Dubs decide if and how many hits of lsd I take

Dubs decide if and how many hits of lsd I take.




As many as you can buy.







2 and don't ask for us to dose you again

none. go to bed.

All of them


whole sheet

None turn yourself in to the police


Just one.


There have been no dubs
Therefore you shall do none

take the same dosage as your age

Negative two

all you have

There we go

All that you have at once.

I've done 15 at most but that was before. Done one hit rc and tripped for 15+ hours. . This is real lsd trip ends in less than 8 hours regardless of how many at once. Just intensity varies. Someone get dubs already


Oh god



oh lawd

all of them

I posted this before I refreshed

Fuck me


Rip OP

Hm I rolled dubs should keep rolling for someone else dubs?

Take two and enjoy it but don't go crazy.

Someone already got DUBS YOU MONG.

Damn don't have that many tonight maybe next time

But I have none right now :(

1200 ug

Inb4 op does not have a lsd.

Take them all you faggot (if you still have to buy them, buy about 42 )

more of her pls

I took two of this batch one before it wasn't too bad. Last Wednesday night. Is it too early to even drop tonight ? Should I ask the dubs Tommorow night?

None. Start a new book instead.


Maybe I should wait more if it's going to be a waste. Like another week maybe.


The struggle is real there..

Depends how many mics

But a sheet, start off with 3 or 4, every time you experience a moment of lucidity, take another 2 hits. After about a day, you have to be taking 5 during each lucid moment to keep it rolling.. keep going until you are used to the visuals and the trip in general. I lasted 2 and a half days like that

OP gib now pls

I could do that when I used to get sheets for 70 dollars of whatever the fuck that was full of what back in the day. However this legit lsd sheet is too costly. I do prefer the cheap rc.

The first time I dropped was 5 hits, I was drunk and grabbed them away from somebody.
The year was 1986 and I saw Jimi Hendrix in concert that night.
>The dude whose house it was put me in his bedroom, turned the black light on, sat me in front of a b/l Hendrix poster and put all his Hendrix albums on.
It was fun.

Also these are 200ug hits if I recall correctly but they might be the 150s I don't remember the night getting them. I'll have to ask my guy again tomorrow.

Thanks for the fap user

Your welcome it was good fap for me too.