Why haven't they made A brave new world or a 1984 movie yet?

Why haven't they made A brave new world or a 1984 movie yet?

Because it would hit too close to home?

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because there already is a decent 1984 movie

They did. A bunch of them.

That movie is old af no one even knows it exist

Because 1984 is massively overrated

They have made both.

There is a 1984 movie, but it's meh

And Brave New World is not a good choice for a movie, because the second half of the book is boring as hell

1984 had titties right?

Brazil and The Zero Theorem

And a big hairy bush

And pubic and armpit hair.

Are you talking about movies with dystopian themes about surveillance, the abuses of power, and how good people are manipulated by dark forces? Because they make movies like that every year. The second Captain America is about that shit for fucks sake.

Because it would be pretty hard to spin 1984 in a way that promotes the leftist agenda

Maybe they could make all the Proles black, Big Brother White, and double-speak could be cliché conservative rhetoric but idk. It would be tricky. Im sure someone is working on it.


They've made both more than once.


because it's 2016?

they are halfway through the book at the 25minute mark

Because they're not Y.A. novels

Grant Morrison i s making a Brave New World series for SyFy

hunger games sort of did that


Oh gosh, if only adaptations didn't have to be 100% faithful.