Dubs decides what to reply with. this is a total stranger to me, but dubs needs to happen

dubs decides what to reply with. this is a total stranger to me, but dubs needs to happen.

I'm you from the future

Dont go to work tomorrow

Just your local sex offender notification department. We show you might be unregistered?

You dont remember?

Tracey. Who's this?


send this



Roll for this


I'm just your friendly neighbourhood semen man, I cum in peace.

Kek roll

Re roll



OP is a faggot


I'm doing a survey on average vagina size. Please provide data.

I just wanna say that your mom is hot.

reroll is a faggot answer


OP get the fuck in here

Just your Friendly neighborhood Spiderman!

gay as fuck but i don't have time to fuck around much longer. so answer Reroll. had to do it.

thanks for playing, not as fun as i hoped.

-OP, the fag

Oh my god you're such an idiot

op is a faggot


you forgot the numbers

did it anyway

> reroll
You must be new here huh

You fuck