Fact: every single female inmate that's ever been executed on death row was menstruating on the day of her execution

Fact: every single female inmate that's ever been executed on death row was menstruating on the day of her execution.


Because you always have to end a sentence with a period.

I like you, user.

That's good, because I don't.

what about sentences that don't involve death

those crazy eyes

I'm gonna need you to step outside for a second


Lol more jokes please and also I would fuck girl in pic


I'll find more jokes... I got that last joke from a street vendor. He tried to sell me a racist joke, too. He wanted a lot for it, but I was able to Jew him down.

once got kicked out of a comedy jam thing in downtown san diego for this joke
If you're having sex with a woman that wears glasses why should you always take them off before you have sex with her?
[spoiler]so she can't identify her rapist[/spoiler]

Don't see why you got thrown out for that, unless it was a family thing.

But as any grammar Nazi can tell you, never try to reduce your jail time by making sexual advances toward the guards.

It's wrong to end a sentence with a proposition.

Very effective

Stealing that, thank you.

Did you hear about the cannibal who passed his friend in the woods?

Lol thanks

crowd was mostly women
had some drinks thrown at me and when some came on stage to hit me i pushed them (all 3 with one push) off the stage and a security guard grabbed me by arm arm and center of my shirt and dragged me out
but at least i got paid in advance

Oklahoma inmates want pen-pals

No, user, I did not.

this could be perfect for b/tards

I understand that. Punching low on a rape joke is a gamble. For rape survivors, it can drum up some bad memories. I thought it was funny, although, I've never been raped.

okay user you got a kek

Not Op

How many Jews can fit into a volkswagon?

54. 2 in the front, 2 in the back. and 50 in the ashtray.

whats black on top and white on bottom


I don't get it... how did he get her to ride on top?

now you have. You have to think about it though.


Kek. I get it.
Like poop right.

he said black not black and blue
