Its a Sup Forums pretends to not be a millennial when they are episode

>its a Sup Forums pretends to not be a millennial when they are episode

Hey fuck you

I'm really offended that you think that

People between 32 and 18 are considered millenials... So

wtf i hate shaq now

How exactly do I notMillenial myself when I am born during the time that is considered millenial?

you can pretend to have been born in a different year (it is possible to lie on the internet)

what the fuck i hate Sup Forums now

Well I was born after 1982, so I suppose I am one.

Be an insufferable contrarian faggot- oh wait.

I'm not a millennial in terms of my intelligence and taste.

intelligence and taste has nothing to do with being a millennial or not. if you insist on using ill-defined terms, use numale instead. they're basically the shitty millennial men.

>I'm not a millennial in terms of my intelligence and taste


>it's a "they finally reveal the only people who like DC movies are from third-world countries" episode

Isn't a millennial anyone born post 1980?
I feel like if you're born before then, you're probably too old to be here anyway. And it's fine if you're here but just know you're arguing and talking to children.

>people care about this shit.

>tfw you started this meme

I am so happy.

>being born in 1980 and still trying to feel young so you call yourself a millennial

Is this a meme?


>it's a Sup Forums pretends to be conservative episode

Aren't they all millennials if they're under like 30?

I'm one myself, but it's a super broad term and used as such.

Isn't that in the classification? I really give very little fucks so I might not be an expert.