We could have had it all

We could have had it all,
single payer health care,
strict gun control,
and free college.
instead we have a cheeto as president.
I hope you're happy Sup Forums.


More illegals.

Yes. Yes I am, thanks.

I'm certainly not happy. Trump has completely lost control of his situation. He's just so fuckin dumb.

He doesn't know that Korea was never a part of china. He doesn't know that the current leader of NK isn't the same one that buggered america in the past. He seems illiterate. He doesn't know whether they will pursue nuclear war with North Korea. He's just a dumbass.

I have the right to own and carry a gun. And I will shoot anyone who tries to take it. Single payer health care will suck in this country. We don't want that.

And above all we did not want a serial killer crook traitor as president. We prefer the cheeto.

She lost cus she's a cunt

She gave up on single payer years ago. She only started pushing free college to try and attract pissed off Sanders voters. So we. Plus have had one out of three I guess.

Can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

If you didn't want a " serial crook traitor" as president you shouldn't have voted for Putin's butt boy...


If you actually think trump is working with putin still you actually have a mental disability.

You wound never get any of that because she would have to push that garbage through a republican controlled congress. She was corrupt to the core and would have been worse than Trump, she just would have been more political about it.

Don't forget that he thinks making Andrew Jackson angry started the civil war.

I see someone has been chugging the "Hey look everyone, see, we're enemies now!" Kool Aide.

>single payer health care,
>and free college.

nice try, neo-liberals are almost the same as conservatives except that they don't want to kill gay people

None of that would have happened

Please leave the Starbucks and go back to school.


>implying I want to pay for your hippy faggots to go to school or have insurance
>implying I want to have more hassle when I add to my surplus of guns
More Cheetos please.

The dimwits that voted to put this FOX grandpa in the WH are a mixture of straight up racists, poor white trash in the south and midwest who are just intelligent enough to know that they aren't intelligent and are resentful about it, and fragile software engineers who rail against women on Sup Forums because they haven't had sex in a couple of years.

you sound butthurt?

42% of woman voted for DT
53% of ppl over 40 voted for DT
58% of whites voted for DT
Avg of 49% of ppl who make more than 50k a year votes for DT. Vs clintons 47%. Under 50k clinton was 52% aka scum.
DT Got 51% of suburban vote vs HC 45%