Need help Sup Forumsros i wanna do some clever pranks at my school! what to do?

Need help Sup Forumsros i wanna do some clever pranks at my school! what to do?

Shoot it up

Livestream from girls locker room

I said Clever =/

Might be possible.

Lol ok awesome do it post link

Breed tarantulas in the vents

We dont have tarantulas in this part of the world and it's cold af here!

Bring an actual gun but make it look like a toy gun then shoot everyone

I like the way you twist it, but its still not very clever!

>The only real Sup Forums answer

Raise a jar full of cockroaches and just break it in case of a need for prank

Butter up the floor \m/

Hehehe Obviously!

Not a bad idea

bring a cap gun, yell ALLAHU ACKBAR! and shoot the cap gun around.

dish washing soap also works


Capture 3 animals, paint the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on them, release in school, and see them search for animal no 3...

Buy some liver at a grocery store. Throw away the meat and use the blood as you see fit.

Be it throwing it in a toilet and then saying you're sick to get out, putting it on your desk after you put your head into your hands, keeping it in your mouth to spit it out, or just throwing it at a teacher you don't like while you laugh and don't answer any questions they have.

drop a piece of turd in the air conditioning
better if the AC is centralized


The old toilet roll turd trick
Throw that at people and watch them freak out

Just one example of your possible paint scheme. Or bright orange and blue like a nerf gun. Give it to a potato and let 'em have fun.

Piss in a jug. release piss onto hallways. eat asparagus so it comes out stinky.

Buy 3 buckets of 1500 lady bugs online. Turn one loose in a bathroom. Release one in cafeteria
Drop 3rd in various trashcans throughout day.
Each bucket costs about 15 bucks. When you release the bugs it needs to be as early as you can. They don't swarm and fly around immediately. They just fall in a clump and slowly wander away over time. It will take 1-2 hours for a room to be infested. Drop discretely so you won't be caught on camera. If you do it right your school will have a lady bug problem for weeks and you'll be good to go.

Fucking genious

shit on you hand and throw it at the principal

have children then abuse them on youtube. that will really get the laughs going

Get remote controlled fire alarms and place them around the school and start them all at once!

I've seen this glock before but its still just as beautiful every time.

There's plenty of animals that are fairly obvious and fairly cheap like scorpions, but birds.

Only bird owners realize what mother fuckers they are and just how many of them are damn near cannibalistic.

At that point it's just what you want done. Finch's will fly around like crazy, parakeets will vary but if you picked out some of the angry ones they'll get aggressive, and you have the bigger birds that would cost more, but are far bigger assholes that would fly around and peck at people.

This has been considered!

most of these are not that clever but worth a mention I was a proper Btard in school and did most of these

buy a cheap alarm clock and set it to go off during an event , hide it somewhere

in the bathroom if the toilets have a top piece you can take off unscrew the ballcock (ball thing) and let the arm drop down , this makes the toilet cistern flood , bonus points if you can lock the stall from the inside and climb out so its harder to get to

set the fire alarm off

heat a coin up and drop it on the floor , glue a coin to the floor , glue up locks , lock people in cupboards , fill the toilet cistern with quick dry cement , block the toilets , loads of stuff you can do op ,glue stuff in places it should not be (stapler on the ceiling) sellotape tubgirl pictures everywhere, just use your imagination

grab a long and thin pin
place the pinhead in between your fingers
go high five people!

Superglue a bunch of feathers to the floor

Loads of good ideas here thanks!

put milk in the air vents approximately 3 weeks before school ends. Preferable out of date milk. it will stink out the entire school and you'll get the week off!

pee in the soap dispenser
that happened it my school before

Rape the oldest teacher there, blame it on the dog.