Hey b, any me flags around? I've had this thing for a week or two, kinda looks like a wart but not really...

Hey b, any me flags around? I've had this thing for a week or two, kinda looks like a wart but not really. Feels like a calls but has no puss or anything, skin turn normal colour when I walk, yellowish after I sleep. Doesn't really hurt when walking but it hurts a bit if I push on it hard with my finger. Any ideas?

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op do you walk around barefoot alot?

Go to a real doctor you retarded cuck

Its a plantar wart.

looks like a plantar wart, go to a doctor so that its sterilely removed

Yeah just get a normal disposable razor and try cutting it off.

Hate to tell you this OP but you have aids


This, you will have to cut it open and rip out the root. I had one on my toe for about 2 months

Plantar wart. I had one. That's going to hurt like a bitch when the plug falls out after it dies

OP do not listen to these idiots, you'll need to get some liquid nitrogen shot onto that to freeze it then break it off.

This. Dr will freeze the thing and cut it off. Nothing serious.

I don't have insurance though. Googled treatments for warts, most seem to suggest salicylic acid.

The bottoms of your feet are too thick for the dilution of acid you can find in the store to have any real effect. If it doesn't hurt then just live with it for the year or two it'll take to go away. get some new shoes.

>also insurance or not it'll only cost for an office visit if you do decide to have it frozen off. General practitioners keep a tank of gas on hand just for this occasion

I would just cut is off.

Thank me later


it would grow back unless you cut deep enough

Oh dear, that's what nightmares are made of

Search "Corns feet" on google, not that dangarous if you ask me:
Corns are small circles of thick skin that usually develop on the tops and sides of toes or on the sole of the foot. However, they can occur anywhere. Corns are often caused by:
wearing shoes that fit poorly – shoes that are too loose can allow your foot to slide and rub
certain shoe designs that place excessive pressure on an area of the foot – for example, high-heeled shoes can squeeze the toes

some options for warts. 1) salicylic acid liquid, 2) oral Zantac, 3) rubbing banana peel or cut potato on it.


Then cut deep enough. I had a horrible wart/sore/callus like irritated area on my finger. Took a few shots, grabbed a razor and dug in. I had to go about 1/3 the way into my finger.

What you think thats stupid? That it will get infected? Im not a retard. I sterilize a razor and keep the wound cleaned and dressed after. You only need a doctor if you cant do something yourself or dont have the tools.

Duct tape.


That's a verruca or a plantar's wart. I had one that went away after a long time. Its not worth waiting though, just go to the doctor.

Cutting it out is stupid.


Forgot link

Cut a round patch of jesus tape (duct tape) and place it on it. after few days it falls off.. that's what I've heard.

I got one too OP . I treated it like a wart and froze it. Nothing happen,now I peel that bitch off once a week and it comes back

this guy knows whats up

you can get acid treatment, too, which takes longer but doesn't leave the massive hole to heal.

I had a wart once. Get a sharp knife and dig it out like getting a stubborn pie out of the dish.