Expedia Chairman: Trump is "Evil"

>“There’s nobody that I’ve ever known in politics, ever, that’s risen to the presidency that was actually of evil character,” he said. “I mean there’s been incompetence. There’s been, with Nixon, Nixon-ness.”


>nobody i've ever known in politics that was of evil character



>literally who says trump is evil
>so desperate for "higher-up" opinions that they ask the CEO of a TRAVEL COMPANY for their opinion

Did someone say shoah


the key to being evil is to act like you aren't

Clinton, GWB, and obama perfected this act.

Trump is not evil at all.

Sup Forums is always right

Who next? Big tobacco CEOs telling us how bad Trump is?


Of course Trump is evil. Everyone involved with politics is evil. The few people who enter politics for the benefit of others remain literal whos throughout their entire careers. You can't let the common man have any dominion over himself. That would be asinine.

El Diablo con una espinoza.

wtf is an expedia?

an ex pedo?

>Of course Trump is evil. Everyone involved with politics is evil
a, a mind reader

here's a test, which finger am I holding up right now?

>Diller was born into a Jewish household in San Francisco, California, and is the son of Reva (Addison) and Michael Diller.[4][5]

some travel program i will never use


Trick question, your hands are full of cock.

I could have sworn that fuck was dead

btw nice job with The Daily Beast, lol

half right

I wasn't holding up any fingers for I am a double arm amputee

I dictate all my posts to my younger brother

>man in travel industry doesn't like politician who favors strong borders and speaks against globalism
Wow, it's fucking nothing. Do shipwrights want us to accept refugees as well?

Every fucking time. The jews don't bother to hide it anymore.

I smell a Jew

What do ya know? I was right.

I know that I will never ever use Expedia again though.


how many shekels has been paid to shillary by expedia?