Merzbow is like a music equivalent of those feminist liberal arts majors menstruating in public

Merzbow is like a music equivalent of those feminist liberal arts majors menstruating in public.

Even if you're doing the stupidest shit, as long as you're snobby and ignorant about it, there's numale fools bound to take it seriously.

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>classical is snobby
What a revelation.

I think it has more to do with the fact that he's Japanese. No one would care if he was just some Czech guy making noise records.

it's 2001 again

Noisefag detected.

You fags are like Marilyn Manson fanboys who never grew up. Whenever someone points out that noise is shit you just repeat "it's too deep and intense for you" nonsense.

Your point being?

Noise is pretentious shit.

Why? How?

Because it's just bunch of incoherent noise and people try to overanalyze it than what it really is: noise.

In what way?

While I admit a lot of art school students are talentless and self obsessed (or even worse, generic animators who stick to the same CalArts cookie cutter style), traditionalists terrified of deviation from the norm, especially young reactionaries, are the cringiest of all. They are the artistic equivalent to an autistic alt right guy who plays video games and complains about the degeneracy of his high school classmates.

>listen to noise and lolicore all day
>don't give a shit what Sup Forums says

I fucking hate noise. Don't make assumptions, you silly goose.

now THATS pathetic

sometimes it sounds cool tho

Oh okay, i get that it's just noise.
The accompanying lyrics can have meaning and so can various noises in the music.

Merzbow literally did nothing wrong and his music is for personal consumption

what is this and where can I find some?

Literally no one analyzes noise, pretty much anyone who is really into noise likes it unironically
it's there for contrast with "normal" music
good post senpai
I assume you already know about the Tsundere Violence and Toxic Loli labels?

Traditionalists aren't terrified of deviation from the norm. It's the fact that modern artists aren't able to do anything other than cheap stunts for shock value and no one willing to continue and preserving the traditional techniques that's off putting.

Then wouldn't that mean the instrumentals are unnecessary and the lyrics can be appreciated without the instrumentals if it's just noise?

what the fuck is lolicore?

this is me caring what Sup Forums thinks
I was going to point you to but it's dead?
Good thing I have the entire site on my hard drive.

you forgot to read the second half of his sentence user

> modern artists aren't able to do anything other than...
You're looking at the wrong artists then lol
>no one willing to continue and preserving the traditional techniques
Proofs? There are plenty of oil painters, sculpture artists. There's a ton of variety and it's that you're not looking in the right places.

i'm literally a fascist and i like merzbow
lighten up faggot

hows high school going?

i graduated 3 years ago m8

try opening an art history book

You don't have to like it, but its trajectory was inevitable by the turn of the 20th century, probably even further back to Wagner even. Given this contextualization, it's worth an attempt at understanding if you even pretend to be serious about non-popular modern music (see: Darmstadt serialists, musique concrete, and so on that are lateral to noise aesthetics in terms of exploring the nature of sounds).

Counterpoint: I just like it

anyone can learn a few chords and use the circle of fifths plus some grade school poetry to write the next wonderwall. Why hate merz for making something that doesnt sound like your conservative notion of music? nobody will forget theory because there will always be dream theatres and fedoras like you to hold it in great esteem despite being sterile, overdecorated garbage

these two comments basically sum up my feelings on noise

No. The instrumentals may or may not be necessary depending on the artist. Lyrics can be appreciated even if considered unintelligible or in glossolalia.

>sterile overdecorated garbage

What are we talking about again?

From kindergarten? Congrats

yes, i am 8 years old
for real though, theres nothing inherently political about noise
there's even far-right power electronics artists

shhh you'll upset the narrative of grossly politicizing aesthetics

>there's even far-right power electronics artists
>theres nothing inherently political about noise
Not unless you shoehorn it that way

Love you

No, they probably would.

Noise music is great if you're a gear nerd. I never really appreciated it until I started making it myself. It is pretentious as fuck though, and a majority of it is garbage.

No, they really wouldn't.


Going to live performances of nobodys doing the same exact thing

This is pretty much how I feel about it, I listen to it quite a bit as well as make some of my own but there are sure as fuck a bunch of bored kids who make it with no effort whatsoever and make it nearly impossible to find good stuff or to take the genre seriously. Also, the genre itself isn't necessarily pretentious, but people who try to analyze it and act like it's all deep and shit most definitely are pretentious as fuck

The last song on pic related is 30 minutes of loud, heavy noise and I like the way it makes me feel. "Regular" bands have yet to make me feel the same way.

It's just cool sounding stuff. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's pretentious. I made the same mistake with Animal Collective - they're just a bunch of dudes making cool music, it's not meant to be pretentious or overly serious.

Nobody has to care about the goals of classical music or like classical.
In fact, people who like classical music probably only like it because they are hyperconformists who get all of their self-esteem from believing what "experts" believe about things within any given field, and since "experts" proclaim that Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven are excellent, they rationalize that viewpoint.

the irony is that you're way more pretentious than the imaginary people youre criticizing

I'm criticizing conformity and consensus seeking, not pretentiousness. Of course it's lost on you because you're kind of dumb.

>In fact, people who like classical music probably only like it because they are hyperconformists who get all of their self-esteem from believing what "experts" believe about things within any given field, and since "experts" proclaim that Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven are excellent, they rationalize that viewpoint.
This implies that theyre pretentious because they are parroting experts taste while having no taste themselves
You are pretentious because you view yourself as above a stereotype youre imagining

Ambient =/= noise

This actually a 100% accurate post, but the image you posted with it really degrades it. Noise at one point was new and interesting, but now it's boring and commonplace. It's like a party trick that's fun once in a while.

>Noise at one point was new and interesting
yes. I just use it as a mental reset, so to speak.
