have been 78 events in which 4 or more individuals were killed by a single perpetrator in 1 day in the United States, resulting in 547 victims and 476 injured persons.” The report also notes, “Unintentional firearm-related deaths have steadily declined during the past century. The number of unintentional deaths due to firearm-related incidents accounted for less than 1 percent of all unintentional fatalities in 2010.”

Between 1983 and 2013 there were only about 1,000 victims of a mass shooting. The hundreds of "mass shootings" you hear about from anti-gun propaganda counts gangland violence as public "mass shootings". 4 niggers shooting at each other over crack and drug selling turf isn't a mass shooting. But to a liberal it is.

Obama's study proved that guns are used far more for self defense than for harm:
>Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.”

Guns are also the most effective thing for self defense:
>“Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies.”

Which is why you never heard of it. Democrats swept they largest study on gun violence ever conducted under the rug.


People do not care about you
Stop believing you a celebrity
Your parents are ashamed of you surely
Shit like you do not wash


The problem is that Antifa has become the place
for violence and nothing else. We need to show that the way to combat the fascists is
through purposed debate.

By being violent from the start groups like Antifa
associate the moderates or people who
disagree with the current administration with
them and discredit us all.

The way to do this is to openly engage them
peaceably and defend the constitution and free
speech ABOVE ALL

It doesn't matter if mass shootings are rare and kill less people than insects
It doesn't matter if guns are used more for defense than for harm
It doesn't matter if people who use guns for defense are statistically more likely to remain safe
It doesn't matter that history shows all governments become systematically more tyrannical over time and revolutions are cyclical in nature.

Guns are bad!

Look a the scenario without bias towards left or right ideologies being presented. It's a criminal that shows up wearing a mask. If you believe enough in your cause you should be willing to accept the consequences of being identified. Don't be little towelhead bitch like those fuckwits in the Middle East. You're an American. Stand in the open and speak for your rights and cause.
>masks in American protests between libcucks and Hitler's wannabe retards.

not a single helmet.

You people would get rekt in intifada


Jeeeeeeesus user your feelings don't matter just put your head down and grind.

Fucking pussy can't overcome so wants what's in my pocket kys



>Guns are bad!

Okay, so what happens once every gun is banned and every gun held in civilian hands has been confiscated?

Two PVC pipe caps, 12" PVC pipe, fill with black powder and insert fireworks fuze one end. Glue glass marbles all over the outside.

Frag grenade you can walk through any metal detector.

The word racist was made (in to a bad thing) by internationalist globalist jewish commies in order to destabilized a existing nation.

They do this to take over the means of production and gain control over the assets of set nation whilst being foreigners themselves.

In Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme:
No doubt that before arriving at complete internationalism, there will be a stage which will be racism; but it must be hoped that the layover will not be too long, that it will be rapidly surpassed. Communism, which appears that it must inevitably be regulated at the beginning of its functioning, especially in regard to international trade, will bring about the establishment of racist federations (Latin, Slavic, Germanic, etc.). Anarchy — which we can glimpse at the end of two or three generations when, as a result of the development of production, any regulations will have become superfluous — will bring the end of racism and the advent of a humanity without borders.

Antifa is just the place for ragemonsters from the internet to go to be anonymous and play at being revolutionary.

If they wanted to really affect a change, they
would spend the time and attention to try and
organize and debate their enemies.

Instead, they are characterized by the
inattention of youth and the disorganization that
comes with their collective powerless feelings.
They want to blame somethging instead of
fixing it.

Because using anti-fascism as an excuse to act like a fascist,
is the same oldest transparent trick in the book of using moral superiority to play thought police with people.

It's transparent.
It's pathetic.
It's just excuses and justifications in labels for acts of bullying and oppression that make you equally a close-minded douchebag as the other party.

It's just plain and simple intelligence-insulting to the average people, which is why average people tend to not agree with it and shit on it, and it doesn't get much support.

>How can someone stand up and say "Oh I really hate those anti-fascists" and declare themselves to NOT be a fascist?

Because some people don't have brains that are limited to binary operation and are capable of critical thinking?

Defeated marginalized but marginalizing cisgenderism since 2k16.

Antifa are facists. Anyone you disagree with politically you demonize, call an enemy of humanity, and violently try to oppress. You just don't see it because somebody told you you're the good guys.

All the gangs that specialize in trafficking illegal contraband won't be able to traffic guns because they are illegal contraband, duh.

Don't you know that gangs don't do illegal shit? Banning guns will get rid of them just like banning drugs got rid of drugs and banning prostitution got rid of prostitution.

this is because is necesery kill all nazis, they are fucking violent

>What exactly is wrong with being anti-fascist

There are no real ''Fascist'' parties in power.

Antifa is Anti-Free speech Anti- first amendment, Anti anything that has word (Free) in it actually.It's like Bill Nye call himself scientist when he in reality is not.

ANTIFA = SJW's with fetish for dead Communist Dictators and Marxism

fucking nazis, I would kill them all

>How can someone stand up and say "Oh I really hate those anti-fascists" and declare themselves to NOT be a fascist?

Because fascists act while non-fascists just express their opinions.
Those people clearly understand the definition of fascism, while you don't OP.

>assault rifle

kek. someone doesn't know what they're talking about. your opinion is no longer valid.

All I was saying is that if the Libs ever actually achieved their gun free utopia, those who would do harm on a mass scale will simply switch to explosives to get it done.

Liberals believe that it's the tool that does evil while us conservatives know that it's the person operating it.

>ANTIFA = SJW's with fetish for dead Communist Dictators and Marxism
This. So very much this.


>What exactly is wrong with being anti-fascist?
Nothing. However Antifa members have recently been oppressive of human rights. There definition of fascism now seems to be people support freedom of speech.

If Antifa is so accepting of everyone why are they attacking people for being different than them? If they are so opposed to fascism why do they think it OK to come and operate as a one party totalitarian gang who censor and assault people? What would happen if they did come to take over the country? You think they would give up their power and stop their Hilterish ways?

gay nazi detected

sounds like he was being sarcastic, fuckboy.

The Nice truck attack in France killed more people than any single gunman mass shooting has ever killed. Guns are not the optimal choice for a terrorist attack. They are too precise and only effect 1 target at a time.

Simply driving a large vehicle into a crowd is a far more effective method of murder and destruction than guns.

>call yourself anti-fa

>create an organization whose aim is totalitarian control
>act in a militaristic manner
>draw extreme binary lines between yourself and your perceived enemies with no grey area allowed

GIF related.
Wall: OP and antifa
Penis: Me.

Fuck.......triple 6's attached to this reply

"Think how we think or we'll hurt you"

Who said it? Nazis, antifa or both?

Does it really matter what these Antifa fuckers think? At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, it's all the normal people that are going to win. When the shit hits the fan and the guns come out, Antifa will be wiped the fuck out. There's only so much times you can try and bully the wider population before they say enough is enough. They do not matter and if they keep going the way they are, they're all going to get killed. t will be their own fault for participating illusions of a war against nazi's that don't exist.

That's all there is to it when it's all finally said and done.

If they didn't know what they were doing was wrong they wouldn't be hiding their identities like little pissies.

Fuck Antifa and fuck straight edge too. They ARE fucking fascist beating up people that don't agree with them, Assholes...

>and fuck straight edge too

>How can someone stand up and say "Oh I really hate those anti-fascists" and declare themselves to NOT be a fascist?

Not everyone falls for the false dichotomy Antifa hopes to maintain. They aren't attacking King Jong Un, they are attacking citizens of a democratic republic. While trying to undermine the very freedoms essential to protecting US FROM FASCISM.

>What exactly is wrong with being anti-fascist?
But you're not. You're anti free speech.


We aren't at war.

The country is perfectly fine.

Antifa is having bitch fits over people they assume to be "fascist" which by their definition is anyone who is against them in any way.

They're piping up for the "marginalized" groups in America, trying to speak out for others that don't need people to speak for them.

There's a few videos where the so called marginalized groups these antifa fucks are trying to represent speak out against them, and antifa doesn't do shit.

Antifa is a bunch of little faggots that grew up thinking they were special, and thinking that the world needs to change, that history should repeat itself, all so they can feel self empowered. It's fucking ridiculous, and at this point it just seems like mass hysteria.

Antifa = fascist, domestic terrorists

It is just all smokescreens

So you have weaponized autism and the left has sticks
Who wins? Hedge your bets now

>shut down free speech
Do they though? Saying things that are not true and by their utterance hurt people is not protected...

to antifa anything that is not far left is facist nazis

antifa call everything they don't like facist nazis

antifa are just communist tools against capitalism, workers rise up yada yada fight da powa

calling anyone you don't agree with a nazi is no different

there's nothing wrong with nationalism or national socialism anyway

you faggots complain when anyone talks shit about communism and say you can't blame an ideology well you can't blame national socialism either

your fucking vehicle for change is going to end up running it's own operators over just like last time

1) you define your ideal as "anything going against Fascism" -- that is: you're a faggotrendy gay fag (imagine, for contrast, someone joining a group of anti-somethingrandom)

2) you go for a clearly fabricated meme because it's edgy and trendy -- that is: you're a faggotrendy edgygay fag and you don't ask yourself why the "Fascist" term doesn't mean anymore an Italian historic movement between 1922 and 1943, and why suddenly in late 2010's it gets fucking traction and attention by media

3) you don't even know what actually Fascism has been, and why Italy is still a G7 member instead of being as interesting as Zimbabwe -- that is: you're an ignorant faggwho doesn't know that Fascism basically invented free medical support for everyone, invented free state retirement plan for everone ("pensions"), invented unemployment benefits while making fiscally profitable employment (thus defeating unemployment), fiscal benefits for every family having a newborn, defeated politicians corruption, defeated mafia, improved universities, plus the heavy work on railways, submarines, aviation, guns, cars, ships (you can't even name a fucking reason why Italy has had metallurgical, micromachinery, home appliances factories), went as far as to create a "celibate tax" inducing men to marry when 18-20 instead of 30-40... and you only think about Hurr Durr Racist Laws prohibiting Jews to hire non-Jews youngsters as butlers.

4) you only talk about violent/nonviolent and the usual "politically correct" shit about diversities, backgrounds, defending marginalized groups... -- that is: you are a faggot adding ignorance to ignorance, and sympathize to faggots like you who think "Hurr Durr our grandfathers went in Italy to get shot and killed because Muh Fascism Reeee Fascism Hurr Durr". Result: the anti-fascist "liberated" Italy gained again corruption, mafia, unemployment, the most powerful Communist party, and every fucking Hollywood trend (gayness, drugs, porn, abortionism...)

>Do they though?
Why don't you ask the people who had their speeches cancelled due to the threat of Antifa, or those who were violently attacked in the middle of saying something the Antifa tyrants didn't like

>Saying things that are not true and by their utterance hurt people is not protected.
The 1st amendment protects freedom of speech and religion. So it doesn't matter if someone feels hurt by something someone said.

Being black and getting called "nigger" is no different than being white and getting called "cracker" or being Mexican and being called "spic".

And this is what an ANTIFA argument boils down to. "You're white so you never suffered before like a black person." You honestly need to get some actual perspective on life. Riddle me this. If a homeless white person is on the street and a black successful business is making millions, is the black person still more oppressed because someone maybe have called him the n word.

Concern troll is concern troll

>The 1st amendment protects freedom of speech and religion. So it doesn't matter if someone feels hurt by something someone said.

Offensive speech is exactly what he 1st amendment is there to protect. Who the fuck would be shutting down speech if they weren't offended by it?

Logically the 1st amendment is there to protect somebody who is saying something somebody else doesn't want them to say.

>How can someone stand up and say "Oh I really hate those anti-fascists" and declare themselves to NOT be a fascist?

This is literal witch hunt logic.

During the actual Witch Hunts, being against witch hunting was considered a sign of being a witch.

Most SJWs would still say yes, the black is more oppressed.

Shouting fire in a crowded auditorium is not protected speech, although untested in the courts to my knowledge, saying racist shit should not be protected because it actually and measurably hurts the people who believe they are being stereotyped,

>what is wrong with being anti-fascist
>pic related, ISIS loves you
>you are the fascists

and of course you and your self appointed thought police get to decide what is and isn't racist, right?

Condeming a person for the color of their skin and not looking at their individual actions as a person would be racist, right?

Well, unless the person is white? Right? Because fuck white people!

Anyone else find it ironic that anti-fascists use the same colors Hitler's Nazi party used?

>mfw anti-fascists are fascists

Antifa are the good guys
>ISIS supports them and they burn free speech signs

Faggot detected. If you don't believe in free speech for the people you despise the most, you don't believe in free speech. Fuck you you nigger dick sucking trap. I hope that hurt your feelings.

How is it hard to figure out what stereotypes are? How hard is it to treat people you have yet to meet with respect?

Both the terms Nazi and Fascist are so overused and diluted it is fucking ridiculous. Both were specific political movements in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.

Nobody today is a fascist or a nazi. Yes there might be a few hundred fringe cult members who are insignificant.

People who seriously use either term to label somebody are idiots who have no argument. Just like how they scream racist and sexist, they scream nazi and fascist to try and shut down discussion and demonize their opponents.

Because Nazi's, Fascists, Sexists, and Racists are all bad! You don't want to be bad do you?

Ask that to all the masked antifa openly attacking white males for being nothing more than white.

They call people nazis, fascist, sexist, and racist without even hearing a single thing they say. Antifa is the one using self created stereotypes and broad generalizations to demonize individuals.

Antifa are the racists.

I can use any rifle as an assault rifles. Durr hurr AR 15s are bad. Fuck you, I have a Springfield M1A in 7.62x51 mm with a Leatherwood optics on it that can really fuck shit up. Better have a trauma plate in your bullet proof vest, cause it will punch through that. Evil black rifles. Fuck you.

>Antifa accepts all

Pretty sure you dumb fuckers don't accept patriots.

ShariaBlue needs to hire better shills than all of you. You can't make the videos of your psychotic members disappear with a few stupid dictionary definitions.

Tell Mr. Soros he's wasting his money.

>Why do people think anti-facists are bad?

Well, the only people who would think that would be facists and their greatest allies, the ones who call for debate with facists (the ones that call themselves neutral, middle or centered).

What i can say about the ANTIFA department in my city (in a capital in europe), is that they put themself on a pedistal and they are not very smart (i used to do stuff with them).
There were a few times where they attacked people that a respected member told them to, and it was just a misunderstanding, which was dumb as fuck and not very serious.

They did however work as bodyguards for some of the important researchers, journalists and even for people who had been undercover in the neo-nazi enviroment, which was a pretty important and dangerous job.

>why is violence bad against facists, nazis and right wingers.

It's not, most sane people who are not edgelords would give their own life to kill Hitler if they had the chance, atleast that's how it was 10 years ago.

But to be fair, the most important tactic is to not include the far right in debates at all, they need to be silenced to death, freedom of speech is not a right to people who wishes to use that freedom to take other's freedom away.


ANTIFA is a small time organization of little to no importance, but they are often blown up in the media or by the right wing to be something huge, which goes to the heads of the people in ANTIFA, and make them see themselves as heroes, cause that is what they think they are.
Alot of them have inflated egos, but every right winger who get's punched is the face have it coming.

>being this retarded.

Of course I believe in free speech for people with opinions that differ from my own, stereotypes and racism are self perpetuating bullshit that actually hurts people, and I think we can agree that advocating for the violation of any law is punishable in court including non-discrimination laws?

>saying racist shit should not be protected because it actually and measurably hurts the people who believe they are being stereotyped

If you make it illegal to say racist shit you just make the racist shit seem to be true. Especially when your justification is that they can't even handle other people being allowed a shitty opinion. There is already enough resentment between races without throwing fuel on the fire.

Never met or been a part of antifa, seems as though you have the moral high ground and can make a reasoned argument for tolerance and respect.

I just want too be left alone to fuck black girls in peace and play vidya. But these rich cunt kids call me a racist and sexist because I am white and male.


Yah but no? Just saying it makes it come true, just the perception that someone is trying to stereotype you is enough to measurably lower test scores?

They're actually larping as old communist groups. They must be physically removed.

Like it or not, stereotypes are usually based in truth. They are conclusions that multiple people have come to from dealing with numerous individuals of a particular demographic.

Sure, stereotypes are not 100% true, but they don't come out of a vacuum and aren't created from nothing.

Fuck you nigger. Free speech reread your original post where you said racist things should be condemned. I'm racist as fuck, just like niggers, gooks, sand niggers, kikes, and niggers. Did I repeat nigger?

I'm an old Anti-Fa member. I joined many many years ago. I am 36 for those curious.

Back then we only hunted down and fought Neo-Nazis and actual racist groups (KKK, New Black Panther Party, etc).

The only time we did anything outside of that was to publicly announce which businesses or homes or whatever actually had confirmed fascist or racist fucks. If they complained, we offered to publicly debate them and show our evidence---- even then this was done with extreme care to make sure we had everything right.

Now? It has gotten oddly political and disorganized.

Back then we had both left wing and right wing members. Everyone wanted to clear our areas of fascist and racist groups.

Now a days, I dont really recognize the group anymore-- but fuck it. I am old school. I still try to hunt down Neo-nazis.

Jew detected. Fuck you.

>New Black Panther Party
I find that hard to believe. The current antifa I have seen would never oppose the black panthers specifically because they are black. Blacks can't be racist according to the neo-liberals. To them racism is exclusively only a white trait. Thousands of brainwashed liberals unironically believe that.

>stereotypes are usually based in truth
False and the opposite, stereotypes are usually based in ignorance, ignorance of the individuals and of the environment they live in and the choices and systems their ancestors made. Stereotypes come from our instinctual ability to survive dangerous plants and animals, when applied to humans based on appearance they are dangerous and harmful.

Because Antifa are the real fascists. They shut down free speech, dont want to hear the other opinions, use violence on people they disagree with, demand we pander to their political desires or else you can get kicked out of school, make a list of words you cant say on campus (one word is lame), etc.

Shut the fuck up pussy