I broke a doves neck and this little shit still lives

I broke a doves neck and this little shit still lives
what should I do?
slit it's throat?

Shove it up your ass and leave it there a couple of days.

Bite its head off.

grab a log or rock and smash it. Should kill it instantly unless you have baby arms.

just jump off the highest building you can find

Rip its head off, if it's broken it shouldn't feel much.

You'll feel more manlier if you smash it flat with a large object. Just saying.

try shooting it you fuckin faggot

I want to dissect it and not smash all of it's bones

condoms are extremely important kids
especially Trojan bareskin condoms
because those are for when I wanna feel EVERYTHING as I'm sliding in and out of your mother's pussy on your living room coffee table.

Their heads pop off real easy like.

like I said I want to dissect it and keep most of it's bones intact

take pictures please

current state or after i dont care

Then microwave

I could but my cam is shit so don't expect high quality pics

Also, a dissection would eventually be Fatality!

Sauce: I kill things for the lulz

More smoking animals please


Where is the chalk and crack cocaine baggie?

hold it by the wings, with the wings back and away from its body
give it a few sharp whacks on the back of the head with a stick or some similar object. I worked on a shoot and that's how we'd finish off any birds that were hit but didn't die immediately

holding it like that means you don't risk getting scratched by the feet, which can carry bacteria.

Break your own neck you piece of shit.

you're a pussy
these are just parasites

you're doing so good

>killing animals makes me a tough guy
it doesn't

Why did you break its neck?