The whole end game of the climate change scam is to institute a tax on your carbon emissions...

The whole end game of the climate change scam is to institute a tax on your carbon emissions. Literally taxing your right to breathe.
Ironically the useful idiots who will vote such charlatans and con men into office pay no taxes at all.

Other urls found in this thread:

Or, y'know, to keep retards from poisoning the air we breathe.

first post in and its a hypocrite.

tbh the earth's climate is such a complex system that we shouldn't be so quick to say it's all going to hell
cutting emissions sure would be nice, but it's not worth killing industry

>what are externalities
>what is cost to military infrastructure
>what is cost to long run market stability

Hurr fucking durr literally the second one down is a study conducted in 2014 by the US Navy on why climate change is a thing, and why its bad (especially) for military readiness and logistical support. Educate yourself fuccboi

Like I'm no partisan, and by no means is climate change as catastrophic (at least in the modern day) as retarded pundits would have you think, but goddam I cannot stand ignorance for the sake of being a contrary twat.

Ya got me rustled, OP, good job

found the college dropout.

>implying it would matter even if I was

My source is still as legitimate as they come these days. Its a fucking study by the military's biggest and highest ranking nerds.

people who use the term "educate yourself"
are gullible sheep.

anti-science circle jerk

If you say so

look another one. isn't there a trump thread for you to cry in?

say cuck

condescending. thanks for adding nothing loser.

muh intelligence, muh intellectual.
nah kid.

I mean... I cited a source at least to back up my criticism. Idk what you're so flustered by, because my politics have nothing to do with what I'm saying.

you obviously have self esteem issues.

Well you're right on that account

isn't there a Sup Forums thread for you to be a selfish asshole in?

I asked a question. I didn't ask for your response.
you're here by your own accord.

Holy shit you're such an obnoxious whiny cunt. Not the guy you've been replying too but holy shit dude you're insufferable.
He posted an actual credible source and you're too stupid and buttmad to get anywhere with him so you're just being a cunt.

what was the question exactly?

1. You are right that it is a scam, and right about taxation being a conduit to that scam.
2. However, you are wrong about it being a tax on carbon emissions. Global warming is caused by cities, their development and growth, and their removal of trees and generation of heat. When you adjust for emissions by the growth of cities, there is literally almost no increase in emissions. Put simply, people who live in cities are the problem. Because liberals tend to obtain votes from city dwellers, liberals and their contingents are THE problem. Liberals, and largely by and through the Democratic Party have invested heavily in alternative energy as the Republican base have largely been the oil guys, making it impossible for the Democrats to get a piece of the energy game--which is pretty much EVERYTHING and makes the world go round. Thus, because Democrats have invested in alternative energy, they want to destroy fossil-fuel based energy, limit drilling, pipelines, etc. This makes them use politics to circuitously put money in their pockets via a thinly veiled political agenda grounded in gluttony for money.
3. In turn, the liberal contingent also benefits because they live in cities. Those in rural areas get hurt, farmers, those who have to drive long distances, etc., thus and again making Democrats stronger.
4. If you don't understand the above (and understand how evil and manipulative the Democrats are) then you are one dumb motherfucker.

What a fucking retard.

7/10 b8 for my reply

so this is how you communicate?
he posted an article he agrees with.
totally off topic and autistic.
as for butthurt. kid you think too much of yourself.

The meat and dairy industry is the number one cause of greenhouse gases on the planet. That's the conspiracy

this those that have pushed for global warming as "real" just so have happened to have invested in green-tech heavily
can't be when they invested first, then later took the pulpit and started legislating to kill the oil industry
the whole global warming thing has always been bullshit
i find it funny that idiots go around saying it is backed by scientists
if you actually look at the independent data (not that sponsored by the dems, which is 99% of it), it isn't true at all

OP, last time I checked most people were not titans of industry that would be effected by carbon taxation on heavy machinery or power generation. Even China is ahead of the US and most major countries on this - black soot and other pollutants have caused a public health crisis in interior of the country.

Most intelligent post itt , and maybe the smartest thing I've ever read on Sup Forums.
Thanks, user, for enlightening me.

No. Literally cattle farts are the largest cause of green house gas on earth.

What in the name of living fuck are you on about, cunt?


good reply.

ikr, another scam fucking us over in life.

so 99% of scientists are Democrat controlled? talk about conspiracy theory.

Literally false.

Al Gore had $2M net worth when he left office. Now he has over $200M net worth, all from green tech investments which he pushed legislation for, and higher taxes on gas, heaters, motors, etc.

When politicians leave office, their net worth typically decreases, and in fact dramatically.

pretty sure the carbon tax is applicable to companies, and only companies, IE) the ones that make huge ammounts of carbon ?

Don't try to pretend like you have some kind of intellectual or moral high ground all of a sudden.
You didn't further the argumentation at all, you didn't try to make a single point to discredit the article, you just dove straight in for ad hominem attacks.



fuckin seriously man? only highschoolers try to refer to other people as "kid" to devalue their post. You're probably like 17, or a bitter adult.

ah fuck you both

This actually makes a ton of sense when you think about it.
I had no idea that was what was going on.
The media brainwashes you not to think so much that we miss the big picture.

The amount of greenhouse gas emitted from cow assholes is nearly five times higher than all fossil fuel burning from automobiles and power generation. You're all a bunch of fucking idiots.

total cucks

its funny good old Al has polluted this planet more than I ever have.

Sup Forumsastards!

What if we spend all this money and all we get is clean air and fresh water? What then, Libtard?

whatever, Alex Jones

>dumbfuck detected

>calls other "sheeple"
>believes in global warming
>libfag koolaid drinker extraordinaire who spurts diarrhea from ass and mouth uncontrollably

Again. Like I've said four times now, fuel burning is nowhere near as environmentally damaging as the meat and dairy Industry

Wasn't' aware that I was autistic, thanks for the heads up dude. Here are two more sources:

These are NOT CNN or any of the other shit youve been brainwashed to distrust so vehemently, these people are paid to think about this shit.

Weapons-grade ignorance my man

I guess glacial and polar melts aren't real then.
>It's chilly out today, global warming is a scam


>The whole end game of the climate change scam is to institute a tax on your carbon emissions.


Jews and another economic bubble.

I honestly cant wait to see what he says about these ones.

that makes it sellable to the masses.
gotta have a bogie man.
private parties can be sued for environmental damages. even accidental ones.


Nigga are you really so self-absorbed that you deny global warming? You're fucking retarded. Are you a flat-Earther too?

why are you addressing me?

Because your or Al gores lifetime carbon emissions don't touch the issue anywhere near as much as cow farts from mass cattle grazing

always has to win. self esteem issues.
keep knocking yourself out kid.
remember I'm laughing at you.

doesn't answer the question.


we're not talking cow farts kid.

You're talking about pollution. You dumb fucking retard. Holy fuck

And as a bonus:

That's most of what's posted on this site. Most people here wouldn't recognize actual science if it bit them in the dick

Try to think for yourself, user.
Nearly 100% of all these studies are FUNDED by Soros, the Democratic Party, and third-party investment funds with an agenda, and funding allocated by the Obama Administration controlled Congress in his first term (Democratic legislators controlled), and left wing foundations.

All the research grants awarded required a limited inquiry into things that ultimately advanced the warming regulatory agenda.

That's not "science", dipshit.

Get a clue.

please tell me you don't actually believe that 99% of scientists agree, or that it is even "science"
if you do, you are either incredibly naive, incapable of thinking for yourself, or far too young to be here
you choose which

Animal agriculture is the source of about 51% of all greenhouse gases while the entire transportation industry from cars to boats to airplanes is about 14%

You literally did nothing but throw middle school insults at me, and didn't even give a single argument. Mission accomplished!

>pic related, didn't want to get political but your forced my hand

Point us in the direction of real science then.

isn't there an Infowars podcast you could be listening to right now?

This thread made me hungry.

ITT: retarded millenials claim that climate change is real while ignoring the legion of emails exposed from "climatologists" (never used to be a title: see meteorologists, they tell you the weather, now made up own "science", hurr-durr) who claim to be "scientists" which provide vast roadmaps on how to skew scientific data to advance the political agenda of furthering the "global warming" fallacy so that those with investments can make money and take over the planet. The emails go into detail about how to write the grants, how to blackball experts who don't agree, etc.

Sadly, one fucking retard in this thread literally goes around claiming "hurr-durr, 99% of scientists agree". What a fucking dumbass!

redundant people who use the term "gullible sheep" are redundant

Already posted it but here it is again:

The CNA (center for naval analysis) is a pentagon think tank that was originally created to make predictive models for naval combat and the location of german U-boats. Where exactly are George Soros' nefarious tentacles in their methodology?

swing and a miss. nice fail kid.
guess you hear that a lot.



can you account for reduction in ice, increased global temperatures, and increased sea levels?

Or, do you believe the photos of receeding glaciers and global temperature/sea level readings are faked?

Hyperbole as fuck dude, getting your political positions from some asshole's post on Sup Forums that's like taking it from a fucking bumper sticker.


he's right you know.

Anyone practicing science can claim to be a scientist. You seem to think you have to pass an exam to become one.


doesn't mean they're wrong.

Obviously the IPCC got egg on its face for that (and thus gave you this talking point) but honestly you dont have to trust any one model as gospel truth, like some pundits on the left do, there is absolutely consensus on the syptoms of climate change as found by thousands of othe scientists around the world (not just climatologists but biologist, aerospace engineers, and oceanographers) despit not being certain about the rate. Its fucking happening dude; to what extent isn't completely clear but to think that the root cause of this shit is that meteorologist want to take over the world then I surely can't convince you oyherwise

trying really hard aren't we?

Ya got me

since its being used for fear politics I for one are a little skeptical.

Pay no taxes at all....

Wait. I thought Trump was against climate change facts?

being skeptical is a good thing. So is learning what evidence is good vs bad.


I get that. Truly hate that it has become politicized. Even major industry leaders understand the way the market is turning to renewables (everywhere that matters for emissions like India, China, Brazil, Russia, US, etc) and it should be a basic question of long term resource allocation for a a pay off down the line like an investment, but instead the left has turned it into an immenent apocalypse.

imagine a world with no google.
the people who live there are
smarter than everyone in this thread.

its more simplistic than that.
"vote for me if you want to live"
remember the democrats want to ban private ownership of cars.

I don't think you could say that if you lived in that world.

A wee exaggerated but I get why you'd say that.
