Looking for a erotic manga were a male trex dates a female human

Looking for a erotic manga were a male trex dates a female human

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What's a trex?

Is that a new rapper?

T. rex.
Tyrannosaurus rex.

this was a good show

Is it the other way around?
a male dates a T. rex monster girl?
If so, i got the goods fam.

Oh you went the literal route where you just correct me as if I didn't already know that...

You're probably hella fun at the parties you don't get invited to.


>what's this?
>oh its this
>yeah no shit sherlock as if i didn't know

Doesn't work

just become a t-rex yourself:


what doesn't work?

the fuck have you been smoking?

The T-Rex is also isn't

I dunno if you can't pick up on where I'm coming from maybe you're the one on drugs. Pretty cut and dry, man.

Also the "are you on drugs" comeback got old in the 90s.

I got something like that

oh it's an actual fucking t rex

i know what you're talking about i just forgot the name

Pls help

no shit Sup Forums is degenerating, we're starting to fight like 5 year olds.

grow the fuck up and help OP find some dinosaur hentai.

>are you on drugs?
>are you retarded?
>are you a nigger?
pick one.

Thank you

here's the full album:

How the fuck does that even work? It's not like he can open a car door for her.

post in threads for the great purge.

No such thing.

The fucked up part is that dinosaur looks like my brother

I think your missing the point

But I'm serious

one question, why?

That's bad for your health.

Because one of my friends can't remember it's name and I want to read it


It's AN erotic manga. As in you should an hero.

The name is also fully Japanese

no hard feelings but it's time to purge

You behave.

Same old reason.

Do you think /anime and manga could help me find it?

Not OP, but if you have something similar for raptors I'll take it (even gay shit).

This works too, but I still want the one I'm looking for.


>all the same thing


Keep it going

But it's not work safe


And it's ded
