Trump/Bernie alliance

Is he preparing us to announce Bernie as his running mate?

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That would be interesting.

Because he's trying to stop would be bernie voters from supporting hillary.

it really would be the best timeline

If Bernie ran as independent he'd fracture a big part of the Democratic vote and give Trump a pretty easy win

He's gonna grind into the dust the idea that they robbed Bernie and should take it out on Hillary and the rigged system by voting for him, their knight in shining armour. It's going to work too.

No, he's trying to make Democrats dislike Hillary. He wouldn't run with a communist

He's creating a divide between Shillary and Bernie supporters so the Bernie fags don't vote or vote Trump when the election hits.

It's pretty obvious. Did this really need a thread?

Trump and Bernie together I'd my dream ticket. Daddy Trump to take care of the fiscal business shit and Bernie to take of all us lovely Americans.

>alienate the Republican base by allying with a confessed Socialist
I can't see how this can possibly go wrong
If anything it's to create a divide between Sanders' and Clinton's voters

>announce bernie as VP
>cucks start voting trump
>Trump wins
>cucks kill Trump as soon as he turns president
>bernie turns USA into Islamic communism

reread that

> He should run as an Independent

Doesn't sound like something you'd say to someone you were asking to be your VP. Trump isn't going to run with a broke commie loser.

it's either trump or bernie i'm not voting some corporate whore

>Is he preparing us to announce Bernie as his running mate?

No you idiot he is splitting their ticket

I would vote Hillary if he took "undocumented citizens" Sanders as his VP

>a nationalist and a socialist in the white house

He's just dividing to conquer. Pretty simple, so simple it seems more like a tongue in cheek joke.

It's ALL OVER guys! TRUMP is the NOMINEE!
Now it's time to "Start me up" against war criminal Hillary Rodham Clinton. Watch!



The funny thing about this strategy of his is that Hillary can't replicate it

Can you imagine Hilda-bitch saying something nice about Ted Cruz?

>there are people itt RIGHT NOW who want Sanders in the white house
Reddit really has taken over, hasn't it?

>egotistical billionaire capitalist running with old bum socialist jew

What in the fuck is the matter with bern victims? Are they really this desparate? To be fair I do respect Berndle for running as well as he did in such an obviously rigged party, even if I don't agree with a single one of his views.

It could completely work. They both have contrary weaknesses and strengths. Together completely unstoppable.

I would just worry about a misguided shitskin doing something stupid and starting the race war.

Fuck off

Old Commie Fucks are not welcome in Trump's America.

Do you realize that Trump is the human embodiment of all the problems Bernie's campaign was focused on?

No, just trying to court his supporters or convince them not to vote for Crooked Hillary

Trying to get angry bernie bros to vote for him out of spite for the democrats.

>yfw Trump names Bernie as his running mate