Oregon State University Will Force Incoming Students to Take 'Social Justice Training'


They also have a website "where students can report each other for perceived harassment."

>tfw universities now have thought police

WEBSITE HERE: oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2mdIdTRe2ObShwx

Other urls found in this thread:


Holy fuck.

You can anonymously report shit on that website too.
This is fucking perfect for abuse kek

>tfw there are literal PC police

top fucking kek.

Oregon State University
Home of the...
Wait for it


Take it away Sup Forums

Current SJW infiltration and spread in academia and government would be a great analogy for a modern update of Bodysnatchers.

Bump for visibility

this is a fucking opportunity in the making

i feel sorry for ya'll please rebel against them
also the fuck is PC? i hear it a lot but never understrood what it is

PC = politically correct. AKA censoring shit for faggot SJW's Feelz

is this good?

Remember college is a place where different view points and experiences come together to share knowledge and grow both as individuals and together.

Unless you disagree with our views. THEN FUCK YOU BITCH BOY



i wonder what happens if we flood them. think they'll shut it down? or claim "ONLINE HARRASMENT!"

what else can i add?

Let's find out
something about dreadlocks

this university is in canada right? they won't send the military for false reports?

>University of Oregon
U wot


>tfw liberal cucks are trying to recreate the Stasi

What the fuck is going on Sup Forums

hur i didn't read that
i thought the university was in canada because O


Sup Forums go and stay go

Its better both for hilarity and actual results if the stories are at least believable enough that the school has to sort through them.




Did he died?

It's in Oregon.

Oh, brilliant idea. Let's just take a look at what happened to Mizzou when they tried to pull that PC bullshit


>The university will enroll its smallest class of new students since 2006
>Projections in February were that freshman enrollment could be down as much as 900 and the overall campus loss would be about 1,500. University officials at the time were predicting a $32 million deficit, translating to hundreds of positions affected.

But yeah, go ahead Oregon State! I'm sure that won't turn into a trend and plenty of people will line right up to learn all about Social Justice!


> perceived harassment
Must suck to be the guy who has to read these. 200 reports of "Misogynistic door holding rape" must do something to a man.

Its Oregon though. The portland area is brainwashed into SJ crap already. This is their bread and butter.

Yep. If we just submit a bunch of memes for "le epic troll xD" all that will happen is the form will be changed to only allow students to use it. The key is to make believable but at the same time absurd complaints, like the guy above that suggested banning jogging on campus.

Looks like sjws are destroying the public university system... Not sure if good or bad in the end... Popcorn.gif

Lol their enrollment rate will drop.

How's this

Just because there's cancer doesn't mean you let it metastasize, user

Nah its bound to be some ham planet womyn reading them that gets triggered by each offense to her fellow students. She probably will want death for the men accused to in all 200 reports and will never have the smallest moment of realization while doing it over and over again.

You know what to do Sup Forums

I know man. I am just saying that the enrollment drop will be minor. Mainly the rural area students choosing different universities. If the drop is too small then the university will just make some clickbait article titled like "Some people don't want to become progressive. But we are moving forward either way". And the enrollment rate will be excused as them not wanting those type of students.

Put me in the sticky daddy

Parker boisvert is a cunt

As a transgender, transethnic (female presenting and African identifying), I was exercising my right of freedom of expression by wearing my hair in dreadlocks and wearing an outfit befitting my true gender. While crossing the quad on my way to my next class, I was accosted by an African American student. As I am transethnic and have spent ages researching African culture and studied abroad in Africa for a semester, I feel as if I know more about African society than this student does. Therefore, when he accused me of culture appropriation I was quick to correct him, using African American Vernacular English, that I was actually just expressing my true ethnicity. The student proceeded to call me several racial slurs, and called me a "tranny" and other LGBT oriented insults. I ran from the scene, crying into my shirt as I did so.

This is totally unacceptable. I would normally not shame this student by reporting him, but as a transethnic I know what it's like to be African American and I feel as if this incident reflected poorly on my true ethnicity. Unfortunately I only have the student's first name, Rhodelius. Please make this campus a safe space for me again.

Too ridiculous desu. Too many joke replies will make them lock the form, we need to make them ridiculous but believable.



Is there a fucking world filter now?

Test: desu t b h

to be honest abreviated = desu now

where the fuck have you been bro? its been this way for months

Pussy crushing

welcome back

Yeah I've been gone for a while


Meh. The goal isn't to make them lock out non-students. Too obvious.




That's a good one

Did one because of refusal of superpozzing my pozhole that will happened in my mind (it will be real) by Canadian President Weedman II during recess tomorrow.
I demanded weed for me and my headmates and Weedmans resignation.