So I've been prescribed quetiapine recently and I wonder what are your opinions on it

So I've been prescribed quetiapine recently and I wonder what are your opinions on it.
The thing is that I'm not really sure if I want to take that shit. Should I even start?

I don't expect you fagots to answer me seriously, but if you actually decide to, that would be much appreciated.

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Take em you schizophrenic maniac

Don't take that shit look up chemical lobotomy

Take the medicine so you can quit being a burden on your family and society
Be a functioning adult not a schizo retard

it´s not only for schizo´s,
in low portion its good for sleep and a bit antidepressive
good stuff

Are you fucking stupid? He's just taking Seroquel you ass gobbler

Do not take very large doses expecting a good buzz unless you want super wtf schizophrenia tier hallucinations and very unpleasant feelings for hours..

It was prescribed to me to help keep my manic episodes from getting elevated. I stopped taking it because it made me really groggy and I can't be that way with my job. I could sleep for 12 hours and never feel truly awake
I am now on lamotragine as a mood stabilizer and it works better.

>be prescribed Klonopin for social autism disorder
>1mg in the morning ; 1mg in the night
>literally the anxiety is worse
>quit coldturkey
>nothing happens, doctor said she does not care
>take a sip of rum
>literally all my anxiety is gone for almost 5 hours
>no hungover since it was a sip


Look into GABAergenic anxiolytics like phenibut.

Wat about the side effects? Do they happen as often as people say they do? Because I wouldn't really want to be a kind of stoned even fatter autistic cunt.

that shit is nasty poison, OP. turned me into a fucking zombie, useless the rest of the day as soon as i took it. a friend of mine killed himself while on it. another friend had a total psychotic freakout and had to be committed. it's an anti-psychotic, but prescribed for basically anything mental, from schizophrenia to depression to minor trouble sleeping. nobody i knew was on it because they were actually psychotic (except the guy who had the break while on it).

throw it away.

it's not even a stoned feeling, just a dumb, non-thinking feeling. and it will make you gain a ton of weight.

Try low doses of GHB (really low)

I don't want to take any prescribed meds anyway, I don't suffer from depression at all but the doc firstly prescribed me an antidepressant. I tried to an hero on it :(
Also, phenibut is so expensive where i live

Is it increasing "by itself" or by increasing your appetite? Because if it's only your appetite, you can still kind of control it. rite?

Where you from?

Romania, Europe, why?

try crack

Just asking.

tits or GTFO

Yeah, just said phenibut as a starting point for your research.
Some people have luck with ashwagandha and inositol is very cheap.


it seems to be by itself. people try dieting and fasting while on it and it doesn't even matter. doesn't happen to everyone, but it's common.

I take it, but only as I need to. It knocks me sideways, but I am sensitive to almost all medications, in about 1/2 hour after taking 25mg I notice a definite calming effect and the start to lethargy. The next day I feel rather lethargic.
I have known others who have take much larger doses and don't feel the effects I feel.

Tell me more, pls.

Salut man. Alt poponar de pe Sup Forums aici. Acum doua luni am avut o tentativa de suicid.

Lasa cacaturile alea de medicamente, iesi din casa si baga-te in seama cu lumea. nu conteaza cu cine, o sa te simti liber.

stay strong bro

I take them have been for 7 months now I'm on 150mg have to take 1 in morn and 1 at night took mine a hour ago just makes you feel stoned and tired but I'm actually addicted to them last week I forgot to get them from doctors and I was clucking like fuck was like a herion junkie didn't sleep staring at the wall all night bones aching sweating hot and cold tossing and turning fucking horrible becareful op there getting me off them but they do it slowly

Multumesc, user.
Nu sunt deloc depresiv de fel, doar foarte anxios.
Medicamentele poate au efect, dar nu pentru mine.
M-a trecut doctora prin antidepresive, antipsihotice, stabilizatoare de mod, beta blocante si benzodiazepine.
Starea se inrautatea, ma duceam la ea, crestea doza sau schimba medicatia (baga sau scotea de pe lista medicamente) si treceam prin alte chinuri cum ar fi : ganduri rapide, stari emotionale foarte intense, ajungeam sa ma innec plangand fara sa stiu de ce.
Dupa ce am iesit din spital i-am zis despre tentativa si a zis ca nu ii pasa si daca vreau sa mai iau in continuare medicatia.
Aparent daca si medicul iti zice ca nu te intereseaza, cand el e ultima speranta, nu stiu ce mai ajuta.
Dupa asta am incetat medicatia brusc (pentru a nu stiu cata oara) si depresia a disparut complet pana acum, dar anxietatea a rams la un nivel suportabil, dar deranjant si sacaitor.

Ies din casa, dar nu simt nicio placere in asta.E cam 'dureroasa' anxietatea, dar expunerea functioneaza, oarecum.

>here's a trap for you since you're a bro

Yup, suna nasoala rau situatia. Cel mai prietenesc sfat e sa incerci la un psiholog nu psihiatru.

De obicei tulburarile ce tin de interactiune sociala, mai ales tulburari usoare (ok aici nu sunt eu de acord, tine de fiecare persoana in parte cum se manifesta de ceilalti - poate esti asa mai inchis -, dar in dsm apare ca tulburare so idk) sunt aproape imposibil de remediat.

Fata de medicamente, ca primul meu post - don't do it.
Pe mine m-a pus pe zoloft, parca, si in afara ca mancam o chifla pe zi si erectie odata la doua saptamani mare schema nu a facut.

Iti urez numai bine omule. Ne mai intalnim pe aici.

ms de trap, ma duc acum la una scurta

>...e sa incerci la un psiholog...
Dupa ce am iesit din spital terapeuta a zis ca ''nu mai am nevoie de terapie''.
Eu, prima data, luam 100mg zoloft...era oribil, no boners, no libido si no fap.

Come the fuck on, please! It's not a "manca-ti-as" thread. At least speak English, please.

ok sorry man.

yea well bottom line, seek a private doc. Romanian healthcare is well... beyond shitty.

Take Trazodone instead
Quetiapine is not that good and has no recreational value.

Thanks for your understanding, man.


Okay btards, this thread will obviously 404 soon, thanks for your answers. Have a good day you wonderful bastards.

De unde sunteti ba baietz? Hai iesim cu bicicletele

good luck op. hope you sort it out