Hey retards, you regret voting for him yet?

Hey retards, you regret voting for him yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nope. I'm very satisfied with his progress so far actually.

>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Muslim bans nuked over and over
>Stays in NAFTA after Exxon told him he's stupid and Canada and Mexico tells him to get stuffed.
>No Wall funding, Congress flat out told him to get stuffed.
>So ignorant he got schooled by China on North Korea
>So stupid, the Queen of England had to school him on how the EU works.
>So idiotic he admitted being ignorant about NATO when he claimed it was obsolete
>Filled cabinet with Globalists and gave Treasury to Goldman Sachs despite saying all the opposite during the campaign
>talked smack about executive orders for years, yet that's all he did in 100 days
>talked smack about Obama playing golf for years, yet that's all he does during weekends
>has spent on travel in 3 months as much as Obama in 2 years.
>wastes taxpayers money with his wife staying in NY costing hundreds of thousands of dollars every day
>only achievements are deregulation to allow more polluted air and water and to allow bankers to screw clients with no consequence and purging real science from web sites.
>plans to send US in bankruptcy with the biggest corporate tax cut ever, making the rich even richer and screw 90% of the country
>Allowed ISPs to collect and sell your Internet data history
>First budget proposal eliminates jobs and retraining programs coal states used to recover jobs.
>Three tier tax plan arbitrarily raises taxes on half the country - including half his own supporters. (Not Taxed Enough Already?)
>In a FOX internew, said of constitutional checkes and balances, “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”

Tired of winning yet?

Nope! And never will, either.

Do you regret being the edgy, angry, bitter loser faggot, yet?


nope! and never will either.

Are you kidding? I'm laughing my ass off.
In every way, Trump represents you stupid, narcissistic ignorant sperging Amerifats better than anyone ever could. He is the epitome of every ugly American stereotype we have ever seen.
It's absolutely hilarious. The fact that you morons made him your POTUS is just perfection.

It's become obvious that you've confusing the word "impeach" with "recall". They don't mean the same thing.

Only retards quote "lolgop"

Only retards try to deny the truth by trying to attack the source.



WWIII out here


How many sand niggers did Trump kill in Syria and FagGhanistan so far with his bombings?

this one is a bit more accurate

>Buy American Hire American

Restore coal jobs

is the wall almost done yet?

>Bomb the shit out of ISIS.

Yeah how many people did that MOAB kill? 25 was it?

golly! a whole
jobs! no way!


lol, and most of the jobs he "brought back" he had NOTHING to do with. he just likes to take credit for shit he didn't do.

buyer's remorse

that said, if I were conservative I wouldn't regret my vote, you'll have Gorsuch on the bench for decades.

oh damn I actually typed it correctly.

lmao, a meme from lolgop

I didnt vote for him, idiot.

He's done nothing but go golfing though.

Voted for the bitchy she-bitch, but in all fairness Trump's done nothing but "save" late night talk shows and crap like SNL..

What's next, a meme from Occupy Democrats?

you can't really be this stupid, can you?

nah, douchebags do it too.

and CNN

seriously. i like how the unemployment numbers magically went from total lies to definitely true after he assumed the office.

No lol

Nope, because it still makes you mad.

lmao, you're too stupid to even reply to a post.

I know who you are



>In every way, Trump represents you stupid, narcissistic ignorant sperging Amerifats better than anyone ever could. He is the epitome of every ugly American stereotype we have ever seen.
As an American I'm ashamed to say this is correct. We have gotten the President and government that we deserve.

>his bombings
>implying he has shit to do with the military and doesn't just let them make their own decisions, taking credit when successful and blaming generals when not
sure kid


I know who you are too

No, I'm on my phone while out and about. Because I actually get out of the house, unlike you

>We have gotten the President and government that we deserve


>We have gotten the President and government that we deserve.
That's because democracy is a fucking retarded concept that, like communism, only works properly on paper

have some OC

The 1% own this country, it makes zero difference who the president is.

But by all means, keep fighting over 'social issues' that will fix it for sure.

>out and about and has nothing better to do than look at Sup Forums


Nope nopetty nope nope nope. Cause he isn't a war mongering retard communist xD get fucked and hanged faggot


Keep posting those dank memes, you fat loser

did kellyanne conway die? is she locked away somewhere



the law, of course.

the real question you should be asking is: how many parties does the republican party actually consist of?

>Cause he isn't a war mongering
oh he will be. we are backing a massive saudi assault in yemen in the near future. why do you think McCain is suddenly pro-trump lol. 15B new monies for defense.


I had no love for Hillary and I was repulsed by Trump, but I pulled the lever for him anyway.

Maybe he'd actually clean up his act when he won
Maybe there was some kind of genius behind this meteoric rise?

Nope. He's still picking fights he doesn't need to fight. He's still allowed to spout whatever garbage he wants on Twitter. He still appears to be focused on making him and his rich buddies even richer.

What really bugs me though is that if DONALD TRUMP can't break Washington D.C, what's it gonna take?

nope, he makes me proud every day... I'm not being sarcastic.

She's away for routine work. All she is is a skeleton somebody stretched a layer of skin around and taught it to walk and talk and be extra shitty to people. Every now and then they need to re-tighten the skin.

I don't know, are liberals not freaking the fuck out and sperging like the world is ending?

Oh, they still are? Then I don't regret it yet. Get back to me when they've calmed down and I might be having second thoughts.

Probably not though, because his great strength will still be: He's not Hillary Clinton.

err, wut. the warmongering is yet to be determined, he's certainly been posturing in that direction.
as to the retard comment, anyone who says
"nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated"
after having blustered on about how easily they were going to fix healthcare is a retard.
and shall we discuss how he thought being the president would be easier than being a ceo? that's potato level intelligence right there.

>can't back up beliefs using past behavior as evidence
>just keep saying future behavior will change



yeah I get how it works - that is what makes the pic funny.

>making him and his rich buddies even richer.

I never had any doubt this is what he would spend his time doing. At least Hillary would work for fixing the ACA, and I could trust her not to be totally fucking insane. She would have been much harder on the banks too. Shit, Trump owes a german bank 600M. American banks won't even loan him money anymore... So of course he is gonna get in good with wall street. They are his people.

>get rid of estate tax
That will save his family like 600M when he dies.


He wasn't my first choice but compared to Hillary he was obviously the right choice

5'10" and 170lbs. a bit overweight but no really fat. not like trump fat anyways

The fact that these Muricans are so proud of him tells us everything we need to know about them.

Please build your wall all the way around yourselves... AND STAY BEHIND IT.


gave up a billionaire lifestyle?!!?!!? for real?!!?! i seriously hope you don't believe this.


You mean regress.

Just give up, OP.

If they cared about logic, they never would have voted for him in the first place.

This is about self-loathing losers trying to crap on everyone else.


I love what hes doing.
the flow of illegals has decreased over 70%
working on building the wall
trying to remove Obama care so I wont get fined anymore for being too poor to afford health insurance
Trying to give me tax brakes so i can afford to live better
Finally somone is trying to clean up the mess of North Korea which Obama let get out of control
He got china on the side of the USA more than ever.
Hes deporting lots of Illegal immigrant criminals
He got the steel mill by my house going again for the first time in 7 years
He got the miners around where i live back to work
Hes finally calling out the media for how they act and lie all the time especially CNN who used info from Sup Forums a few times to try to take him down like the whole piss video where they showed parts of a K West music video claiming it was trump.
Hes trying to stop the terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa
Hes preserving our 1st and 2nd amendment rights which the dems are trying to do away with
Hes fixing the school lunch problems
Hes trying to Fix NAFTA and if not than replace it or pull out
Hillary or Sanders isnt President which would have destroyed the USA
He wants to address the National Debt problem which Obama let get out of control which is causing the Economy to slow and is why we have such slow growth and why we have so many problems funding anything at all. if the national debt wasnt so High we could easily fix everything and fund almost anything without any problems
Wants to stop the Cancer of ISLAM which dems are in love with

Im loving the direction trump is pushing



Be right there, mom. Posting some anti-Drumpf memes again, lmao


>He wants to address the National Debt problem which Obama let get out of control which is causing the Economy to slow and is why we have such slow growth and why we have so many problems funding anything at all. if the national debt wasnt so High we could easily fix everything and fund almost anything without any problems
how do you think he is attempting to fix the national debt?

>gave up billionaire lifestyle

He was on reality TV show on NBC, which is akin to a mob boss holding up a liquor store

Morons gotta moron

nice quads. too bad you are a retard.

Here have a read about how we are going to escalate the war in Afghanistan: nypost.com/2017/05/02/team-trump-is-leaning-toward-a-new-afghan-surge/

I don't have any "past" experience from Trump because 1) he is a consummate liar and changes his stories constantly 2) All he has done in his first 100 days is maintain our interventionist status quo. Oh and he bombed Syria - that was new. Antagonizing the russians, like all the Sup Forums bitches said Hilary would.



>Hasn't done shit.
Hahaha you guillible faggot.


this is priceless

pooooor old trumpypoo. HE LOVES AMERICA!!!!! I know this is bullshit - but I really hope there aren't people out these who believe this.

fake news


KIll yourself


8 more years of people bitching

he's doing a great job and any idiot that says he has done nothing so far is being willfully ignorant and/or trolling.


for those who think he hasn't done shit, I have 2 words for you: " Neil motherfucking Gorsuch"


Lose with all three

>I love what hes doing.
>the flow of illegals has decreased over 70%
Taking credit for Obama's work
>working on building the wall
getting nowhere
>trying to remove Obama care so I wont get fined anymore for being too poor to afford health insurance
He already gave up
>Trying to give me tax brakes so i can afford to live better
Tax proposal RAISES taxes on half of Americans - including half his supporters.
>Finally somone is trying to clean up the mess of North Korea which Obama let get out of control
China cucked his ass
>He got china on the side of the USA more than ever.
China thinks he's a fucking child
>Hes deporting lots of Illegal immigrant criminals
Making and breaking promises over and over
>He got the steel mill by my house going again for the first time in 7 years
Had nothing to do with it.
>He got the miners around where i live back to work
Now we know you're a lying sack of shit
>Hes finally calling out the media for how they act and lie all the time especially CNN who used info from Sup Forums a few times to try to take him down like the whole piss video where they showed parts of a K West music video claiming it was trump.
Cherry picking
>Hes trying to stop the terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa
More people die in America by right wing terrorism than left wing terrorism.

He could have just stayed on his properties gong back and forth in his jet but instead he is working to change laws and help people. I knew he wouldn't be perfect but my point was that the choice was easy imo.
Take it easy Sup Forumsro

nice troll brah.