Weirdest picture you have. post it

weirdest picture you have. post it

All the avengers replaced with the face of a guy i know





Why is the top left one Steve Buscemi?

Nor a picture but does anyone have that video of the terrifying guy in diapers? He's laying on his back and has pigtails











im a normie







Someone took the time to draw this. Huh.

Is there a term for this fetish?

>kill me
here goes nothing
>Double dick Loki horn Double.
>Tri eye Dick mouth
>Double ballsakc ears
>Cock fingers
(Would be funny if there were cock rings xd)
(jk it wouldnt xd)
>Ballsack chin
>Hugh mungus tits.
dont forget the dicks as nips.
>10 pack of Head
>Knee dicks
>Hexa cock Ballsack with Tits Protector
>Massive giant cocc
>Toe cocks.
The artist is a huge fucking shitty dick.


This is oddly arousing.

This is up there










Mine craft



He could also personally know Steve Buscemi.


The fuck?





Excuse me what?




post the whole comic please


only got some pages




I take it that guy's name is miles.




You just taught me about a fetish I never knew I had.





but why decapitation











That's enough internet for me today


Some of y'all might enjoy the discord server I'm working on. It's an image exchange. Code is MuefWZC

This stuff is gayer than fluffies.









last pic. don't got anymore.


Oh, thank God!

a classic so cute


Something on here earlier

>Not even mad
>kind of impressed

>suddenly star wars
Who was this comic made for?

holy hell