11 600mg of IBU- ibuprofen

11 600mg of IBU- ibuprofen

If i take all 11 will it kill me?

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youre gonna get liver failure.

you wont die, but you will be fucking sick for weeks.

moar boyo

How many then?

Only one way to find out. If you really wanna kill your self just check under the sink in the kitchen. There is enough shit under there to kill you no problem

20 ibu compared to one bullet.......

Taking OTC pain meds is not the way to go user. How serious are you about wanting out of this world?

If you have $80 on hand buy a gram rock of some MDMA and OD on that. At least that way you'll have a little fun as you go out.

Answer this op.

If you REALLY want to kill yourself then why measure out a "possibly" risky dose? Ibu's cheap as piss so why now just neck 50? Better safe than sorry. Or maybe I've just busted yet another fucking attention whore, mi?

I think acetaminophen gives you liver failure and NSAIDS like ibuprofen give you stomach bleeding. Either way, OP is gonna be lying in the ER strapped to his bed, not dead.

Don't encourage him nor anyone to become an hero with a gun. That gives the libcucks more fuel for their anti gun fire.

Depends on the current state and fortitude of your organs.

I've heard if you take exactly 11 ibuprofen you are a faggot.

I want to do it tonight.

Liver damage+stomach bleeding.

Slow and VERY painful way to die.

Death by painkillers are only for attention seeking kids.


Do you have money? Or can you get some money? Look up the helium mask suicide method. Completely painless and you can get the supplies at Party City.

Going to answer my question attention who...... Sorry I mean op?

This is how women "try" to kill themselves. It takes so damn long someone finds them before they die, then they get the attention they wanted. Hey, I want my cock sucked but I'm not gonna kill myself for some attention here!

>If i take all 11 will it kill me?

Don't be stupid.

I took about 70 paracetamol last year. Was put on a drip for three days to stop my liver failing. It's not worth it - shitty and slow way to die.

The rest of the bottle, idk how many there are, but if it'll do the trick. All im hearing is stomach bleeding+liver failure+plus painful ass ER trip. Not my cup of tea, i wanna be certain.

Your body can only deal with 800mg a day, you'll shit out the rest

this will be all but fun.... that would be an awful way to go out. so high that you're paralyzed while you die of a heart attack

No. You'll through up eventually. That's all.
You can't kill yourself with IBU

if you really want to die shoot yourself. why the fuck would you care how it affects gun control and shit like that

You will not die by taking that amount. You will be ill, maybe vomit them up. Best situation you might die of liver failure in like a week. If you want to actually kill yourself then there are much better ways.

depending on your bodyweight, you'd probably need to take like 40-60 of them in order to actually have a chance at it killing you. and you'd need to not throw them up, and not get taken to the hospital. it is extremely hard to actually die by taking ibuprofen. it is pretty easy to end up miserable and in the hospital with potentially life-long organ damage though.

a large enough dose of anything can cause liver failure...Ibu included

So take all 40 during the night?

He's saying pick a different method. Gas mask on a propane tank would be better.

meds (especially OTC) are not a very sure way to kill yourself, likely you'll just puke them back up and wind up in a hospital psych ward, after a long and painful trip to the ER...if you're serious about offing yourself then reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight, no immunites, make sure you go ahead and take just a few sleeping pills 5-6 and when they are starting to kick in have a short walk into on coming traffic...hope this helps, godspeed OP

doctor here - no, you won't die
paracetamol is much more dangerous than brufen, you can go into liver failure if you take more than 20 (depending on your size), though this is easily treatable in hospital
ibuprofen will just make you feel sick and might give you a stomach ulcer which will be painful and cause some bleeding, but won't kill you

>Get one-time barbecue
>duct tape
>sleeping pills
>laptop playing fight club

Use bathtub
make airtight
light the one-time barbecue
eat pills down with vodka
watch fight club

Pills are not the way to go.
Suck enough dick to buy a shotgun and go start a revolution

Downing the whole bottle tonight. Maybe it'll put me in the er, maybe I'll die. Who knows. There are no 100% in this world.


It wont work and youll still be a faggot tomorrow

its gonna hurt like a mofo and not guaranteed to kill you.

Why dont you go call a black guy a nigger? He'll kill you and get then get the chair. win-win for everyone involved

this. that sounds like a terrible way to die imo especially if you end up not dying

a fucking bullet to the temple is 100%


what kind of bait thread is this

Have some fun..
Find Benadryl.
Take 700 miligrams of it, which is about 28 25 mg pills.
You should slowly die in a peaceful sleep.

jesus christ your just some attention hungry faggot that doesnt actually want to kill them self

You seem a little defensive about how effective bullets are at killing people. Would you like to explore that with the group today?

Isnt benadryl just cold medicine

Yes, but it will kill you in high amounts.
It's an antihistamine.

kek actually had a friend who tried killing himself via benadryl and it didnt work. not even a fun drug tbh

Op come here we can kill each other


Do it faggot

Coming from a guy that works in a hospital, please do it right. I work security and have to sit with dumb shits like you every other day because you do not fucking know how to end your life. Prime example. Last night got a dude that tried to blow his head off with a shotgun. At point blank range he missed and just beat up his cheek. Fucking hate attention seeking cunts like that. So, please. Just do it right.

Actually its much closer to 95%

Old meme

I would not use the helium tanks they use for the balloons.

those will not kill you

Lurk moar user. That method certainly does work. It works fucking efficiently.

How about we address the actual problem. Why do you want to kill yourself?

No, fuck that. They will just want to do it later anyway. If he doesn't kill himself and actually makes it out a better person, Great. Fantastic. Otherwise, let him do it. I do not want another mouth breathing cunt creating useless children.

pussy bitch new FAG

Am dead from helium, can confirm.

Yes it will. You will die a quick, relatively painless death

a helium tank will work

OP would prolly go out and by some shit like walmart.com/ip/Balloon-Time-Disposable-Helium-Tank/129720477?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=2750&adid=22222222227059969880&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=165464780525&wl4=pla-271594544346&wl5=9021219&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=113500218&wl11=online&wl12=129720477&wl13=&veh=sem

and fail

An entire strip (12x) paracetamol will kill you.

Itll be painful, but after 1 hour youre basically beyond redemption. Or get a liver transplant at least.

Do you no longer fear death? Then go do something no sane person would do then... You may have lived a bitch, but do you really wanna die a bitch?

just fucking jump off a building faggot, less painful and quicker

Underrated post

Will she msg me?


Why not go after some shitty heroine dealer or something?

Yes I know depressed suicidal people are not looking to make a difference. Yes I know they have a hard time getting out of bed, let alone hunting a criminal shitbag down. But cmon man. For all of us. Just get rid of some piece of shit dirty gangbanger or pedo.

Don't try to kill yourself with ibuprofens or paracetamol almost impossible. You will either wreck your liver or throw it all up. It's designed not to kill you, if you wanna die just drink a can of toilet cleaner or eat regular poison like rat or plant poison.

No, but it will make you bleed real easy. I used to take 800mg every day for joint pain and if I accidentally cut myself it would bleed like crazy. If you want to kill yourself, take them all then slash your wrists. You'll bleed out for sure.