Dubs decides what I say

Dubs decides what I say

Ask if you can felch your cum out of their asshole


nothing, dammit

Call them a nigger

report the faggot

Sorry, since the latest update my unmatch button isn't working. Mind unmatching me instead?

Tell her you have never done the gay but she is so sexy you are questioning your sexual orientation.








First Winrar. Deliver OP, don't be a faggot

Who gets to put it in first?

I don't usually stoop this low, but I'm feeling charitable.

I wont suck you fuck you or touch you in anyway but you can blow my load down your throat if you want.


OP are you retarded??? Call that faggot a nigger right now.

Follow up: hope you aren't racist, I use nigger in the positive butt fag way. Not in the subservient worthless slave way. I luv cock

OP's risk was calculated.

He could make the post and troll Sup Forums a little bit by never having to actually call the guy a nigger. Because obviously that's what Sup Forums is gonna want.

But what are the chances of the buds rolling on a post that says to call the a nigger?

It's actually higher than OP thought. Which who found out shortly after starting this thread.

Shit, his master plan had been foiled out of the gate.

Will he save face and actually call this guy a nigger? Stay tuned to find out!

Dubs not buds obviously.