I fucking hate fucking French Canadians. Any fucking French Canadian here??

I fucking hate fucking French Canadians. Any fucking French Canadian here??

French Canadians are superior to Anglo Canadians in every way.


If you hate them so much, why fuck them?
Also, hello any French Canadians who may be seeing this! You're just as Canadian as us Anglos. :)

As far as I'm concerned both are majority-Liberal areas that tolerate and recognize the illegitimate bastard of Castro as their PM.

French Canadians > Other Canadians

That's discrimination. I hate all leaves equally.

Sup Forums should display Quebec flags, guaranteed that 90% of the shitposts come from the goddamned French.

Classical french here, do you hate me too?

Nah, we're all one nation. No point dividing ourselves. :)
Also, checked. :)

Nah only fucking Quebequeers

But this would mean they are a country or independant area of Canada


Sere's no Canada like French Canada
It's de best'e Canada in se land

See oser Canada is Shit Canada
If you lived sere for a day you'd understand

why calling them French canadians eventhough they're not French? do you use French Belgian or French Swiss too?

Someone needs to learn to get over the past, and look to the future. If you don't like French Canadians, don't live near them. They probably don't like you either. :)

Salut jeune PD!

Non ça vient de la langue (FRANCOphone et ANGLOphone). On appelle Anglo-Canadiens les Canadiens qui parlent anglais, même si ils ne sont pas forcément anglais.

Bonjour mon frer! Pardon mon merde francaise svp. :)

Pas de problème! C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron!

why the fuck are there so many french in canada?

I don't know. Whenever I see a leaf I know it's an abhorrent post, but I never know if it is an anglo leaf or a french leaf

about 20% of Canadians have french has home language. we just make a lot of noise.

Usually it's a salty angry-phone ontarian behind.

mais ils ne les appellent pas Anglais-Canadiens ou English-Canadians, justement

Anglos are superior to yanks and frenchies uin every way

Colonization you dumb 3rd worlder

What the fuck are you arguing about. They are French Canadians because they are Canadian citizens that have French ancestry. Their ethnic group is defined by you arriving here and settling.

French Belgians are known as Waloons but there is no term to unify French Canadian