I have a tough time relating to people since i have done psilocybine mushrooms...

I have a tough time relating to people since i have done psilocybine mushrooms. A lot of people do not seem to have there vision forward. It is hard making friends because of that too. Anybody else have the same problems? Also general psychedelic thread

Yup. I'm sober now. Life is much better since I stopped doing drugs period. Including shrooms.

Social life has gone to shit though. I can be "normal" for about 30 mins tops before I get really bored of people or just can't connect.

>Pretentious blissniniss: The thread

i got over it by just thinking about it differently.
i see it all as a game that i have no choice in playing. so i play.

if u wanna talk to people, talk to other people who have done psychedelics.

Yeah "normal" people just can't go deep enough into conversational material and are way to shallow

you can tho.
dont wait for it to happen. initiate that shit.

anything else you are fake

I always do. Only some people become interested. Most don't give a fuck.

Psychedelics fried your brain. Enjoy being a retard.

Interested by your delusions? They're just thinking how guilible you are and will take advantage of your childish stupidity because you're worth shit to humanity.

Grow up faggot.

I think it is the other way around my friend

perhaps op should too

You can't enjoy social interactions. Your brain is so fucked you're reduced to a stupid lonely animal because of it.

pls dont listen to this OP

and what he said

I can enjoy them but they don't come that often that's what makes the little quantity of social interactions way more precious

Don't worry I will not

OP have you considered maybe you have developed a spiritual ego? i find if i don't partake i can start to become more and more narcissistic, can be kinda tricky to notice this happen unless it is pointed out

i do agree with what you say though but ive found i can "bring myself down a couple levels" with a little ego softening

Good point I haven't thought of that before

And how does one soften the ego

more spychedelics? lol

I've generally had an easier time with such things since getting into this genre of drugs. I've found myself more empathetic and non-judgmental, but I do feel like a lot of people don't go out of their ways to look at things from different views, but I'm sure I'm guilty of the same crime. I try my best, I guess.

In general, I'd say I'm a happier person for having done a fair share of psychs. It can really change your outlook on things, you know?

Maybe youre just a douche.
Roflcopter could you imagine yourself smoking crack and saying this same thing.
Crackhead be like "im just to mentally advanced to be part of society"
>tl:dr youre just on drugs

as someone who like psychedelic drugs, I'll definitely agree it's probably the group with the most pretentious asshats in it, but I certainly don't think it's representative for everyone who does them.

maybe a small amount of alcohol, personally it depends who i'm with, being around antagonizing people can flip me back

Yeah I guess you could see alcohol as a tool aswell

more psychdelics could work in the short term but yeh its not always great, try meditation

While alcohol might grease the wheels in socializing, I don't think the right word for it's effects would be "ego softening." Maybe disinhibition would be a better word

this being said though microdosing could be a viable solution, i've been meaning to get around
it, heard loads of successful stories

I'd recommend microdosing.

ITT: a bunch of retards who had a mini psychotic break express their delusions of grandeur, and circlejerk about how amazing each one of them are for screwing around with their serotonin and dopamine receptors with inappropriate application of 5-HTP

nah you're pretty spot on with that, cheers man

Terence McKenna on Sup Forums? The grandfather of meme's.

bit of a twisted hyperbolic view but yeh man you got it (y)

Hey man I'm in the same boat, like someone else on here said I look at it as a game. We are all in a set of games interlocked trying to understand our meaning in the absurdity. There is so much locked away within us that I find it hard to not just talk about regular "party talk" and instigate more abstract and celestial conversation. You would be surprised how many people out there want to talk about those things but don't because it feels out of place.

Spend as much time as you can in nature. Nature is a wonderful teacher.

true that!

Take it easy dude....but take it!

Anyone have any thoughts on DMT? I've done it a handful of times, been to the cusp of a breakthrough, but I've been beating around the bush on following through.

Have you done 3 big hits?

I have, but I was previously intoxicated. Sober, I find it hard to choke down those three clouds of, what I can only describe as, refined old people smell. I usually can't work the oil burner after hit number 2.

same here man, shits nerve-racking, but did smoke before going out to dinner with family and had a really great time, could connect and understand them all way better

Yeah, in small doses DMT is so light and fun. Such a clear headspace also. Even when I couldn't see my arms in front of me I could think just fine.

We'll to be fair I never enjoyed social interactions, weed just makes me more willing to put up with the bad to get to the good.

>You can't enjoy social interactions.
So 90% of Sup Forums
>you're reduced to a stupid lonely animal because of it.
not because of tripping

I'm replying to nobody in particular here, or perhaps somewhat to everybody ITT.
This question often comes up in conversation about psychedelics and psychoactives; some version of, am I fucked now because my perspective has expanded?
First of all let's just zoom back for a moment and look at the broader situation here, let's not get obsessive about the details.
We're living in a pretty fucked up world right now. The climate is terminally distorted as a result of our heedlessness as a species, genocides are occurring in many places of the world right in this moment and the US elected Donald Trump for a president out of a bipartisan, broken political system which confines you to at best vote for the lesser of two great evils. Look around you, and you see people preoccupied with utterly nonsensical issues, such as oh did my colleges that I really hate by the way approve of my new Facebook profile picture? This might not be you, but the point is not difficult to identify here. This is normality, welcome to 2017.
I could go on and on but I feel this is enough to just throw it out there: are you crazy, maladjusted or dysfunctional for not fitting into this protocol, before or after taking drugs?

I mean.. life is crazy. We live in a strange world, really. Fact stranger than fiction and all. While doing psychs have changed me, they don't change anything else. They might give you a new take on things, or they might not.

I don't believe in "enlightenment" or anything like that (no offense if you do), but this phrase I found was always true in this context: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."

Basically, things are just business as usual. You have to carry on.

"Somebody is gonna get laid in college"

I'm glad college is over. Shit was retarded.

Find friends that share similar interest. Drugs dont define you and some people experience clarification without drugs. Mushrooms helped me halfway out of depression but I have had weird backlashes ever since. Its not a straight road and i dont expect other people to be particularly fond of this approach

Not sure what you've imagined about enlightenment but with this essentially meaningless anonymous proposition I want to assure you it's real. Just one month's meditation practise could prove it to you.
Anyway, I had a similar experience to what you describe. Today I'm professionally occupied with a highly social job and I'm doing relatively well.
It's all about choosing how you relate with the world. If you always carry around this dystopian perspective and perceive the world through it, you're fucked. The thing is, you don't have to continuously put on those glasses, use them as filters for each interaction in your life. That's also why I recommend meditation for you. Having gone this far, there is no going back, you know. Best of luck.

No need for a protracted thread.
You're an asshole.
Who cares?
Assholes are a dime a dozen.
(P.S. It wasn't the 'shrooms. )

I never realized how much Terence McKenna and Moot look alike.

you need drugs for that?

Shrooms and stuff tends to fuck up the minds of struggling working class individuals. Not sure why.

DMT was my first psych. For years, I was okay with this choice. Now, I regret it. The place I visited was so advanced and beautiful, this reality just seems like such a boring piece of shit now. Just made me more overstimulated.

Please shut the hell up already. Jesus fucking Christ. You talk so much. Here, suck my cock

Trump is the wisest and most enlightened president we have ever elected. I bet you never saw him at any of his rallies. I did and he opened my eyes.

i would do anything to crack your redneck skull in half and murder all your loved ones
