Why don't we all learn french?

why don't we all learn french?
it's just so much cooler


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He voudrais Parker
Je voudrais parler Francais. Dude I'm with you. I am fascinated with France. If I had the money I would like to take a trip there

Because fuck frogs and fuck you too you colossal faggot

It's not cooler. English is in dominance, it's the international language. There's no real point to learning french except if you have plans for working in Quebec (necessary, absolutely necessary...), or in any french-speaking nation.

Is there any difference between the french in Quebec and in france? I'm learning French for the fun of it myself.

The US empire may collapse and the english dominance with it.

French is a gay language.

If you want to learn a straight manly language, go for Italian.

There is nothing cool about france, being french or the stupid fucking language

normally wouldn't reply, but this! !!

Quebec French has a very strong accent and uses slightly archaic words. It was isolated for a long time. They kind of sound like ducks quacking to me Fluent French speaker Brit in France for 17 years.

French guys here. AMA about the languague or France, i'll try to reply.

the pronunciation is stressed and not stressed in different ways. For example most Quebecs dont touch on 'n's when saying things like 'je ne parle pas'
the words and slang is different, if a Quebec speaker watches French (from france) TV or movies they most of the time have to use the subtitles. Think of it as American English vs Scottish English. Same language and you understand about half of what they say in trainspotting, but you are glad you are watching it with subtitles.

Over complicated - about 24 verb forms so many that even the French make many mistakes themselves. Sounds good - but French language is less musical than English.

They also have some words used for meaning a different thing. The first ewample that cross my mind is "gosses".. In french, this word means "kids" while in Quebecs its "balls".

Because everything sounds so annoying and childish in french...

speaking of french

Arrêter de faire vos putains de fanboys, le français c'est chiant au possible, et à part pour la poésie ou l'écriture, c'est beaucoup moins pratique que l'anglais.

I disagree - if you say something like - a tramp taking a runny shit on your slippers - in French, it sounds good if you don't understand the language.

"Un clochard coulant un bronze sur tes pantoufles"
That's wonderful

Le français est une langue complexe. Forcément si t'es du genre limité du cerveau c'est tout de suite plus cool de parler en anglais. :)

Sounds like a phrase that gets used often in france

example... youtube.com/watch?v=td1K15jw0FA

Not really.

Je suis entièrement d'accord sur le fait que ce soit une langue complexe, et magnifique. Bien plus magnifique que l'anglais, même; Mais par contre, elle est beaucoup moins "pratique" niveau langage courant :)
Par là, je veux dire que je préfère lire des livres et écouter des chansons en français, mais parler couramment en anglais.

i agree im english and we had to learn french at school 24 years ago. cant see the point never been to france so wasted 4 years at school learning it for nothing

No - i just thought it up

Tu n'es pas français donc ? Car parler couramment anglais en France à part à la limite dans les très grosses boîtes (et encore) j'y crois pas trop.


But learn german, italian is gay like french

>why don't we all learn french?
It's a dying language and is useless.

is it an automatic panty-dropper when you say you're french?

What do you think of France retaking Algeria?

Je suis Français, si, et je sais très bien que parler couramment anglais en France c'est pas possible, c'était pas ça dont je parlais.
Tout ce que je dis c'est que l'anglais en tant que langue est plus simple d'utilisation dans le langage courant, mais moins belle o/

Spaghetti, Maffia, and we are done.


>is it an automatic panty-dropper when you say you're french?
Not that guy but
As a french living in a foreign country, yes it is...

Moins belle daccord, mais je parle avec un accent britannique et les filles françaises l'aiment.

>is it an automatic panty-dropper when you say you're french?
To who? French people are renowned as disgusting and smelly in my country.

>To who?
girls.. You know the other gender you wizard. ..

Strasbourg fag ici !


>girls.. You know the other gender you wizard. ..
Apparently you are too stupid to read
>To who? French people are renowned as disgusting and smelly in my country.


Attempting to join the French Foreign Legion in May, wish me luck.

then learn chinese, not french

It's not true. The women are not hairy - they don't all take it up the arse ( no more than USA or UK girls). What is true is that they know how to eat and dress well Anglo-Saxon girls cannot accessorise for shit.


Bonne chance. LEARN FRENCH or they will slap your head around A LOT. Learn top 100 most popular words and at least verb forms for 'to be' and 'to have'.