>Be me, poor Southern farmer in the 1860s.
>Don't own any slaves, only 1 percent of my state actually does.
>Don't want succession, yet my state does so anyway.
>Civil War starts.
>Get drafted against my will.
>None of the slave owners are drafted.
>We lose.
>Come back home to find that Sherman burned down my house and killed my family.
>Lose my right to vote.
>Still demonized to this day.

Other urls found in this thread: 1882 1968.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

You know, I brought this up in history class today. We were discussing slavery. My teacher, who is of course black because of the university's quota system, started talking about how the South was racist and people owned slaves, and I brought up the fact only very wealthy farmers did and the 99% of people were poor and white.

Needless to say everybody there thought I was a white supremacist and a black girl went HELL NAH right in the middle of my question of why we think all Southerners owned slaves and were rich


History is written by the victors. You should know that challenging the status quo will get you called an "evil racist".

They hate it when their brainwashing attempts get called out by logic and reason and everyone realizes their propaganda doesn't have a leg to stand on.

The demonization of the south is entirely baseless.

As an example, there were only 6,000 lynchings over an 80 year period and only 3/4s were black. It's like 20 blacks a year, so I would assume probably deserved it or were given the same treatment as their white peers.

>Trying to have a reasonable discussion with leftists

you should see my YT feed

>Get drafted against my will.
Are you a retard?
They could either join the Union or join the CSS.

Both sides practiced conscription. The south moreso due to their smaller pool of huWhite men to draw from.

the south was still racist

even if 99% of the south were poor white bois they were still in favor of the slave economy. they shouldn't have been, since it cheapened their labor, but they were all the same. now we can move on to the real question: is it wrong to be racist?

No, you dumbass. If you lived in the South you would be drafted into the South's army. There was no choice.

>the same as white people


The North was also racist however. Many Northerners didn't want slavery to end because that would mean that all the freed slaves would come up North and take their jobs. The abolitionists were a small radical minority.

>the KKK has killed less black men than either the Crips or the Bloods

Granted they fled.
But my point still stands.

That farmer looks /fa/ as fuck, definitely 'mirin

The whole point is to illustrate that there were people who didn't want to fight at all for either side.

yet they were drafted and died for whatever side they were drafted to.

Read Steve Oney's book And The Dead Shall Rise.
It's about the B'nai Brith campaign to demonize the South as they tried to defend their boy for raping and murdering Mary Phelan.
Follow it up with a look at the Jews of the Confederacy and Antebellum South.
Then you will understand.
Whom the Jews hate, they hate forever: and usually it's whoever had treated them well. Poland was a paradise for Jews at one time. The term Polack was popularized by Borsht Belt comedians mocking and defaming them. Jew holidays are all about how we triumphed over this enemy, that enemy, this enemy there, etc..

I'm not getting this from a place like american renaissance, you can find the Tuskegee institute's report on lynching and find what I'm saying. Other estimates say that they overestimated, which isn't surprising, because they're a black institute. 1882 1968.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Only ~4,000 black lynching?
That's kittens and puppies compared to gang violence between inner city blacks.

>Only ~4,000 black lynching?

That's the general scholarly consensus.

I find it's a good piece of rhetoric to ask people why north korea or east germany had to build walls to prevent people from leaving, while the blacks under jim crow never left en mass to escape their "oppression".