You know that scene in the last crusade where he has to lower his head to dodge the blade?

You know that scene in the last crusade where he has to lower his head to dodge the blade?
Did they change that scene for catholics?



Again, What the fuck are you on about?

>Did they change that scene for catholics?
Change it from what to what?

What does that have to do with the movie. In the scene you are talking about he has to be penitent and kneel before god. Protestants kneel and lower their heads at the altar for communion as well (At least methodists)

So what the fuck are you on about?

It's referring to a part of the bible catholics don't have, so they would just think it's nonesense.

>It's referring to a part of the bible catholics don't have
No it isn't.


What part of the bible are you even referring to?

Dude, seriously, context.

...or put down the fucking bowl.

Catholics lower their head too.

>What part of the bible are you even referring to?
Like I said, it's not in the catholic bible.

>Like I said, it's not in the catholic bible.

WHAT ISN'T IN THE BIBLE? The script for Last Crusade? Yes that is correct.

I can't quote something that doesn't exist!


nice meme, you sure told me!

Upgrade your brain matter cause one day it may matter

I think it's funny that the first few commandments don't even warn against doing bad things. Dishonoring god is more sinful than actually killing someone.

Abandon thread.

Op is a retard who cannot articulate his thoughts well enough for a single other human being too understand what the fuck he wants.

Kek, this thread



the part where you have to lower your head for god is not in the bible. so he thinks catholics will say this part of the movie is bullshit and he wants to know if they changed this part for catholics.
i think this is what OP meant.

OP here, this guy gets it.

Ok let me lay it out for you.

Nothing from that movie is in any bible really. It's all made up.

That scene is not BASED on the ten commandments in any way or any version of them.

It's a "clue" the characters "found" that is decoupled from the bible and the ten commandments.

The image OP posted
says nothing about being humble before god.

That scene is literally about the fact that one should be humble before god and that is manifested in the movie as the character need to kneel to avoid the trap

However throughout the old testament, catholic or otherwise, being humble before god is a recurring theme.

Catholicism has nothing to do with any of that trap and clue shit in the movie any more that Protestantism does.

Op is one of those ignorant mouth breathers who thinks he's more intelligent than he really is. He's fucking stupid and like a lot of fucking stupid people he's too fucking stupid and fragile to ever realize it.

Op is fucking retarded. End of story.


Yes. The scene was changed to Indiana confessing all his sins.

hearty kek


kneels before God.... KNEEL
