>So is this the monster that took norm: The Bagboy?

wasn't really clear

It's purposefully left ambiguous.

No way. They would have heard and felt that thing shaking the building if it was close enough to grab the bagboy.

They should've used claymation

Doubtful. That behemoth would have smashed the grocery store wide open and ate them all for a snack.

That's Cthulhu

I loved how it completely ignored the puny humans, rather than falling for the typical movie cliche of a giant monster chasing them.

it just makes it much more terrifying.

I remember this being the first film that left me uncomfortable around people.

What was the second one?

it reminds me of an elephant, its not intentionally wanting to fuck shit up but just go about its business

Porno Holocaust.

Haaaaaaa, ya got me.

>They just wanted to share the land with us


why didnt they just nuke the facility? it would vaporize all of the mist and incinerate every living organism (unless those aliens can widthstand temperatures twice as hot as the core of the sun). anything living coming through that portal would instantly turn into swiss cheese on a molecular level due to the massive bombardment of ionizing radiation.

not to mention it would kill every alien organism/bacteria. the last thing you want to do is send humans over there to clean up manually and risk exposure/spread of alien diseases.

Reminder that the movie should have followed the mother who left the mall in the beginning to find her children and who was in the military transport at the very end.

No way, then you don't get that awesome ending.

>that random chance the explosion rips the tear between dimensions open wider

So, instead we get a shitty movie with great monsters and "awesome" ending that is actually a shitty edgy ending for teens.

Why bother?

They mist clearly didn't spread that far and they closed the tear.

The building did shake, dumbass

BIg-ass earthquake in the store, remember?

In reality she wouldn't have survived past the parking lot.

I'm sure she Ripley'd her way to her children and was the one who closed the portal.

I forgot about that too. Easy bro.

My thoughts are that the monster sat down to rest beside the store, but his tentacles are actually semi-sentient and they decided to seek out food in the surrounding area

lol literally us passing by in the truck seeing that guy with a son earlier in the store just crying on the road