Is it degenerate and morally wrong to date a potato? Can potatoes even consent?

Is it degenerate and morally wrong to date a potato? Can potatoes even consent?

>pic related

yes it's the most degenerate thing a man can do
yes it's morally wrong
no they cannot consent (though SJW puritans will try to pretend they can for facebook likes)

Are you fucking kidding me

>one chance at life
>win the looks-lottery
>have a downie fetish

It's probably worse to be so severely friendzoned by a potato, especially if you are a potato. RIP Travis.

If this does one thing, it proves that no woman could ever be 'forever alone'

>even a broad with downs can trade up

'Consent' is an American invention.

Yes, why would you want that genetic defect to continue being passed on. Consent or not, its not right for them or you.

ahahashahahaha holy shit what the fuck everybody just let him do it that's great

These. Even fucking downies don't have to settle. If anything shows the intrinsic power of the V over men then this is it. This is why gender equality is a mistake. You can make men and women equal in every way, but we will never be equal on a biological level.

This thread has changed my support for Trump.

Now #ImWithHer

Bad user

Last warning faggot.

>with a santoko hocho
So the bins are real? You honestly know nothing about knives?

>nigger in the back on left photo
>can only see his teeth as he understandably laughs at the potato photoshoot

Theres a preeetty good chance Robbie is just a tard that passes.

a vagina is consent


>Is it degenerate and morally wrong to date a potato?
Of course, you're increasing the probability of those genes spreading.

If you have to ask, then it is.

Also look at his leg positioning, he's doing it to virtue signal and to like farm.

I actually cringed. Pretty bad too.

It's considered rape here.
Is it worth being raped by niggers in jail?
If so, go right ahead.

>Is it degenerate and morally wrong to date a potato?
yes, they shouldnt reproduce at all.

I thought dwarves could have normal kids and shit. Can a potato produce something other than a potato?