Why are children forbidden by law to have sex? Sex is considered generally a good, healthy and fun thing...

Why are children forbidden by law to have sex? Sex is considered generally a good, healthy and fun thing. Why does sex turn bad when arbitrary conditions such as age reach artificially set limits? Why don't we let children decide? Of course there is risk involved, as with any sexual act however can you really say that the risk outweighs the positives of teaching children about choice, freedom, responsibility and about one of life's most important shows of love and affection?

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What a babe

>Why are children forbidden by law to have sex?

They aren't. Just creepy old people are forbidden from preying on them.

Kids are free to have sex with each other.

This is literally one of the pillars of society in Brave New World, are you fucks even trying any more?

There was some thread a few days ago about some YouTube who was making the case for why kids should have sex. Sadly I accidentally closed my tab and couldn't find the thread in the archive.

If a child comes on to an adult and the adult doesn't stop it, is the adult still the predator? They didn't initiate. I'm trying to understand your argument but fundamentally it makes little sense when exposed to scrutiny.

dude you got it go home man you won Sup Forums you pointed out how oblivious the bait is


I saw it too.

Can God just smite the world already?

Thanks user

If a child comes to a drug dealer and asks for drugs, and the dealer doesn't say no, is the dealer still the enabler?

That's it. All libertarians need to be shot. That ideology needs to be eliminated from the face of the planet.

really stralia cunt?
ok you cant treat kids as adults they are dumb as fuck they are so dumb that for the first like 20 years they aren't legally able to do anything for themselves. as a matter of fact they can only do whatever the parent or parent figure says. legaly children and minors under the age of 18 have no rights to be an individual besides the rights gifted to them from child protectoin laws. because they are that fucking dumb.

I don't see the parallels user. The drug dealer enables the presumably fair trade of goods yes. Why is that a bad thing? Is any given drug going to be worse than sugar which is one of the most addicting substances for children? Doctors regularly give children legal alternatives to illegal drugs. Marijuana, heroin and opioids all have medicinal values.

How is this system working out? Seems to me like kids leave school join a university and are full blown socialists who ignore facts and reason. Maybe because we don't allow them to use reason or take responsibility as children.

Civilization is based on restraint. People have to restrain themselves, control their impulses to function in a civilization.

Kids having sex is primitive. The younger your children have sex, the less civilized you are.

Pygmies are smaller than mainland people and have smaller brains. They also reach sexual maturity earlier, start breeding younger.

If you a civilization full of people that breed early, get pregnant early, get on birth control early, never learn to control their impulses at a young age.... how is society gonna make anything?

The people in control will have to resort to punishing people as adults, increasing the size of the police state.

They are gonna get frustrated.

Look at Shillary. Old liberals are scared of the young monsters they've bred.

He'd not a Libertarian, he's insane.


Anarchist pricks like you deserve to die on the frontlines charging against an Emu machine-gun nest.

>When I was 16/17 I accidentally had sex with a 13-year-old (she didn't tell me how old she was until a few days later)
>She had tits and ass that would blow your fucking mind and birthing hips like you had never seen before, plus was almost my height (I'm a little over six foot, she was eye level with my nose)
>Now that I'm almost 25 and you see girls with bubbly asses everywhere in yoga pants and tank tops, thongs visible on every girl bending over and a mess of jiggling tits everywhere you go

Forget about who wants to fuck kids or not, I'm more scared that it's getting harder to tell who's a kid and who isn't. I refuse to pick up girls unless I see them in person at a bar or a club that you can't get into unless you're at least 21.

>mfw even that isn't safe because I know people who are underage who have fake IDs

>having sex with kids is no different from giving them a hug

>defending sex with children
>defending selling drugs to children

Never stop, Australia. Only losers quit. You will win the title of Shitpost King back from Canada soon enough.

>I refuse to pick up girls unless I see them in person at a bar or a club that you can't get into unless you're at least 21.

That doesn't work either. Fake IDs.

In the US, the girl having an ID so good it fools a cop still isn't a valid defense for putting your dick inside a fully consenting 17 year old.

I don't understand why you uptight faggots take sex so seriously, it's really not as big of a deal as you make it to be.

None of those arguments are based on reason or fact, simply emotions. Reproduction is not the primary function of sex. Reproduction and sex are not interchangeable words.

Supermarkets sell drugs to kids. It's called sugar and it's extremely addictive. A 10 year old can walk into a store buy a candy bar without anyone even batting an eye. Doctors also give drugs to kids of any age.

because it's been proven to cause them psychological damage and we dont let children do other risky things

The Lord tells us to respect the human body.

Yes we do. Playing on a playground is risky. They could literally die on a playground. The risk is small though. The risk is small here. Psychological damage is only caused by society's reaction. Numerous studies have controlled for seriousness and other factors and found that family and societal reactions are the biggest influencer of psychological damage.


Good try Ahmed

So you have no argument other than ad hominem? Taking a page from the lefty book I see.