Have you ever killed an animal before Sup Forums?

Have you ever killed an animal before Sup Forums?
Post your stories.

Shameless self-bumb. This is why Sup Forums is never interesting because you all want porn threads.

I slapped a fly onto the table once

I used to catch frogs in my friends pool and throw them at the side of his house as hard as I could. I did this every night during the summer for like 2 weeks and the frog corpses eventually built up and his mom found them and told my mom to send me to therapy.

Several years ago, I had to put my dog down due to kidney failure. And I hit a squirrel with my car once.

You sick son of a bitch i hope you you burn in hell for what you did

is a furby an animal?

I used to throw scissors like ninja stars at birds as a kid, managed to kill one

ive had to put loads of small animals like birds and mice out of their misery damn cats man

slapped a fly on my friends ass with a ruler.
cut open a frog with a weed whacker then stepped on it.
drowned MANY ant hills.

I used to swoop down and catch sheep with my talons, so much easier before the industrial age.

Ah, to be a young dragon...


One time my neighbor told me to kick a snail shell on the ground. I did, and there was a snail inside and I accidentally killed it

One time when I was young a stray dog wouldn't stop tearing our trash and I was the one who had to clean it up so I got hamburger meat, mixed broken glass and rat poison into it and set it by the trashcan, a week later I found the dogs corpse a couple blocks away

bravo on the pepe img, kek'd

I would flood a gopher out of its hole only to catch it with a net throw it on the concrete and bash it in the head with a hammer till it's brains ooze out

No, but I backed over a toddler in a parking lot once.

I found some mice in my garbage can when I was a kid, the bin was empty, so they were stuck on the bottom without a way to get out, so I remember trying to fill the garbage can with water, trying to drown them. Then my mom came outside and saw what I was doing and slapped the hell out of me. Looking back on how I behaved as a kid, I'm sure they're glad I didn't turn out to be a serial killer or something

>went rock pooling on beach with first crush
>collected maybe 100 crabs in buckets
>upturned the buckets in middle of beach
>stopped every crab to death

felt guilty, still do

lol, did she send you? (I'm thinking no, since you're here and all).

used to buy live mice, stomped them to death and then jerked off over the corpses.
good times

details pls

Once I put some frogs in a bucket to try and make them grow gills because I was a retard. Then I did the old "firecracker in the mouth" thing and really didn't like it. We killed lizards...in fact I just remembered once we took some and wrapped them in foil with oil and cooked them with a lighter or something. probably still alive.

I really don't like the memories but I didn't give a fuck as a kid. It's like I used to not care but now I treat everything like it's a fuckin human baby or something. Don't like things/people getting hurt, at all, I hate it.


how do you like rekt threads?

awful but awesome. I hit a dog with a golf ball once and as it was sailing across the landscape I knew it'd hit him, and I hoped it wouldn't, but I kinda hoped it did.

Why glass? That fucking sucks. I get that something had to be done but if not animal control why not just the poison?

>leftist detected

>Looking back on how I behaved as a kid, I'm sure they're glad I didn't turn out to be a serial killer or something

Same. I used to do fucked up shit and now I look back and cringe like I'm reading about another human being entirely.

>be me, 16
>just home from school
>alone in house
>pigeons keep roosting in gap in the siding of my roof
>Overcome by wave of autism (not even on the spectrum btw)
>Take shovel and head out back door
>A few pigeons on the ground behind the garage
>Swing shovel over their heads to startle them
>Swing again and nick one on the wing
>It goes down by some propane tanks we have for the bbq
>find it trying to hide behind the tanks
>move the tank
>it's cowering in the corner of the wall and a fence
>drive the shovel into its neck, breaking it
>bird starts spasming
>keep driving the shovel into the bird's neck just to be sure it's dead
>my thirst for gore not satisfied, i dragged it into the yard
>swing the shovel in an overhead arc aiming to cleave the bird's head from its shoulders
>miss and hit the bird with the flat of the shovel clear across the abdomen
>it's last meal spews all over the grass and shovel
>pick up bird with shovel and put it in a plastic grocery bag with some bleach
>put bird bag in trash
>clean shovel with bleach and water

No one ever found out and the body went out with the trash that Thursday.

woof woof

do u feel bad?

Yes, because the difference between a leftist and anyone else can be boiled down to "doesn't like to see people/animals suffer."

Just like whatever you call yourself can clearly be boiled down to "completely retarded."

pigeons are gross AND retarded

I stabbed a frog when I was around 6-7 once
Also me and two of my friends used to catch baby frogs and feed them to a chicken


I don't particularly like them but I mean death and pain happens. It's nice to watch some sometimes to remind me how easy it is to die/get fucked up and to remind me that some day I may have to fuck someone else up to help another or some gay shit like that.

Disregard. I'm a dipshit and replied to myself.

I killed your mother

now who's retarded?

One time I skipped a run for track and went to a nearby park. I caught this sick ass lizard and kept it until the other runners started going by. I'm not going to bring a fucking lizard back to school, I just launched the bastard at the floor instantly killing it. Idk what came over me, it was like I knew I couldn't bring it back to school but I also didn't want to just leave it there, I just wanted to do something with it. I instantly felt bad after, has anyone else had this feeling?

I don't kill animals but one time we put our kitty on a leash in the yard and it climbed a tree and accidently hunt itself. It was an unpleasant experience taking her down..

>me vs anthills

Former caretaker here, I had a client whose brother was basically an animal. I forgot to show one day and he'd died from sepsis trying to give himself an enema with boiled piss.

Gotta get the job done

>be 9
>sister has bunny
>want one but mom says i'm too young
>sis and mom go out to mall
>open cage let mr bunny out
>kick it, bunny runs and hides under couch
>get blood thirsty
>jump on couch to scare bunny, look under it's shaking
>fall off couch
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

No, I was very happy when I didn't have to clean up trash anymore.

I outplayed myself

Killed a nest of three bird eggs when i was little, mother scollded me and grounded me telling me i shoukd think about what i had done

>I forgot to show one day and he'd died from sepsis trying to give himself an enema with boiled piss.

wat? more deets pls ffs.

I was helping out with contrstion and found a glass bottle with a baby rat inside. I shook it out and it looked weak and helpless, like only a week old. I hit him/her with the bottle and split the head open with half it's brain spilling out. I didn't feel bad because it was a gonner anyways and some animal would have eventually ate it. 2 hours later it wasn't there anymore so I just gave free food to some bird or something.

one time there was a mouse in my house so i scooped it into a bucket, took it outside and dropped the biggest rock i could find on it, shit was funny

37 deer, 3 squirrels, 1 coyote, 1 Turkey, unknoen numbers of doves and phesants, and 1/3 of a racoon. Dont ask.


double lunged a javalina at 40 yards. didn't take the meat cause fuck that shit.

You saved that directly from r9k, didn't you? You unoriginal hack.

also one time there were gophers in my backyard when i was like 15 so i got some fireworks and blew up the gopher holes

Well, aren't you special

Rabbit got hit by a car. Back half was fucked up so I had to stop it to death.

Shot a fuck load of rabbits and crows with my .22// Lived in a shit hole dumpy house (not mine, was temp) and got over run with ants and freaked the fuck out and ended up put double sided sticky tape on some paper with a heap of sugar in the middle and crushing the little cunts with a knife when they swarmed it. Little cunts running on my arms was driving me crazy.

Used to take an old 9 iron to the anthills in my backyard. This was in New Mexico, so these were the big black ones too. Surprised I didn't get bit more often.

everything is regurgitated newfriend

>leaving job in bad mood
>stop for junk food to eat on the ride home, pick up some delicious potato chips
>one hand in chip bag, other on steering wheel
>chips are delicious
>moderate/dense traffic but it's moving along pretty quickly, doing about 70 mph
>suddenly a squirrel launches itself under my car, no time to react
>the sound reaches my ears through the open car windows, a disgusting wet crunch
>look in rearview to see furry gray mass wildly twitching in the road before another car engulfs it and I return my eyes to the road
>feel bad but also realize if I had tried to avoid it I could easily have caused a massive wreck
>take another bite of chips
>realize the crunchy sound of my eating chips sounds remarkably similar to squirrel death
>finish the bag anyway
>chips are delicious

I like to think so.

Looking at all these posts comparing killing animals to being a serial killer is sad. You people were raised to sheltered, growing up my friend and I used to exterminate every legal animal on his 300 acres aside from his cows for fun. We ate what was edible but I'm not going to lie, it was fun as fuck learning about ballistics thag was.

You know that OP is some degenerate fuck who is furiously masturbating to these stories

I killed a woman once, pretty sure that counts

You're a psycho, and you shouldn't be allowed to be around people.

hit a deer while driving
ran over a cat

felt awful both times

Idk do all young boys that aren't faggots just kill things is it human nature or some shit? A lot of people I know have killed an animal when they're young and they're not serial killers or anything, just a thought.


No, all young boys "that aren't faggots" don't kill animals for fun

I slayed your mom's pussy last night nigga


Are hobos animals?

Good to know nigger

we killed a lots of frogs when we were young.. everyday.. in horrible ways
i still regret

Haha, and meeting me you'd never know. I love pets, I can enjoy killing wild animals but I cant kill something that trusts humans.

Come at me mother fucker.

I killed a rat with a shovel once.

I was visiting my mom and she was in the back yard with the dogs and starts losing her shit. One of the dogs killed a rat and she was scared he was gonna get rabies. I offered to go get the carcass for her to bring to the vet.

Turns out the thing wasn't dead, it was just really fucked up. Grabbed a shovel and gave it a couple good hard whacks in the noggin.

I have executed frogs.

Many of them.

I have cut one in half, alive, and buried another.

I don't know why I love killing frogs.

They are so fun to kill.

I was at the zoo once, went to the seal part. The seals stupidly dive off rocks into swirling black water, barking mindlessly. The zookeepers feed them dead fish. A crowd gathers around the tank, mostly adults, a few accompanied by children. On the seals' tank a plaque warns:


So what do I do? Toss a handful of change into the tank when none of the zookeepers are watching. It's not the seals I hate, it's the audience's enjoyment of them that bothers me.

1. your a damn psychopath
2. Its a good things frogs dont feel pain

do they test the carcass for rabies?

read this before it's gold. Maybe American Psycho?

I dunno, but my mother was freaking out, so I told her to bring it to the vet and they could test it. Seemed to calm her down.

The dog was fine, of course.

This is actually the first time I've talked about this bc I felt so bad about it at the time. When I was like 12 my brother and I got a new puppy, he was the shit and one day my brother and I were playing outside and I threw a board at my brother and it missed and hit the pupper in the head and killed him. I think that's the hardest I've ever cried

Ukfag live in a tiny village.
Basically amounts to a few houses in a field

>postman hits deer in the morning with his van outside our house,
>deer is pretty fucked up
>rush out slit its throat and get it into back garden for free meat

Another time posh guy panicking because his dogs chased down and mauled a deer (not allowed to hunt with dogs)
>tell him to go home and not worry me and friend will fix this
> he leaves call friend to get his truck down here asap
>slit its throat take it home and butcher it for meat

>rat stuck in bin at work so waitresses say they cant take the rubbish out
> smash its head in with a shovel

>neighbours kids feed a pheasant that lands in their garden everyday
>Playing with air rifle and the pheasant lands in my garden
>shoot it in face and go grab it
>ukfag so not a realgun have to break its neck
>butcher it for meat



gave a toad i found a "bath". it included holding the toad under water and bringing back up after 15 seconds, and repeating. Then i dropped it off of my 3rd story window onto hard gravel. i was 9.


how does pheasant taste?


I threw a cat down a hole and stoned it to death.

>be around 4-5yo
>my cousin and i found a litter of kittens
>they stink
>we decide it's bath time for those bastards
>to the washing machine they go
>kittens obviously don't survive
>we feel bad for killing those kittens
>best thing we can do is mummify them
>we apply tons of bengay and wrap them up in tp
>we store them in the attic

eventually parents found out about this because of the smell of decaying flesh and get lectured about death and animal abuse

to this day i still find this act kind of amazing

Gamey would be the best word i guess. It tasted better than farmed pheasant but not as strong as hung wild pheasant

mee ouch

Yeah. Most of them were to end their suffering though. I also hunt. Usually after taking game I prey to Hircine for the wonderful beast he has let me slay and thank the creature for the delicious meat I will feast on.


i wanna share a log from Andy Sixx with you.

>we apply tons of bengay and wrap them up in tp

jesus christ you demented fuck, why bengay?

>I am the reason frogs and toads are endangered
please kys immediately