/bb/ Big Brother 18

Bridgette died for this edition

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: Corey/Paulie

Most likely going home: Paulie. But if he wins veto, Corey

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its highly likely that a girl will win this season now



so much tension between paul and paulie

victor is HAWT

mistman is getting misted by ya boy



Damage control is working overtime.People are dropping CBS accounts. Production is spamming social media site with unemployable black people to shill narratives. Don't believe their lies.



It's good to be alive to see the end of the white race.

Paul or James would probably beat any of the girls except maybe Natalie if it were a girl/guy F2.

Victoria has been working on her F2 speech for a while now.

Why are these threads so shit lately? What the fuck happened?

all the girls left including me

Only if Nat Nat wins the final 4 hoh/veto AND then the final 3 HoH

I'm looking forward to Ivanka being in control of the launch codes

No more Queen Bridgette

>paulie gone
>corey goes to paul and nicole goes to natalie as a spy

>corey gone
>paulie becomes more insane and scares everyone off his alliance.

see bunch of 70k in debt communication majors shitting up the world as usual

>miss half the vikings game watching feeds
>watch it
>miss paulie in tears in real time
the last time I hop off of these feeds, this season is starting to heat up



>Fri 7:31 PM BBT Corey is COVERED in ants, bad enough that Nicole says he needs to shower. They spot a bowl of eggs that is the cause of the ant overload.

>Fri 7:31 PM BBT James is using the sticky roll to get the ants off the kitchen cupboards



why would they do this

Paulie vs Vic post ceremony
for those that mist it


>fool still blaming james

>comfy /fridge/ feeds NEVER EVER again

>he abandons /bb/ because his favorite HG got evicted

mark of the bandwagon fan

this is the redditor ruining the threads

>nicole is more upset than corey
shes so stupid lol

Fucking beautiful.

I know there's no way Vic can win, but I'm so glad he's in the house. Hope he stays there as long as possible.

I bet they haven't fed Mr Jenkins either.

no, Corey is so stupid

lol xDDDD

I'm kinda PISSED Breadforthis and Corey are cool with it now. I was hoping for a lot of drama

Neither of them are mad at Paulie for fucking exploding, basically causing all of this, why?


Serious question: is Paulie Devin levels of delusional?


anyone have a streamable of paul saying he went on /x/ ??

>Paul is quiet as a mouse during exchanges like these right now
>then brags how he called the person out later

they're all just so stupid. literally no one in this house knows what's going on now and it's just boring

>paulie making threats to victor

No. But Paulie isn't the type of person to admit when he's lost/wrong

paulie is an antidevin villian


Hopefully /fit/ and Christmas Corey can make an alliance when Paulie goes

You're supposed to kiss ass if you want to stay.

theyre keeping paulie to break up corey/nicole


/fit/ isn't buying this shit right?

I probably wouldn't apply to be on BB because look how this battle back twist fucked Paulie.

Dr Will was right, it's 70% luck to win.


I just fucking realized Paul is in the room and he's cuddling on Paulie's arm like the cuck manlet he is

Classic RatPaul.

If Paulie stays on the block, he's gone.

nope, he keeps bringing up his eviction and paulie bullshitting about loyalty

PP is the only showmance in the house right now.

battleback and the care packages fucked paulie

Paulie's entire world is crumbling around him lads.


Paulie fucked Paulie

me right now


They're just all so stupid this isn't even entertaining



But who screwed Bret?

>We've been PPing on people


paul and victor are chilltown the next generation

4/10 mediocre

Degrassi: The Next Generation*

This is the most gameplay we'll see this season and it's still honestly so shitty. No one on the losing side is trying to fight to stay, and everyone that isn't in immediate danger is doing literally nothing. This is as uneventful as it can possibly be.


Can we talk about how Paulie has been wearing the same outfit for pretty much the same 3 days

and right now Paul are screaming about this Paul v Paulie confrontation but Paul is completely lying and even just walked away

it is so fucking boring and terrible


This season if you stand out, you go home. Plus they're all afraid of getting veto'd onto the block.
>Da tries to make a move
>Kicked out
>Bridge tries to make a move
>Kicked out
>Paulie tries to make a move
>Kicked out

damn america, looks like this is the season of bouncing checks

This payoff wasn't worth the entire first half of the season being absolute dogshit and fbt getting dismantled in back to back weeks

This whole season has been loose lips. Everyone knows everything at all times.

They need to cast a few more gameplayers next season.

Frank is retweeting comfy things, making my sorrow get a little smaller.

This, it's all drama, nobody is this house tries to push or make big moves for the excuse. "I don't want blood on my hands"

Thanks for this bro

Sup cameraman, I see you.

No. They're the Renegades 2.0

Paul is Dan
Vic is Memphis

>Paulie gets aggressive about James covering faces on the wall
>Nicole freaking out about what Paulie told Vic

The dark-yet-with-redeeming-qualities timelime


THIS holy shit, everyone's trying to be everyones friends and everyone's a snitch, there's not a single real allience in the house.

Everyone who tries to stand out, do anything or makes moves get's kicked out by the majority. It's like there were people who wanted to play but everyone else wants to kickback and socialize, and heaven forbid you want to put up one of the popular kids for eviction, you're getting kicked.

It's full summer camp mode.

Yeah Jozea was cocky but at least he had more courage than everyone else, all these people just go with the house.

Fridge is always comfy.

victor saving mr.jenkins

>Pancake ass

At least Bronte is in this picture

Season 19 will be good, r-right?

no vets so maybe

It's gonna be shit because they're gonna stack the cast to be more in favor for the girls more so than they did this season.

The fuck is up with his eye?

Yet they still won't win

Now everyone is jumping on the Vic bandwagon. /bbg/ already knew Vic was cool. Welcome to the /fit/train.

He's asian bro

As long as they are entertaining to watch that is all that matters.

Cheeky Devinbro

I'm guessing since it'll be online only and Robyn Kass isn't casting, that they might actually cast good people that want to play hard.

Been waiting for the fall season since it got announced.

Why you should hate Paul:

>was on losing side of house originally but thought he was winning and was the most annoying person you've ever seen
>after one eviction realizes he's on the losing and cries all day
>throws his only friends under the bus to try to make new friends
>some succeeds making new friends and is sake
>the losing side of the house starts throwing his new friends under the bus
>he joins the losing side AGAIN just because he's in the room
>he then votes out the person that started the losing side (bridgette)
>has now made the losing side the winning side and is now throwing the new losing side (paulie/corey) under the bus even though they're the only reason he's still there

he has ruined everything fun that could possibly ever happen. he also got out /fbt/

Who applying for next season here? BB could use some strong girl competitors.