For any of the people that used to be here - post the best to remember what was

For any of the people that used to be here - post the best to remember what was.



ill accompany you all for an hour comrades

















a long time ago, before Sup Forums was a thought, Sup Forums had been developing some top notch satire and commentary. Eight years ago, perhaps ten, the kind of Star Wars/Conspiracy bread you saw here would humble Lucas himself.





Every teller worth his spit needs to hire a PR rep.




I've been on Sup Forums for about 6 years now. I arrived too late to see Sup Forums in its golden ages.
But I had fun regardless, it's been a good ride.
I used to come to these types of threads late at night and just break down crying, alone in my own room.
The past year has been hard for me, I've lost a lot of friends and I've taken some damage both physically and emotionally.
Tonight I can't even cry. I don't know what's wrong with me. I read these familiar stories that used to tear my heart apart.
And I just feel sort of numb now.

Why can't I cry anymore Sup Forums?
Why can't I just feel emotions like a normal fucking human.
Why do I have to be so numb to everything



I know that feel bro, and theres no real answer to to the why. It could be that you are just numb so that you dont break down, or it could be that you, like me, are just a husk of a man who inevitably ends up shouldering the brunt of everything and believe somewhere inside that you have to shoulder everything because thats the right way to do things


That's our nature, I guess. We become so desensitized while being on here. Sooner or later, we all lose ourselves. But we're not really gone. We're just locked behind walls and doors that we put up, to keep out the world, or to make ourselves seem more tough than we are.

user, I am in the same boat that you are. There is nothing wrong with you, my friend. We are always here for you. No matter who you are, what you've done, or what you believe. We will always be your friends, user.

Nothing can ever change that.



It's a defense mechanism. Nobody WANTS to be sad. If we could control our emotions, EVERYONE would choose to be happy. This is a minor example of that. This is your brain saying it's too painful to feel, too scary to be vulnerable and cry. The strong thing to do is cry anyways, because you can. But not everyone can.
Hell, when I cry, my eyes physically hurt. I feel a pressure building up behind them, and I'm forced to stop. No matter how much the emotional pain is or how unfinished my outburst was. I know that feel. I wish I could tell you a story about how I've overcome it and prove to you that you can.
But I can't, because I'm not that strong. I probably never will be, because I consistently hold myself back. You can. I'm not saying it'll be easy. But if it's easy, it's not worth having, right?

perhaps one day we'll end up like the comic eh? If i make it that age im sure that something similar will happen

Trips get. I'd say that's worthy.

We'll always be together. Even if we're no long around. We'll all be in each others minds, and hearts.

Speak for yourself fag

So many sads. I gotta go to work though. I work in a cancer hospital. It's gonna be a tough day today.

People in their 70s and 80s with cancer I can accept, people around my age (I'm 41) I think it's real shitty bad luck, teens and early 20s makes me angry, it's so unfair. Little kids it's fucking awful, seeing children with terminal cancers? That made me an atheist. Why would any God give a child cancer?

I still love you, user. Even if you can't stand my existence.

>Why would any God give a child cancer?
Technically a fallacy. You're assuming the only god that could exist is one that intervenes and causes literally 100% of everything that happens (or at the bare minimum, 100% of cancer is directly caused by said god). An observer god could have created the world and then watch it play out.
Your belief allows for a god, and isn't a fully logical reason to be an atheist.

Now that's something to think about. The question I keep asking is "why though..."

Then God is either an uncaring amoral monster or he is a bloodthirsty immoral monster.

Neither of which are good options.

By who's morals? Yours?

He is an omniscient diety. Why would he have the same morals we have developed over our species evolution? He did not evolve in the environment we did.

So why would he have the same morals that we do?

Why does there have to be a "why"? Why can't "it is" be enough? Do events always require motive?

Or specifically non-intervening, regardless of any amount of cause to intervene. You don't seem to want to accept that as a possibility.