What happens here?

what happens here?

jammu :D



what´'s so funny my autistic friends?

designated shitting mountain

South Asian is still asleep probably, but if you must know nothing much happens on Paki and China parts, mostly tourist destinations. In Indian part there is a lot of separatists because the people are Muslim and they wanted to be Paki after partition but their leader was Hindu. Also there are apparently 500,000 Indian soldiers there rn keeping a lid on that thing

lots of riots and violence
the population are muslim and want to rejoin pakistan, but their leader at the time of the partition was hindu. India refuse to let them vote on joining pakistan because they know they'll win
both countries have gone to war over the region before too

from what I've heard it's a lovely place

I have a Pakistani co-worker. Really chill guy, really cool. However when I got him to talk about Kashmir he constantly said that he wouldn't surrender a single mile.

Cuius regio, eius religio

Also just to play devils advocate why don't they just fuck off then? No ones stopping them. They just want gibmedats of land

Because they've lived there for generations? This is such a fucking dumb question

>join pakistan

That's like Kosovo wanting to be absorbed by Albania

Life would unironically be better for them in Pakistan

Not their land though is it. Belonged to the local nobles and now to the indian government, so they want to take land that's not theirs

Not really, all the provinces in the Raj that were muslim wanted to be Paki, of course that later changed with Bengladesh. Look up some of the votes they held in KPK for example where it was thought Pashtuns wouldn't want to be Paki, they all overwhelmingly voted paki

What are you trying to say? Pakistan and India were both part of the British Raj. The partition should have put Kashmir in Pakistan and not India when both states formed, but it didn't because of some bullshit pulled by the ruler of Kashmir that didn't represent the desire of the Kashmiri people which was what the partition was meant to be based on.
Obviously it's never been part of Pakistan, but they still have a valid claim on it, especially since the vast majority of Kashmiris want to leave India

Back in 1947, Kashmir wanted to be independent and not join either side. Then the Pakistani army invaded in an attempt to forcibly assimilate them.
Not that I blame them for it. It had a large Muslim population and letting it be independent with India right beside it probably seemed dangerous to them.
Of course then the genocide, rapes and exodus of other communities began and the ruler of Kashmir ended up asking India to intervene. We said we won't unless he signs the Instrument of Accession. He did and we went to war.

This dispute has led to the present situation where we've had over 4 wars and countless skirmishes over this piece of land.

>especially since the vast majority of Kashmiris want to leave India
Kashmir actually has better electoral turnouts that most other states.
It's pretty clear that "most" prefer India/independence over Pakistan.

The elections aren't for independence or staying with India, there for government. You still have to govern yourself even if you consider yourself occupied.

South Asia is waking up prepare for flames.

Reconciliation idea: Give Kashmir to Perú

Kashmir gov't wanted to be independent, the people didn't hence the rebellion, and the Pashtun invasion, and later Pakistan intervention. India is better w/o/ kashmir tbqh its the welfare queen of the country.